AndreCorbeilPURE EVIL! Dr. 'Stanley Plotkin' Reveals the Horrific ''Ingredients'' Added To Childhood Vaccines Dec. 5, 2024. Childhood Vaccines, EVIL, Dr. 'Stanley Plotkin, Big Pharma, Reveals, Horrific, 'Vaccine Ingredients, Childhood, Vaccines, Pharmaca, Additives, MRNA, DNA, RNA, nanotechnology, nano, Aluminium, Witchcraft, Toxins, Poisons, Chemicals, Injections, Vax, the shot, flu shots, flu, Autism, Cancer, Myocarditis, And this evil man is still alive and in his 90's Where Is Karma? - From Wikipedia: "Today, in addition to his emeritus appointment at Wistar, he is emeritus professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania. His book, Vaccines, is the standard reference on the subject". unquote. He shows no remorse. Has a similar face to Klaus Schwab Imagine letting this literal demon near your children? WAKE UP MY FRIENDS! Imagine putting what this monster has invented inside your children? Mirror From UNDERSTANDING THE LIES https://old.bitchute.com/channel/right_wing_nuclear_armed_aussie/ Dr, Big Pharma, SILENCED Scientists, Dec. 2024, 12/04/2024, 12/04/24, 12/04/2024, 12-4-2024, 12-4-24, 2024-04-12, 2024/04/12, Dec. 04. 2024, December 04. 2024, Jan. 2025, January 2025, 2025, Dec. 2024, 12/05/2024, 12/05/24, 12/05/2024, 12-5-2024, 12-5-24, 2024-05-12, 2024/05/12, Dec. 05. 2024, December 05. 2024, Jan. 2025, January 2025, 2025, Dec. 2024, 12/06/2024, 12/06/24, 12/06/2024, 12-6-2024, 12-6-24, 2024-06-12, 2024/06/12, Dec. 06. 2024, December 06. 2024, Jan. 2025, January 2025, 2025, Childhood Vaccines, EVIL, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, Big Pharma, Reveals, Horrific, 'Vaccine Ingredients, Childhood, Vaccines, Pharmacia, Additives, MRNA, DNA, RNA, nanotechnology, nano, Aluminium, Witchcraft, Toxins, Poisons, Chemicals, Injections, Vax, the shot, flu shots, flu, Autism, Cancer, Myocarditis, Big Pharma, Scientists, COVID Shots, Vaccines, Dangers, Censorship, Tyranny, Interview, Interviews, Dr, Big Pharma, Medicine, Medical Industrial Complex, Big Business, Health Industry, Medical Industry, Doctor, Healthy, Sick, Unhealthy, Politics, Side Effects, Corona Virus, United Nations, Agenda 2030, EMF, Radiation, 5G, 60GHZ, The Vaccine Patent, I'd, ID2020, The War, Depopulation, Stakeholder Capitalism, Finance, Money, Theft, Corruption, Corporate Greed, BlackRock, Banks, Vanguard, State Street, Documentary The Elite Worldwide, Wall Street, Globalization, ESG, DEI, IMF Bank, Conspiracy, Greed, Malevolence, Larry Fink, The United Nations, The Club Of Rome, Klaus Schwab, WEF, World Economic Forum, Neocons, Neoliberals, The New World Order, The Green New Deal, The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, News, Trending, Viral, Podcasts, Politics, NIH, Big Pharma, Health, Life, Death, Freedom, United Nations, World Health organization, New World Order, AndreCorbeil, Vaccine Injured, Emergency, Breaking, Vaccine Injuries, War, Global, Catastrophes, Suffering, Vaccine Injuries, Medical Emergency, World War 3, Podcasts, WW3 World War, Vaccine Injured, RNA, Emergency, Breaking, Vaccine Injuries, War, Global, Catastrophes, Suffering, Vaccine Injuries, Virus, Contagion, The Future, Pandemics, Doctor, Big Pharma, Dr, Viruses, Medical, History, Medical Testing, News, Facts, Doctors, Viral, Delusion, Misdirection, Disinformation, COVID Vaccines, Biological Weapons, mRNA, Vaccine, Depopulation, Facts, Medical Advice, Medical News, News, Breaking News, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Globalism, NIH, WEF, W.H.O, Science, Health, Wellness, Fitness, Fresh And Fit,4.55K views 14 comments -
Dr. 'Carrie Madej' WARNING FOR WOMEN "Have You Taken Your 'Tetanus' Shot In The Last Ten Years"
AndreCorbeilDr. 'Carrie Madej' "Have you taken your Tetanus Shot In The Last Ten Years"? Nov. 29, 2024. News, Medical News, Big Pharma, Dr. Carrie Madej, Trending, Viral, Podcasts, Leaderboard, Rumble, Rumble Premium, Tetanitis, Vaccine, Tetanus Shot, Medical Industrial Complex, Dr. 'Carrie Madej' "Have you taken your Tetanus Shot In The Last Ten Years" This was the shot that ultimately F#cKED me up. It was the last shot I ever took, so it feels like a prime suspect for some of my current health issues…. I think it’s more than what this woman purports…. What she’s come to understand. Don’t take ANY vaccines for ANY THiNG. You cannot improve God’s work, but you can screw it all up. News, Medical News, Big Pharma, Dr. Carrie Madej, Trending, Viral, Podcasts, Leaderboard, Rumble, Rumble Premium, Vaccine, Tetanus Shot, Medical Industrial Complex, Nov. 2024, 11/29/2024, 11/29/24, 11/29/2024, 11-29-2024, 11-29-24, 2024-29-11, 2024/29/11, Nov. 29. 2024, November 29. 2024, Nov. 2024, 11/28/2024, 11/28/24, 11/28/2024, 11-28-2024, 11-28-24, 2024-28-11, 2024/28/11, Nov. 28. 2024, November 28. 2024 News, Medical News, Big Pharma, Dr. Carrie Madej, Trending, Viral, Podcasts, Leaderboard, Rumble, Rumble Premium, Tetanitis, Vaccine, Tetanus Shot, Medical Industrial Complex, Politics, NIH, Big Pharma, Health, Life, Death, Freedom, United Nations, World Health organization, New World Order, Dr 'David Martin' "World War 3 Will Be Catastrophic With 2 Billion Suffering From 'Vaccine' Injuries", AndreCorbeil, Dr. David Martin, World War 3, Podcasts, MRNA, London Real, David Martin, WW3 World War, Vaccine Injured, RNA, Emergency, Breaking, Vaccine Injuries, Dr David E Martin, War, Global, Catastrophes, Suffering, Vaccine Injuries, Dr. David Martin, Medical Emergency, World War 3, Podcasts, MRNA, David Martin, WW3 World War, Vaccine Injured, RNA, Emergency, Breaking, Vaccine Injuries, Dr David E Martin, War, Global, Catastrophes, Suffering, Vaccine Injuries, Virus, Contagion, The Future, Pandemics, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Doctor, Big Pharma, Dr, Viruses, Medical, History, Medical Testing, News, Facts, Doctors, Viral, Delusion, Misdirection, Disinformation, COVID Vaccines, Biological Weapons, mRNA, Vaccine, Depopulation, Truth, Maria Zee, Facts, Medical Advice, Medical News, News, Breaking News, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Globalism, NIH, WEF, W.H.O, Science, Health & Fitness, truth, health, news, covid, pcr, medical patents, mikovits, Anthony Fauci, the government, patent, functional, gain of function, forgery, Dr David Martin, history, natural cures, variants, Media, Centralized, Decentralized, Podcasts, Trending, News, global, conspiracy, decentralized media, electromagnetic, covid, vaccine, health, Vaccines, Vaccine, Dangerous, Medical Reactions Side Effects, MRNA, Vaccine Shedding, The Vaccinated, MRNA, Spike Proteins, pathogens, Science, Chemicals, Poisonous, Poison, Medical Industrial Complex, Medicine, Pathogen, Live Vaccines, Attenuated Vaccines, Vaccine, Medical Doctor, COVID, Diseases, Medical, professionals,6.5K views 18 comments -
Dr. 'Lee Merritt' "Deep Dive Interview" 'Carrie Cassidy' Interviews 'The Medical Rebel' 'Lee Merritt'
AndreCorbeilDr. 'Lee Merritt' The Medical Rebel & 'Carrie Cassidy' Deep Dive Interview June. 26, 2024. Concerned Citizen, WAR, communism, religion, mRNA, Dr. Lee Merritt, Podcasts, Lee Merritt, Scientists, Science, Richard Feynman, Albert Einstein, The Medical Rebel, 2024, frontman, frontmen, false reality, matrix, science, fraud, medicine, COVID, propaganda, narratives, The Ways They Push A False Scientific realty 'Albert Einstein' vs. 'Feynman' mainstream media reports on the fear of a mass contagion event this week after bird flu fragments were mysteriously found in grocery store milk, it just so happens that Gates has a lucrative bird flu vaccine entering trials. And it also just so happens that the Gates Foundation is already working behind the scenes to organize urgent global distribution of the bird flu vaccine June 2024, 6/26/2024, 06/26/24, 6/26/24, 06/26/2024, 6-26-2024, 08-26-24, 2024-26-6, 2024/26/06, Jun. 26 2024, June 26 2024, June 2024, 6/27/2024, 06/27/24, 6/27/24, 06/27/2024, 6-27-2024, 06-27-24, 2024-27-06, 2024/06/27, Jun. 27 2024, June 27 2024, Dr. Lee Merritt, Interview, News, Podcasts, Lee Merritt, Scientists, Science, Scientific, The Medical Rebel, medicine, COVID, propaganda, narratives, Vaccines, h5n1, Bill Gates, Gates Foundation, WHO, Big Pharma, Chickens, Poultry, Food, Euthanize, New Pandemic, Pandemics, World Health Organization, Forced Inoculation, Under The Skin, Depopulation, Agenda 2030, Podcasts, the bird flu, world economic forum, WEF, dna, RNA, brain, brainwaves, years, electromagnetic frequencies, News, Medical Profession, Medical News, Health, Big Pharma, Lifestyle, Medicine, Live, Medical, News, COVID, Gain Of Function, World View Matters, David Fiorazo, NIH, Eco Health Alliance, Dr. 'Anthony Fauci' Questioned By Congress On The Stand Of Govt. Select Subcommittee, News, Gain Of Function, Trending News, NIH, Big Pharma, Medical Funding, Scientific Finding, Medical Grants, Fauci, Medical Hearing, Medical Crimes, David Morens, NIAID, Senior, Scientific, Advisor, Anthony Fauci, incriminating, emails, colleagues, cover up, FOIA Requests, Health, World Health Organization, Bill Gates, News, Trending News, Dr. David Martin, Greg Hunter, COVID 19, COVID, Dr, Doctor Peter McCullough,The Who, Vigilant News Network, VNN, CNN, Bill Gates, Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation, The Gates Foundation, Foundations, Foundation, Philanthropist, Philanthropy, NGO, NGOS, The Wellcome Trust, The Rockefeller Foundation, Atlantic Council, Globalists, Globalism, Vitamin D, podcast, energy, electromagnetism, Radiation, EMF, Disease, COVID, sunlight, rickets, osteomalacia, the medical rebel, Health Care, mRNA, Nano technology, lipid nanoparticles, science, pathologist, covid, pandemic, vaccines, adverse events, injections, lipids, News, Trending News, Covid vaccines, mRNA, Vaccine Kill rates, Gates, Big Pharma, Alex Jones, Stephan Bancel, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Pandemic, Gain Of Function, The Peoples Voice, Doctor, Doctors, Health, Medicine, Medical, Critically, Thinking, Disease X, SARS, Coronaviruses, Dr. Judy Mikovits, DiseaseX, Doctors, Nuclear, Big Pharma, The Legacy Media, World Health Organization, W.H.O, Big Pharma, mRNA Vaccines, Dr, Big Pharma, Health, News, Interview, Medical, Medicine, Vaccines, International Crimes Investigative Committee, Pandemics, Pandemic, Medical Corruption, Science, Medicine, Dr, MD, COVID, News, Trending, Covid News, David Martin, Medical Videos, Coronavirus, COVID-19, covid, vaccines, bioweapons, chemical weapons, News, Breaking News, Genocidal Crimes, Tedros, mRNA Vaccines, Big Pharma, Health, News, Interview, Medical, Medicine, Vaccines, International Crimes Investigative Committee, Pandemics, Pandemic, Medical Corruption, Science, Medicine, Dr, MD, COVID, News, Trending, Covid News, David Martin, Medical Videos, Coronavirus, COVID-19, covid, vaccines, bioweapons, chemical weapons, News, Breaking News, Genocidal Crimes, Tedros, mRNA Vaccines, Big Pharma, Health, News, Interview, Medical, Medicine, Vaccines, International Crimes Committee, Pandemics, Historical, History, Documentaries, Civilizations, Civilization, Apocalypse, Viral, Musical, Breaking News, Live Streams, Podcasts, Trending News, News, Conspiracies, Republicans, Politics, Music, Entertainment, Gaming, Faith, Religion, Entertainment, Life, Viral, Sports, Education, Space, Chatting, Call, Duty, Travel, Comedy, Ambiance, Nature, Sounds, Science, Vlogs, Health, Fitness, Rock Music, TV, Movies, Life Coaching, Instrumentals, Finance, Films, Movies, Compilations, Funny, Cute Animals, Cover Songs, IRL, Epic Fails, Indie Music, Natural Phenomena,Christian, Gospel,Funny, Weird, Supernatural, Paranormal, ASMR, Roblox, Artists, Creativity, Creative, Visuals, How To, Crypto, Delicious, Recipes, Hip-Hop, Sports, News, Priceless, Moments, American, Truck, Simulator, Film Reviews, Time Lapses, UFOs, UAPs, Enlisted, Music, Fascinating, People, Tricks, Shots, Grand Theft, Law, Video Game, Reviews,Wild, Wildlife, World, Warcraft, 3D, Printing, Cooking, Boxing, Wrestling, Reactions, Auto, Technology, NWO, Wars, Among Us, Ancient Civilizations, Survival Evolved, Art, Crafts, Astrology, Babies, Kids, Adults, Beauty, Fashion, Camping, Outdoors, Cats, Kittens, Celebrity, Gossip, Classical Music, Close Calls, Country, Music, Creativerse, Dash Cam, Footage, DC Universe, Online, Darkness, Daylight, Democrat Politics, Do It Yourself, Dogs, Puppies, Electronic, Repair, Electronics, Unboxings, Everyday, Heroes, Extreme, Sports, Firearms, Football, Throttle, Cars, Trucks, Boats, Airplanes, Trains, Gambling, Slots, Casino, God, War, Fantasy, Versus, Rising, Heartwarming, Families, Heavy Metal, Music, Heroic Animals, Homesteading, Drivers, Hunting & Fishing, Jazz Music, Karaoke, Memorable, Weddings, NBA, Extinction, Sky, Ocean Life, Human, Animals, Plants, Pop Music, Pranks, R&B, Music, Railway, Danger, Road Rage, Role Playing, Games, Sea, Stars, Thieves, Shark Attacks, Civilization, Soccer, Social Experiments, Software & Development, Special Events, Sports, Bloopers, Citizen, Star Wars, Survivor, Arts And Crafts, Stock Market, Strange, Weather, Fighters, Guys, Girls, Stunts, Daredevil, Stupid, Criminals, True Crime, Tutorials, Animals, Unusual Talents, Virtual Reality, Warfare, Mysteries, Science, World of, World Travel, World War, Podcasts, Trending, News, News, Conspiracies, 24x7, Republican, Politics, Medical, Physical, Health, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Christine Northrup, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Doctors, Critically, Thinking, Disease X, SARS, Coronaviruses, Dr. DiseaseX, Doctors, World Health Organization, W.H.O, Big Pharma, mRNA Vaccines, Dr, Big Pharma, Health, News, Interview, Medical, Medicine, Vaccines, International Crimes Investigative Committee, Pandemics, Pandemic, Medical Corruption, Science, Medicine, Dr, MD, COVID, News, Trending, Covid News, David Martin, Medical Videos, Coronavirus, COVID-19, covid, vaccines, bioweapons, chemical weapons, News, Breaking News, Genocidal Crimes, Tedros, DOD, MANIPULATION, EVIDENCE, CORRUPTION, DEPOPULATION, Concerned, Citizens, The Great Reset, American, Reset, Lee Merritt, The Medical Rebel, Concerned Citizen, WAR, communism, religion, mRNA, DOD, MANIPULATION, EVIDENCE, CORRUPTION, DEPOPULATION,6.18K views 46 comments