Les 2
The Universal Antidote(Lengte: 11 Minuten) In deze les leer je over CDS en de geschiedenis ervan en zie je een demonstratie van Andreas Kalcker over het maken van CDS volgens een methode die Charlotte Lackney heeft ontwikkeld. Schriftelijke instructies voor deze methode staan in de handleiding die je in de inleiding van de cursus hebt gedownload.11.4K views 7 comments -
DisInformation Ignorant & Uneducated Professionals / MasterPeace Zeolite Z Response Ends Lies
A Warrior CallsTo order MasterPeace and powerfully remove Graphene Oxide and all Forever Chemicals Go to bit.ly/awcevidence sign up and experience the best Nano product to restore your health. Dr. Robert Young website www.drrobertyoung.com A Warrior Calls only deals with REAL warriors who not only have POWERFUL TRUTH... BUT THE COURAGE TO FACE THIS EVIL WORLDWIDE! A must download link with undeniable verified evidence HIDDEN FROM THE WORLD ....and FOR FREE!!!! https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/what-are-the-four-s-s-when-evaluating-any-zeolite-construct There has been recently some so called professionals who are NOT when it comes to required knowledge and experience understanding MasterPeace Zeolite Z facts and how this amazing stand alone product worldwide is rocking the corrupt and useless medical system and treatments to truly stop and heal our bodies. https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=3390 The best resource in the world to learn and know how our bodies truly work and removing years of forever chemicals and plastics from our bodies for good. https://phmiracleproducts.com/collections/books-audio-video Special Guest: Dr. Robert Young, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner www.DrRobertYoung.com Over the past two and a half decades, Robert O. Young has been widely recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the World. Throughout his career, his research has been focused at the cellular level. Having a specialty in cellular nutrition, biochemistry and microbiology, Dr. Young has devoted his life to researching the true causes of "disease," subsequently developing "The New Biology™" to help people balance their life. Dr. Young's research has been published in several noted journals, including The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. (Sympathetic Resonance Technology, Scientific Foundations and Summary of Biologic and Clinical Studies, Dec. 2002, Vol. 8, No. 6: 835-842.), the International Journal of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Any Cancerous Condition - https://medcraveonline.com/IJCAM/IJCAM-02-00046) and The International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccinations (Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life ; https://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/IJVV-02-00047) . He is the author of over 100 published peer-reviewed articles. Christopher James' website www.awarriorcalls.com www.bit.ly/awclivefeed: Link for live streams - Thurs 8pm EST www.bit.ly/awcevidence: VERIFIED GLOBAL EVIDENCE COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 is and has ALWAYS BEEN a LIE https://bit.ly/awccolloidalsilver: Christopher's vault of colloidal silver resources Contact: COLLOIDALCHRIS@OUTLOOK.COM Bitcoin Donations account: bc1q9a8laqth42cpgv8vnf38tt9dakc3jvu0kxseen www.awarriorcalls.com the world must go for truth and the solution! email: awarriorcalls@outlook.com Christopher James' alternate platforms... where the TRUTH will be found and the Solution moving forward. Live Stream Link: aWarriorCalls.com/LiveStream Telegram: https://t.me/aWarriorCalls TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iman1743 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-443257 Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/K6tBDPiVYwHO/ Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/awarriorcalls YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xG9TWLBIuWZuGXwVaS20w?."10.9K views 50 comments -
MasterPeace vs. Aluminum Amazing Results Proving AGAIN it's the Solution
A Warrior CallsTo order MasterPeace please go to bit.ly/awcmasterpeace Fill out the sign up form and access to site will be automatic. Today we show further the power of MasterPeace with Zeolite Z [TM] to remove Aluminum from our bodies effectively backed by Urine Lab Tests. Matthew Hazen CEO/founder of Health Consciousness Support [HCS], Caroline Mansfield & Dr. Robert Young join Christopher James to continue drilling down on another huge success verifiable in the reduction of aluminum in our bodies just by using MasterPeace twice a day 5 drops. Dr. Robert Young website www.drrobertyoung.com A Warrior Calls only deals with REAL warriors who not only have POWERFUL TRUTH... BUT THE COURAGE TO FACE THIS EVIL WORLDWIDE! A must download link with undeniable verified evidence HIDDEN FROM THE WORLD ....and FOR FREE!!!! https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/what-are-the-four-s-s-when-evaluating-any-zeolite-construct The best resource in the world to learn/know how our bodies truly work removing years of forever chemicals from our bodies for good. https://phmiracleproducts.com/collections/books-audio-video Special Guest: Dr. Robert Young, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner www.DrRobertYoung.com Christopher James' website www.awarriorcalls.com www.bit.ly/awclivefeed: Link for live streams - Thurs 8pm EST www.bit.ly/awcevidence: VERIFIED GLOBAL EVIDENCE COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 is and has ALWAYS BEEN a LIE https://bit.ly/awccolloidalsilver: Christopher's vault of colloidal silver resources Contact: COLLOIDALCHRIS@OUTLOOK.COM Bitcoin Donations account: bc1q9a8laqth42cpgv8vnf38tt9dakc3jvu0kxseen www.awarriorcalls.com the world must go for truth and the solution! email: awarriorcalls@outlook.com Christopher James' alternate platforms... where the TRUTH will be found and the Solution moving forward. Live Stream Link: aWarriorCalls.com/LiveStream Telegram: https://t.me/aWarriorCalls TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iman1743 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-443257 Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/K6tBDPiVYwHO/ Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/awarriorcalls YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xG9TWLBIuWZuGXwVaS20w?."12.1K views 15 comments -
URGENT INVESTIGATION Synthetic Red Blood Cells Found in People
A Warrior CallsThursday, April 11th, 2024 Live Stream - Part 2 Another explosive live stream the entire world must see... Dr. David Nixon exposes the urgent attention required to synthetic blood found in people now https://drdavidnixon.com/ This is huge to help people understand what is occurring against mankind Christopher James is the ONLY man worldwide who brings powerful Truth with the Solution. LINK TO PURCHASE MASTERPEACE & SUPPORT Christopher James: https://bit.ly/awcmasterpeace FLFE links: Free Trial: https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/TryFLFEfree/ChristopherJames/ Main Website: https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/flfemain/ChristopherJames/ Evidence: https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/ev/ChristopherJames/ Christopher James' website www.awarriorcalls.com www.bit.ly/awclivefeed: Link for live streams - Thurs 8pm EST www.bit.ly/awcevidence: VERIFIED GLOBAL EVIDENCE COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 is and has ALWAYS BEEN a LIE https://bit.ly/awccolloidalsilver: Christopher's vault of colloidal silver resources Contact: COLLOIDALCHRIS@OUTLOOK.COM All other contact, use email: awarriorcalls@outlook.com Bitcoin account: bc1q9a8laqth42cpgv8vnf38tt9dakc3jvu0kxseen www.awarriorcalls.com the world must go for truth and the solution! email: awarriorcalls@outlook.com Christopher James' alternate platforms... where the TRUTH will be found and the Solution moving forward. Live Stream Link: aWarriorCalls.com/LiveStream Telegram: https://t.me/aWarriorCalls TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iman1743 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-443257 Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/K6tBDPiVYwHO/ Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/awarriorcalls YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xG9TWLBIuWZuGXwVaS20w?."1.78K views 7 comments -
MasterPeace Attacked Because It is the Game Changer for Mankind
A Warrior CallsMasterpeace is under constant attack This is further proof big Pharma and Supplement products are threatened. Caroline Mansfield a live blood analysis out of the UK has done extraordinary work to save mankind. The attacks against her professionally are unfounded. In this short video i address one of the people who is doing these attacks to many others. Matthew Hazen founder of MasterPeace then joins me to educate people on what is going on. LINK TO PURCHASE MASTERPEACE & SUPPORT Christopher James: https://bit.ly/awcmasterpeace FLFE links: Free Trial: https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/TryFLFEfree/ChristopherJames/ Main Website: https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/flfemain/ChristopherJames/ Evidence: https://tm179.isrefer.com/go/ev/ChristopherJames/ Christopher James' website www.awarriorcalls.com www.bit.ly/awclivefeed: Link for live streams - EVERY Thurs 8pm EST www.bit.ly/awcevidence: VERIFIED GLOBAL EVIDENCE COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 is and has ALWAYS BEEN a LIE www.awarriorcalls.com the world must go for truth and the solution! email: awarriorcalls@outlook.com Christopher James' alternate platforms... where the TRUTH will be found and the Solution moving forward. Live Stream Link: aWarriorCalls.com/LiveStream Telegram: https://t.me/aWarriorCalls TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iman1743 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-443257 Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/K6tBDPiVYwHO/ Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/awarriorcalls YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xG9TWLBIuWZuGXwVaS20w?."7.32K views 42 comments -
A Warrior Callsi just wanted to share with the world the power of frequency and love for one another... if people worldwide can just be given truth and come together there is nothing we cannot achieve nor will any evil that exists in this world flourish... we will wipe it off the face of this earth and save our race.... knowledge is power.... the truth and solution to stop this evil worldwide is ONLY found at www.awarriorcalls.com Rise up... embrace the truth and i ride out together and face all that attacks mankind. God Bless and God Speed i8.53K views 22 comments -
Actor Lindsey Wagner Cured by Chlorine Dioxide
The Universal AntidoteACTOR LINDSAY WAGNER (THE BIONIC WOMAN CURED OF CHRONIC URTICARIA WITH THE UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE (CHLORINE DIOXIDE) ✅ Join the conversation here: https://bit.ly/JoinUniversalAntidotePrivateChat 1970's Actor Lindsay Wagner (aka The Bionic Woman) had a rare skin condition/disease that doctors could not cure. After seeing many doctors and taking dozens of medications, she still had terrible hives, itching, and skin breakouts. Within a weak of starting to take The Universal Antidote, she was symptom-free and has remained well since. Link to original news article and video https://abc7.com/autism-church-of-bleach-genesis-ii-2/1578875/18.1K views 31 comments