The magical world of elves, dwarves and gnomes.
Dormitria dream musicMy music for drawing and relaxation, lo-fi piano ;-) I drew the illustrations myself ;-) Thank you for choosing my music from among many available. I spend the money from the channel on my animals, life and passions.25 views 2 comments -
Flower music for reading and sleep
Dormitria dream musicAs you may know, I had to run away from home, I have my dog and 4 ducks with me. The rest stayed with my mother. I left my toxic father who was threatening me. At the time when I had to evacuate and move in with my aunt, I managed to publish a book and plan the next ones. Now I am raising money not only for a hen house, but also for a place for myself. Here at my aunt's I understood how much being in my family home, where I was constantly afraid that my father would do something to my animals if I opposed him and did not do what he wanted, destroyed me. I would also like to take my mother out of there. Now I only have hope. It was very hard for me, but now it is better. I would like so much to provide a good life for my mother and my animals. By watching this film you are helping me in these dreams, because it is always a few cents more ;-) Thank you!17 views 3 comments -
Childhood memories, life slipping away...
Dormitria dream musicEveryone returns to childhood memories from time to time. I spent it in a small town close to the forest and a lake. During the holidays, the whole day was spent playing full of fantasy. Despite the lack of money, people were kind to each other and I had lots of friends. What was your childhood like? My playlist with lo-fi music and piano, reminiscent of my childhood. Music for meditation, drawing, resting and reading. I hope you enjoy listening. By using this music you help me raise money for animal welfare.30 views 1 comment