Jerry Wise Wisdom
23 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Jerry Wise, Family Systems
LLibertyHowlhttp://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com Family Tree's Stream - Fall 2016 Jerry Wise Relationship Systems Coaching provides coaching, advice, training and facilitation in resolving relationship and life issues using Bowen Family Systems Theory. Jerry T. Wise, MA, MS, CLC has been a marriage and family therapist, addictions therapist, social worker, ACOA expert, codependency expert, pastor, popular workshop speaker, therapist trainer, YouTube video educator, author, certified life/relationship coach and musician. He holds degrees in political science, music, psychology, and marriage and family therapy. Jerry offers online help and professional coaching for individuals and couples in the U.S. and all over the world via Skype, FaceTime and Google Hangouts. As a self-differentiation and relationship systems coach, he uses his knowledge in family systems theory to help clients get un-stuck and find a true sense of Self. To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at http://jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com jerrywise5@gmail.com 317-919-6264 (No videos or advice are intended to be a replacement for any licensed psychotherapy or to be guidance for your life situation.) Help out Liberty Howl at Pay Pal wolfpjw@gmail.com http://LibertyHowl.com -
12 Building Blocks - Jerry Wise
LLibertyHowlhttp://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com Family Tree Stream Feb 18, 2020 Trying to find and become your true Self? Jerry has been helping people with Self Differentiation for over 40 years. His website offers many helps for building a Self. Jerry shares 12 building blocks for a real self. From systems thinking/seeing to detachment to overcoming enmeshment to be a real Self. He also has a Q & A session. Contact Jerry Wise MA, MS, CLC and his team at http://jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com Call: 317-919-6264 USA Email: jerrywise5@gmail.com Join his website and get his exclusive content and training. Jerry Wise Relationship Systems Coaching provides coaching, advice, training and facilitation in resolving relationship and life issues using Bowen Family Systems Theory. Jerry has been a marriage and family therapist, addictions therapist, social worker, ACOA expert, codependency expert, pastor, popular workshop speaker, therapist trainer, YouTube video educator, author, certified life/relationship coach and musician. He holds degrees in political science, music, psychology, and marriage and family therapy. Jerry offers online help and professional coaching for individuals and couples in the U.S. and all over the world via Skype, FaceTime and Google Hangouts. As a self-differentiation and relationship systems coach, he uses his knowledge in family systems theory to help clients get un-stuck and find a true sense of Self. No videos or advice are intended to be a replacement for any licensed psychotherapy or to be guidance for your life situation. http://LibertyHowl.com25 views -
Healing Childhood Trauma and Self Differentiation - Jerry Wise
LLibertyHowlFrom a Live Stream with Family Tree, July 9, 2019 http://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com Jerry Wise brought great clarity and passion Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC offers a path to recovery for those who grew up with a NP (narcisisstic parent). Contact Jerry at 317-919-6264 (USA) or email him at jerrywise5@gmail.com Sharing and Q & A on Healing Childhood Trauma and Self Differentiation/Family Systems. Jerry has been a relationship coach for 40+ years. He discusses 5 points of how to begin to heal childhood trauma, and dealing with narcissistic abuse and dysfunctional families. http://LibertyHowl.com27 views -
The Real You - Jerry Wise
LLibertyHowlhttp://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com 'Who Is The Real You After The Destruction Of Narcissistic Abuse' Family Tree's Live Stream, October 4, 2016 with Rinda and Mark. Full stream at https://youtu.be/WNhan_YJQpE Jerry Wise Relationship Systems provides coaching, advice, training in resolving relationship and life issues using Bowen Family Systems Theory. Jerry T. Wise, MA, MS, CLC has been a marriage and family therapist, addictions therapist, social worker, ACOA specialist, codependency specialist, pastor, popular workshop speaker, therapist trainer, YouTube video educator, author, certified life/relationship coach and musician. He holds degrees in political science, music, psychology, and marriage and family therapy. Jerry offers online help and professional coaching for individuals and couples in the U.S. and all over the world. As a self-differentiation and relationship systems coach, he uses his knowledge in family systems theory to help clients get un-stuck and find a true sense of Self. To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at http://jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com jerrywise5@gmail.com 317-919-6264 He and his team work with individuals, couples, and families and business and organizational leaders to become strong self-differentiating people and leaders. (No videos or advice are intended to be a replacement for any licensed psychotherapy or to be guidance for your life situation) http://LibertyHowl.com26 views -
Growing Up in a Narcissistic Home - Jerry Wise
LLibertyHowlhttp://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com Family Tree's (almost live) Live Stream, October 12, 2016 Jerry Wise Relationship Systems provides coaching, advice, training in resolving relationship and life issues using Bowen Family Systems Theory. Jerry T. Wise, MA, MS, CLC has been a marriage and family therapist, addictions therapist, social worker, ACOA specialist, codependency specialist, pastor, popular workshop speaker, therapist trainer, YouTube video educator, author, certified life/relationship coach and musician. He holds degrees in political science, music, psychology, and marriage and family therapy. Jerry offers online help and professional coaching for individuals and couples in the U.S. and all over the world. As a self-differentiation and relationship systems coach, he uses his knowledge in family systems theory to help clients get un-stuck and find a true sense of Self. To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at http://jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com jerrywise5@gmail.com 317-919-6264 He and his team work with individuals, couples, and families and business and organizational leaders to become strong self-differentiating people and leaders. (No videos or advice are intended to be a replacement for any licensed psychotherapy or to be guidance for your life situation) http://LibertyHowl.com37 views -
"They Don't Believe Me" - Jerry Wise
LLibertyHowlhttp://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com Family Tree's Live Stream, November 15, 2016 Jerry Wise Relationship Systems provides coaching, advice, training in resolving relationship and life issues using Bowen Family Systems Theory. Jerry T. Wise, MA, MS, CLC has been a marriage and family therapist, addictions therapist, social worker, ACOA specialist, codependency specialist, pastor, popular workshop speaker, therapist trainer, YouTube video educator, author, certified life/relationship coach and musician. He holds degrees in political science, music, psychology, and marriage and family therapy. Jerry offers online help and professional coaching for individuals and couples in the U.S. and all over the world. As a self-differentiation and relationship systems coach, he uses his knowledge in family systems theory to help clients get un-stuck and find a true sense of Self. To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at http://jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com jerrywise5@gmail.com 317-919-6264 He and his team work with individuals, couples, and families and business and organizational leaders to become strong self-differentiating people and leaders. (No videos or advice are intended to be a replacement for any licensed psychotherapy or to be guidance for your life situation) http://LibertyHowl.com23 views -
Being Yourself - Jerry Wise
LLibertyHowlhttp://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com Family Tree's Live Stream April 24, 2018 With Jerry and Mark (Sync issues with original source. Different throughout) Jerry Wise shares his Bowen Family Systems approach to relationships and recovery. Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC. He has 45 + years of experience helping people become more self-differentiated, unstuck, and overcome the effects of their family of origin imprinting and emotional functioning. He uses a Bowen Family Systems approach to help coach those who are in recovery, healing from Codependency, ACOA, Narcissism and other dysfunctional family-of-origin issues. #narcissism #codependency #jerrywise #selfdifferentiation #trauma #ACOA #ACON Recover through learning to become more calm, learning detachment and self-differentiation - contact Jerry Wise and his team. Subscribe to You Tube Channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCZWHfOsT... “Standing Strong as an Adult Child of the Narcissist” Workshop, plus three other workshops... can be purchased or rented on his website To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at http://jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com jerrywise5@gmail.com 317-919-6264 He and his team work with individuals, couples, and families and business and organizational leaders to become strong self-differentiating people and leaders. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JerryWiseCon... Twitter: https://twitter.com/JerryWiseRS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jerrywise.rs/ Also on Spotify and Anchor.fm for online and offline listening. Take with you on the go, or at work. "Not How but When" by Jerry Wise https://open.spotify.com/show/3DKjGLp... DISCLAIMER: This video is not intended to substitute for professional help. Be sure to consult a professional in helping you with these, integrate, and utilize these concepts.59 views -
Healing, Maturity - Jerry Wise
LLibertyHowlhttp://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com Family Tree's Live Stream June 19, 2018 Jerry Wise shares his Bowen Family Systems approach to relationships and recovery. Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC. He has 45 + years of experience helping people become more self-differentiated, unstuck, and overcome the effects of their family of origin imprinting and emotional functioning. He uses a Bowen Family Systems approach to help coach those who are in recovery, healing from Codependency, ACOA, Narcissism and other dysfunctional family-of-origin issues. #narcissism #codependency #jerrywise #selfdifferentiation #trauma #ACOA #ACON Recover through learning to become more calm, learning detachment and self-differentiation - contact Jerry Wise and his team. Subscribe to You Tube Channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCZWHfOsT... “Standing Strong as an Adult Child of the Narcissist” Workshop, plus three other workshops... can be purchased or rented on his website To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at http://jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com jerrywise5@gmail.com 317-919-6264 He and his team work with individuals, couples, and families and business and organizational leaders to become strong self-differentiating people and leaders. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JerryWiseCon... Twitter: https://twitter.com/JerryWiseRS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jerrywise.rs/ Also on Spotify and Anchor.fm for online and offline listening. Take with you on the go, or at work. "Not How but When" by Jerry Wise https://open.spotify.com/show/3DKjGLp... DISCLAIMER: This video is not intended to substitute for professional help. Be sure to consult a professional in helping you with these, integrate, and utilize these concepts.58 views -
Dysfunctional, Narcissistic Relationships, and Self-Differentiation - Jerry Wise
LLibertyHowlhttp://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com Family Tree's Live Stream August 28, 2018 Jerry brings his Family Systems thinking Bowen Family Systems approach to relationships and recovery Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC. He has 45 + years of experience helping people become more self-differentiated, unstuck, and overcome the effects of their family of origin imprinting and emotional functioning. He uses a Bowen Family Systems approach to help coach those who are in recovery, healing from Codependency, ACOA, Narcissism and other dysfunctional family-of-origin issues. #narcissism #codependency #jerrywise #selfdifferentiation #trauma #ACOA #ACON Recover through learning to become more calm, learning detachment and self-differentiation - contact Jerry Wise and his team. Subscribe to You Tube Channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCZWHfOsT... “Standing Strong as an Adult Child of the Narcissist” Workshop, plus three other workshops... can be purchased or rented on his website To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at http://jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com jerrywise5@gmail.com 317-919-6264 He and his team work with individuals, couples, and families and business and organizational leaders to become strong self-differentiating people and leaders. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JerryWiseCon... Twitter: https://twitter.com/JerryWiseRS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jerrywise.rs/ Also on Spotify and Anchor.fm for online and offline listening. Take with you on the go, or at work. "Not How but When" by Jerry Wise https://open.spotify.com/show/3DKjGLp... DISCLAIMER: This video is not intended to substitute for professional help. Be sure to consult a professional in helping you with these, integrate, and utilize these concepts.47 views -
The Wounded Child - Jerry Wise
LLibertyHowlhttp://JerryWiseRelationshipSystems.com Family Tree's Live Stream, December 13, 2016 Jerry Wise Relationship Systems provides coaching, advice, training in resolving relationship and life issues using Bowen Family Systems Theory. Jerry T. Wise, MA, MS, CLC has been a marriage and family therapist, addictions therapist, social worker, ACOA specialist, codependency specialist, pastor, popular workshop speaker, therapist trainer, YouTube video educator, author, certified life/relationship coach and musician. He holds degrees in political science, music, psychology, and marriage and family therapy. Jerry offers online help and professional coaching for individuals and couples in the U.S. and all over the world. As a self-differentiation and relationship systems coach, he uses his knowledge in family systems theory to help clients get un-stuck and find a true sense of Self. To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at http://jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com jerrywise5@gmail.com 317-919-6264 He and his team work with individuals, couples, and families and business and organizational leaders to become strong self-differentiating people and leaders. (No videos or advice are intended to be a replacement for any licensed psychotherapy or to be guidance for your life situation) http://LibertyHowl.com22 views