Lost Books of the Bible (777)
11 videos
Updated 1 year ago
It is now came to to be known that the Vatican has 777 total books in the Vatican Library. They are in possession of the original bible in its totality. The Vatican released an edited version of 60ish books of the bible and that is the version widely known. There is more. The unreleased books tell of Jesus from the age of 13-33 and who he really is...Here are some of the books that have been recovered. I highly doubt they will ever release the authentic Bible in its totality.
You Would Be Amazed What You Can Find In 'OLD BOOKS'
Free Your Mind VideosYou Would Be Amazed What You Can Find In 'OLD BOOKS' . You Would Be Amazed What You Can Find In "OLD BOOKS" It Was In The "BOOKS" Black Law 4th Edition, The John Hopkins University Studies In Historical & Political Science 13th Series, and Quoted By Gunther Peck a History & public Polices professor of Duke University. Also Read " The invention of the white race" Volume 1 "radical oppression & social control" The Theodore W. Allen version. https://rumble.com/v3mj1x7-free-white-persons-white-slavery-under-the-black-nobility.html . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This channel is not paid by any third party to promote anything You can always donate to me or my channel. All help is very much appreciated. https://paypal.me/kbenweg Or you can give a cup of coffee/sandwich to someone in need... (This would bring me even more joy) Thank you for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Source: "Awakenedlight" https://www.bitchute.com/video/Amb0VmcRBYqN/ . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again! . COMMENT POLICY: Thanks for watching 👍 Please keep comments on topic and value-add. Comments, where it is obvious the person did not watch the video, will be deleted. Comments containing arrested-developed behavior (nastiness, belligerence, stupidity, trolling, spam, etc.) will also be deleted and banned from the channel. No self-promotion/advertising! . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Subscribe to other channels: . Telegram Channel: "Blocked & Banned" https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned => Group chat added where everyone can comment! . Free Your Mind Documentaries https://rumble.com/c/FYMVideos Backup Channel on Odysee : https://odysee.com/@Tim:ab74 . Christian Teachings And Documentaries https://rumble.com/c/c-1328393 . Sound The Trumpet Ministries: https://rumble.com/c/c-1123613 . Bitchute Channel https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ThkAWbd3XR2T/ . Praise & Worship Music: https://rumble.com/c/ac-3348236 => NEW CHANNEL!!! Old channel => https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7xzU1qn2yxn9jzjol54j_w . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.81K views 7 comments -
Tom & Brice Discusses The Lost Books Of The Bible with Nicholas Veniamin
Nicholas Veniamin🚨🚨🚨TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT JOINING NICHOLAS EVERY TUESDAY ON HIS LIVE WEBINAR CLICK HERE: https://NicholasVeniamin.com/Join/ 👈👈 📱 Join My TELEGRAM Channel: https://t.me/NicholasVeniamin 🖥 B I T C H U T E: https://NickV.Live/Videos/ 📺 Y O U T U B E: http://NickV.UK/ 🏦 DINAR, DONG & ZIMS: https://Nesara.Shop/Discount/Gift15 🚀 MED BEDS AVAILABLE HERE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QpDhYXec7MjA/ 🗼 Watch 5G Radiation Alert: https://bit.ly/32gcbPF 🥒 Wellness: https://NicholasVeniamin.com/Wellness/ 🎙 JOIN My Group on My Patriots Network: https://bit.ly/3dZ5WoQ 🌎 To find ALL my links to my Social Media visit http://www.NickV.TV4.33K views 58 comments -
Awakenvideo - Days of Noah Giants Return
AwakenvideoDays of Noah - Giants Return LS-023-12-08-2023 Check out our original artwork designs at our shop here... https://awakenvideo.org/shop/ Links: ANUNNAKI video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/M6JnMzxDrXEk/ No Way video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIhrgvWUTiY Close Footage of Doorway video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o04_0wL-B3c A Gigantic Being On Mountain video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTjpNCt5WX4 Giant Discovered Nov 2017 video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/O4cMrUM1E0al/ Ancient Giant in Krabi video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAvOFRV7KUg Giant Doc video: https://archive.org/details/GiantsDocumentary Giants in the Bible video: https://vimeo.com/124996131 Photos: https://bibliotecapleyades.net/gigantes/images/Bains.Swan.sep.md.jpg https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=022b831f85d19cf36318432184a71c2b30b1a59b-5513171-images-thumbs&n=13 https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=5d46bf0d264f8cd697706ed2c019a13d-4111638-images-thumbs&n=13 https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=9245e3cc27a7511194ff78479cdbef555aa3ceb8-5276035-images-thumbs&n=13 https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/i?id=9245e3cc27a7511194ff78479cdbef555aa3ceb8-5276035-images-thumbs&n=13 The Books of Enoch pdf: https://ia600705.us.archive.org/15/items/AllTheBooksOfEnochenoch1Enoch2Enoch3/AllBooksOfEnoch.pdf 1 Enoch search result: https://yandex.eu/search/?text=1+Enoch%2C+they+were+%E2%80%9Cgreat+giants%2C+whose+height+was+three+thousand+ells%E2%80%9D.+An+Ell+being+18+inches+(45+centimetres)%2C+this+would+make+them+4500+feet+(nearly+a+mile)+tall+(1350+metres).&from=os&clid=1836587&lr=123416 Andrew Dawson tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@andrew.dawson.official Los Gigantes de Marcahuasi Peru video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDHAzFlVHC4 Accounts of Giants in North America site: https://bibliotecapleyades.net/gigantes/GiantsNAm1.html#Anchor-Florida-6296 List of 10 Best Giant Dcuvids site: https://www.documentarytube.com/best-of/the-7-best-documentaries-about-giants/ Ancient Giants of North America video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ozD1ae89ks Red Haired Giants of North America Continued site: https://burlingtonnews.net/giants3.html The Giant Muurs site: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-giant-muurs-that-ruled-the-americas/amp/ Giant Human Skeletons Found Buried in Mounds Across North America site: https://www.gaia.com/article/giant-skeletons-have-been-found-buried-in-mounds-across-america Graham Hancock site: https://grahamhancock.com/newmanvieira1/ Does Anyone Remember "Land of the Giants?" video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/JB110QiT7QSf/ Alien Worlds - Giants and Hybrids video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNWnSF1UY7o Biblical Giants Nephilim Believed to be Alive in Solomon Islands video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h814DRBx_YA Giant in Japanese Military Parade video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUcwNTVd_SE2.56K views 17 comments -
The Lost Book of King Og P2: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger
TheWarAgainstYouThe Lost Book of King Og P2: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger - ***The Most Extensive Account Known of Pre Flood Descendants of the Fallen Angel Direct Offspring the Rephaim, and Their Descendants the Nephilim*** - R. Wayne Steiger Claims to have Actually Seen the Bones of King Og Personally Himself - (Warning: You May Want to Seek Spiritual Protection Before You Listen to these readings) - December 2, 2019 R Wayne Steiger - Be Warned. Extremely Shocking Subject Content - We continue on the journey of discovery of the time of the Giants, The Rephaim who ruled the Earth in a time almost unimaginable especially where it concerns Humans. Our journey has taken us to a place and time that another species was the Alpha Superior and not Mankind where we are learning of a knowledge that has not been taught much less spoken about in the time when Man was grown for food. * This is a story like none other it will jar you in your sense and most diffidently will change your perception on how history has been recorded. We will discuss who and what were the Rephaim, did they exists and if so why is there not more written about them, their culture and their time on Earth, along with so many new revelations. - This will be well worth your time be prepared it gets weird History has been altered. * Sorry. No Free PDF Download Found Without Requiring Membership - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@RWayneSteiger - These are the only writings of KING OG the Rephaim. The Rephaim being a Biblical race of Giants that Moses eventually had to eradicate in Numbers 21 of the Bible. Originally transcribed during a several hundred year swath in and around 1400 BCE, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG is a controversial, heretical tome that reads like the Bible. In fact, it has been heavily speculated that the original architects of the Bible were on intimate terms with THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, which explains instances of similarity in metaphor and verbiage. - Previously, the only way to look into this particular pre-Biblical flood, Rephaim/Nephilim world of Giants was through THE BOOK OF ENOCH and other DEAD SEA SCROLLS. Author DEMMON has brought forward a previously lost, heretical book that features the only Aramaic to English translation of the remaining mostly-complete copy of THE BOOK OF KING OG the Rephaim. While not entirely complete, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG offers the greatest comprehension yet of the antediluvian (PRE-FLOOD) and postdiluvian world, from the eyes and ears of the Rephaim. - The Catholic suppression of this text has always been due to the fact that THE BOOK OF KING OG is a pagan book. The pagan/blasphemous aspects of the tome (a championing of the uncircumcised for example) make its "burial" by the Catholic Church completely logical. Soaked in Baal worship and child-sacrifice, it is no wonder that the book had been silenced. The Catholic argument that the decision to rid the earth of the text was "God-inspired," is in fact, spiritually sound. With Constantine's systematic destruction of non-Christian texts in and around 326 CE, and the following Gelasian Decree of the 5th century CE, knowledge and/or reproduction of Og's verses was rendered impossible. - In fact, the Catholic Church originally posted the following words of anathema in regards to THE BOOK OF KING OG and other forbidden texts: "... and whatever disciples of heresy and of the heretics or schismatics, whose names we have scarcely preserved, have taught or compiled, we declare to be not merely rejected but excluded from the whole Roman catholic and apostolic church, and its authors and their adherents to be damned in the inextricable shackles of anathema for ever [sic]. - "THE BOOK OF KING OG is referenced by association throughout (relatively) recent history, perhaps most notably in the NEW HISTORY OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS published in 1693. In this reference book, the BOOK OF KING OG is described as, "Forged by Jews and Hereticks both Fabulous and Erroneous." Written closely with Vatican translator FATHER MARTIN, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG serves as a warning, a prophecy and an explanation as to why the Rephaim and Nephilim Giants no longer walk the face of the earth. The recent uncovering of the CASSIODORUS DONATION of 550 CE to the Catholic Church has revealed the most intact, albeit horribly preserved, copy of The BOOK OF KING OG yet. The CASSIODORUS text was used as the primary source material FATHER MARTIN used for his translation THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG. Providing information on a modern, unspeakable evil, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG will make all who read it consider their religious beliefs and their conclusions about the giants of antiquity. *** A STUDY GUIDE TO THE BOOK OF OG - https://www.nephilimwerewolf.com/the-book-of-og.html - THE WHOLE ARMOR OF BAAL - In THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, King Og puts on the whole armor of Baal. In this post, I will first post the verses from Chapter 4 verses 21-23. Then I will post Ephesians 10-18 (which historically were written afterward). - THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG Chapter 4:21-23: Then, before the [army] of one hundred thousand giants, Anak helped King put on the whole armor of Baal, so that he would be able to stand against the wiles of the incoming circumcised. So King Og took to himself the whole armor of Baal of the earth, so that he would withstand on day of war, and having done all, to stand. King Og stood with his feet apart, having girded his loins with the truth of the uncircumcised. He wore the breastplate of Baal of the moon. King Og also had his feet shod with the preparation for [total] warfare. Above all, King Og took the shield of Baal of the stars and constellations to quench all the fiery darts of the circumcised Nephilim. And king Og fixed the Mot's helmet of the afterlife upon his head, and the sword of Baal of the Sun which illuminates the life that surrounds all uncircumcised Rephaim.5.59K views 3 comments -
The Lost Book of King Og P3: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger
TheWarAgainstYouThe Lost Book of King Og P3: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger - ***The Most Extensive Account Known of Pre Flood Descendants of the Fallen Angel Direct Offspring the Rephaim, and Their Descendants the Nephilim*** - R. Wayne Steiger Claims to have Actually Seen the Bones of King Og Personally Himself - (Warning: You May Want to Seek Spiritual Protection Before You Listen to these readings) - December 2, 2019 R Wayne Steiger - Be Warned. Extremely Shocking Subject Content - PART 3 - December 5, 2019 - Who is Baal and how did the Hundred Thousand Giant War begin and who were the Men of Renown? In this lesson we are introduced to the Giants who fought in the war of all wars and we discover many new secrets not known to the world. The Giants they lived, fought and died for something Man has no idea why. The Flood not a myth but a myth that no one but a few survived turns out millions survived including Giants * This is a story like none other it will jar you in your sense and most diffidently will change your perception on how history has been recorded. We will discuss who and what were the Rephaim, did they exists and if so why is there not more written about them, their culture and their time on Earth, along with so many new revelations. - This will be well worth your time be prepared it gets weird History has been altered. * Sorry. No Free PDF Download Found Without Requiring Membership - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@RWayneSteiger - These are the only writings of KING OG the Rephaim. The Rephaim being a Biblical race of Giants that Moses eventually had to eradicate in Numbers 21 of the Bible. Originally transcribed during a several hundred year swath in and around 1400 BCE, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG is a controversial, heretical tome that reads like the Bible. In fact, it has been heavily speculated that the original architects of the Bible were on intimate terms with THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, which explains instances of similarity in metaphor and verbiage. - Previously, the only way to look into this particular pre-Biblical flood, Rephaim/Nephilim world of Giants was through THE BOOK OF ENOCH and other DEAD SEA SCROLLS. Author DEMMON has brought forward a previously lost, heretical book that features the only Aramaic to English translation of the remaining mostly-complete copy of THE BOOK OF KING OG the Rephaim. While not entirely complete, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG offers the greatest comprehension yet of the antediluvian (PRE-FLOOD) and postdiluvian world, from the eyes and ears of the Rephaim. - The Catholic suppression of this text has always been due to the fact that THE BOOK OF KING OG is a pagan book. The pagan/blasphemous aspects of the tome (a championing of the uncircumcised for example) make its "burial" by the Catholic Church completely logical. Soaked in Baal worship and child-sacrifice, it is no wonder that the book had been silenced. The Catholic argument that the decision to rid the earth of the text was "God-inspired," is in fact, spiritually sound. With Constantine's systematic destruction of non-Christian texts in and around 326 CE, and the following Gelasian Decree of the 5th century CE, knowledge and/or reproduction of Og's verses was rendered impossible. - In fact, the Catholic Church originally posted the following words of anathema in regards to THE BOOK OF KING OG and other forbidden texts: "... and whatever disciples of heresy and of the heretics or schismatics, whose names we have scarcely preserved, have taught or compiled, we declare to be not merely rejected but excluded from the whole Roman catholic and apostolic church, and its authors and their adherents to be damned in the inextricable shackles of anathema for ever [sic]. - "THE BOOK OF KING OG is referenced by association throughout (relatively) recent history, perhaps most notably in the NEW HISTORY OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS published in 1693. In this reference book, the BOOK OF KING OG is described as, "Forged by Jews and Hereticks both Fabulous and Erroneous." Written closely with Vatican translator FATHER MARTIN, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG serves as a warning, a prophecy and an explanation as to why the Rephaim and Nephilim Giants no longer walk the face of the earth. The recent uncovering of the CASSIODORUS DONATION of 550 CE to the Catholic Church has revealed the most intact, albeit horribly preserved, copy of The BOOK OF KING OG yet. The CASSIODORUS text was used as the primary source material FATHER MARTIN used for his translation THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG. Providing information on a modern, unspeakable evil, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG will make all who read it consider their religious beliefs and their conclusions about the giants of antiquity. *** A STUDY GUIDE TO THE BOOK OF OG - https://www.nephilimwerewolf.com/the-book-of-og.html - THE WHOLE ARMOR OF BAAL - In THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, King Og puts on the whole armor of Baal. In this post, I will first post the verses from Chapter 4 verses 21-23. Then I will post Ephesians 10-18 (which historically were written afterward). - THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG Chapter 4:21-23: Then, before the [army] of one hundred thousand giants, Anak helped King put on the whole armor of Baal, so that he would be able to stand against the wiles of the incoming circumcised. So King Og took to himself the whole armor of Baal of the earth, so that he would withstand on day of war, and having done all, to stand. King Og stood with his feet apart, having girded his loins with the truth of the uncircumcised. He wore the breastplate of Baal of the moon. King Og also had his feet shod with the preparation for [total] warfare. Above all, King Og took the shield of Baal of the stars and constellations to quench all the fiery darts of the circumcised Nephilim. And king Og fixed the Mot's helmet of the afterlife upon his head, and the sword of Baal of the Sun which illuminates the life that surrounds all uncircumcised Rephaim.4.93K views 4 comments -
The Lost Book of King Og P1: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger
TheWarAgainstYouThe Lost Book of King Og P1: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger - ***The Most Extensive Account Known of Pre Flood Descendants of the Fallen Angel Direct Offspring the Rephaim, and Their Descendants the Nephilim*** - R. Wayne Steiger Claims to have Actually Seen the Bones of King Og Personally Himself - (Warning: You May Want to Seek Spiritual Protection Before You Listen to these readings) - (ACTUAL READING STARTS AT 13:50 MARK) - December 2, 2019 R Wayne Steiger - Be Warned. Extremely Shocking Subject Content - This is a story like none other it will jar you in your sense and most diffidently will change your perception on how history has been recorded. We will discuss who and what were the Rephaim, did they exists and if so why is there not more written about them, their culture and their time on Earth, along with so many new revelations. - This will be well worth your time be prepared it gets weird History has been altered. * Sorry. No Free PDF Download Found Without Requiring Membership - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@RWayneSteiger - These are the only writings of KING OG the Rephaim. The Rephaim being a Biblical race of Giants that Moses eventually had to eradicate in Numbers 21 of the Bible. Originally transcribed during a several hundred year swath in and around 1400 BCE, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG is a controversial, heretical tome that reads like the Bible. In fact, it has been heavily speculated that the original architects of the Bible were on intimate terms with THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, which explains instances of similarity in metaphor and verbiage. - Previously, the only way to look into this particular pre-Biblical flood, Rephaim/Nephilim world of Giants was through THE BOOK OF ENOCH and other DEAD SEA SCROLLS. Author DEMMON has brought forward a previously lost, heretical book that features the only Aramaic to English translation of the remaining mostly-complete copy of THE BOOK OF KING OG the Rephaim. While not entirely complete, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG offers the greatest comprehension yet of the antediluvian (PRE-FLOOD) and postdiluvian world, from the eyes and ears of the Rephaim. - The Catholic suppression of this text has always been due to the fact that THE BOOK OF KING OG is a pagan book. The pagan/blasphemous aspects of the tome (a championing of the uncircumcised for example) make its "burial" by the Catholic Church completely logical. Soaked in Baal worship and child-sacrifice, it is no wonder that the book had been silenced. The Catholic argument that the decision to rid the earth of the text was "God-inspired," is in fact, spiritually sound. With Constantine's systematic destruction of non-Christian texts in and around 326 CE, and the following Gelasian Decree of the 5th century CE, knowledge and/or reproduction of Og's verses was rendered impossible. - In fact, the Catholic Church originally posted the following words of anathema in regards to THE BOOK OF KING OG and other forbidden texts: "... and whatever disciples of heresy and of the heretics or schismatics, whose names we have scarcely preserved, have taught or compiled, we declare to be not merely rejected but excluded from the whole Roman catholic and apostolic church, and its authors and their adherents to be damned in the inextricable shackles of anathema for ever [sic]. - "THE BOOK OF KING OG is referenced by association throughout (relatively) recent history, perhaps most notably in the NEW HISTORY OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS published in 1693. In this reference book, the BOOK OF KING OG is described as, "Forged by Jews and Hereticks both Fabulous and Erroneous." Written closely with Vatican translator FATHER MARTIN, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG serves as a warning, a prophecy and an explanation as to why the Rephaim and Nephilim Giants no longer walk the face of the earth. The recent uncovering of the CASSIODORUS DONATION of 550 CE to the Catholic Church has revealed the most intact, albeit horribly preserved, copy of The BOOK OF KING OG yet. The CASSIODORUS text was used as the primary source material FATHER MARTIN used for his translation THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG. Providing information on a modern, unspeakable evil, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG will make all who read it consider their religious beliefs and their conclusions about the giants of antiquity. *** A STUDY GUIDE TO THE BOOK OF OG - https://www.nephilimwerewolf.com/the-book-of-og.html - THE WHOLE ARMOR OF BAAL - In THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, King Og puts on the whole armor of Baal. In this post, I will first post the verses from Chapter 4 verses 21-23. Then I will post Ephesians 10-18 (which historically were written afterward). - THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG Chapter 4:21-23: Then, before the [army] of one hundred thousand giants, Anak helped King put on the whole armor of Baal, so that he would be able to stand against the wiles of the incoming circumcised. So King Og took to himself the whole armor of Baal of the earth, so that he would withstand on day of war, and having done all, to stand. King Og stood with his feet apart, having girded his loins with the truth of the uncircumcised. He wore the breastplate of Baal of the moon. King Og also had his feet shod with the preparation for [total] warfare. Above all, King Og took the shield of Baal of the stars and constellations to quench all the fiery darts of the circumcised Nephilim. And king Og fixed the Mot's helmet of the afterlife upon his head, and the sword of Baal of the Sun which illuminates the life that surrounds all uncircumcised Rephaim.7.39K views 12 comments -
The Lost Book of King Og P4: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger
TheWarAgainstYouThe Lost Book of King Og P4: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger - ***The Most Extensive Account Known of Pre Flood Descendants of the Fallen Angel Direct Offspring the Rephaim, and Their Descendants the Nephilim*** - R. Wayne Steiger Claims to have Actually Seen the Bones of King Og Personally Himself - (Warning: You May Want to Seek Spiritual Protection Before You Listen to these readings) - December 2, 2019 R Wayne Steiger - Be Warned. Extremely Shocking Subject Content - PART 4 Men of Renown 2 December 9, 2019 - Our journey has arrived at the place where we shall stop and meet the mystery Men of Renown only mentioned but never explained. Who were these Men, when did they live, were they men at all and what was their exploits that has been hidden in the back drop of the curtains of Mankind history? This was a time unlike any other time of our past and these Beings had an impact on how we live today so why is there is little information about them, it is a question we will answer today. - Join me as I introduce you to these Giants of Renown I can assure you that you will never meet any of group such as them and let us all hope we never do. * This is a story like none other it will jar you in your sense and most diffidently will change your perception on how history has been recorded. We will discuss who and what were the Rephaim, did they exists and if so why is there not more written about them, their culture and their time on Earth, along with so many new revelations. - This will be well worth your time be prepared it gets weird History has been altered. * Sorry. No Free PDF Download Found Without Requiring Membership - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@RWayneSteiger - These are the only writings of KING OG the Rephaim. The Rephaim being a Biblical race of Giants that Moses eventually had to eradicate in Numbers 21 of the Bible. Originally transcribed during a several hundred year swath in and around 1400 BCE, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG is a controversial, heretical tome that reads like the Bible. In fact, it has been heavily speculated that the original architects of the Bible were on intimate terms with THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, which explains instances of similarity in metaphor and verbiage. - Previously, the only way to look into this particular pre-Biblical flood, Rephaim/Nephilim world of Giants was through THE BOOK OF ENOCH and other DEAD SEA SCROLLS. Author DEMMON has brought forward a previously lost, heretical book that features the only Aramaic to English translation of the remaining mostly-complete copy of THE BOOK OF KING OG the Rephaim. While not entirely complete, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG offers the greatest comprehension yet of the antediluvian (PRE-FLOOD) and postdiluvian world, from the eyes and ears of the Rephaim. - The Catholic suppression of this text has always been due to the fact that THE BOOK OF KING OG is a pagan book. The pagan/blasphemous aspects of the tome (a championing of the uncircumcised for example) make its "burial" by the Catholic Church completely logical. Soaked in Baal worship and child-sacrifice, it is no wonder that the book had been silenced. The Catholic argument that the decision to rid the earth of the text was "God-inspired," is in fact, spiritually sound. With Constantine's systematic destruction of non-Christian texts in and around 326 CE, and the following Gelasian Decree of the 5th century CE, knowledge and/or reproduction of Og's verses was rendered impossible. - In fact, the Catholic Church originally posted the following words of anathema in regards to THE BOOK OF KING OG and other forbidden texts: "... and whatever disciples of heresy and of the heretics or schismatics, whose names we have scarcely preserved, have taught or compiled, we declare to be not merely rejected but excluded from the whole Roman catholic and apostolic church, and its authors and their adherents to be damned in the inextricable shackles of anathema for ever [sic]. - "THE BOOK OF KING OG is referenced by association throughout (relatively) recent history, perhaps most notably in the NEW HISTORY OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS published in 1693. In this reference book, the BOOK OF KING OG is described as, "Forged by Jews and Hereticks both Fabulous and Erroneous." Written closely with Vatican translator FATHER MARTIN, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG serves as a warning, a prophecy and an explanation as to why the Rephaim and Nephilim Giants no longer walk the face of the earth. The recent uncovering of the CASSIODORUS DONATION of 550 CE to the Catholic Church has revealed the most intact, albeit horribly preserved, copy of The BOOK OF KING OG yet. The CASSIODORUS text was used as the primary source material FATHER MARTIN used for his translation THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG. Providing information on a modern, unspeakable evil, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG will make all who read it consider their religious beliefs and their conclusions about the giants of antiquity. *** A STUDY GUIDE TO THE BOOK OF OG - https://www.nephilimwerewolf.com/the-book-of-og.html - THE WHOLE ARMOR OF BAAL - In THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, King Og puts on the whole armor of Baal. In this post, I will first post the verses from Chapter 4 verses 21-23. Then I will post Ephesians 10-18 (which historically were written afterward). - THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG Chapter 4:21-23: Then, before the [army] of one hundred thousand giants, Anak helped King put on the whole armor of Baal, so that he would be able to stand against the wiles of the incoming circumcised. So King Og took to himself the whole armor of Baal of the earth, so that he would withstand on day of war, and having done all, to stand. King Og stood with his feet apart, having girded his loins with the truth of the uncircumcised. He wore the breastplate of Baal of the moon. King Og also had his feet shod with the preparation for [total] warfare. Above all, King Og took the shield of Baal of the stars and constellations to quench all the fiery darts of the circumcised Nephilim. And king Og fixed the Mot's helmet of the afterlife upon his head, and the sword of Baal of the Sun which illuminates the life that surrounds all uncircumcised Rephaim.4.83K views 1 comment -
This is Why Giants, the Watchers & More were Removed from the Bible. History of the Lost Books
TheWarAgainstYouThis is Why Giants, the Watchers & More were Removed from the Bible. History of the Lost Books --- Premiered 21 hours ago 2-16-2023 --- The Old Testament was NOT Created Until 90 Years After Jesus. --- The New Testament was Not Completed Until About 300 Years After Jesus. --- The Father of Noah accused his own wife of having SEX with a NEPHILIM, because the New Born Noah was of gigantic size and he GLOWED. --- If Jahova Destroyed the World by Flood to Cleans the Earth of Hellspawn Nephilim, and Noah himself was also of that Blood, how does that reconcile with the Biblical Narrative? --- Not only that, but the second? wife of Noah was of Nephilim Blood as well. --- So if we are all Descendants of Noah, and he had Watcher/Nephilim Blood, so would all of Humanity. --- @zoharstargateancientdiscoverie Courtesy of @EarthAncientsOfficial - --- Why isn’t the Book of Enoch in the Holy Bible, even though Enoch is referenced multiple times? --- Why were texts considered sacred by many, excluded by others? --- Who made the decisions and why? --- There are more than 50 books - some of which exist only in fragments while others are complete and whole―that are not included in the biblical canon. --- Why were they discarded? Most Protestant denominations settled on 66 canonical books of the Bible, while there are 73 for Roman Catholics and 78 for Eastern Orthodox adherents. --- Why are there these differences of opinion? --- We are often taught that the Bible is, in the words of many religious catechisms, “the infallible word of faith and practice.” --- In reality, the Bible can also be seen as a political document as much as a spiritual one. --- Ordained minister and theologian Jim Willis examines the historical, political, and social climates that influenced the redactors and editors of the Bible and other sacred texts in Censoring God: The History of the Lost Books (and other Excluded Scriptures). --- In analyzing why texts were censored, he uncovers sometimes surprising biases. He investigates enigmatic hints of Bible codes and ancient wisdom that implies a greater spiritual force might have been at work. Willis explores the importance of the Book of Enoch, its disappearance, and how it was rediscovered in Ethiopia. He analyzes over two dozen excluded texts, such as Jubilees and the Gospel of Thomas, along with the many references to books that we know about from fragments but remain lost. ****************** Thought-provoking and provocative, Censoring God scrutinizes how sacred texts might have been used to justify the power of the powerful, including the destruction of sacred writings of conquered indigenous cultures because they did not agree with the finished version of the Bible accepted by the Church establishment. ************************ This important book looks at the human failings in interpreting God’s words, and through a compassionate examination it brings a deeper understanding of the power and importance of the lost words. With more than 120 photos and graphics, this tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography provides sources for further exploration, and an extensive index adds to its usefulness. --- Jim Willis earned his master’s degree in theology from Andover Newton Theological School, and he has been an ordained minister for over forty years. He has also taught college courses in comparative religion and cross-cultural studies. --- His background in theology and education led to his writing more than a dozen books on religion, the apocalypse, cross-cultural spirituality, and the mysteries of the unknown. His books include Visible Ink Press’ Ancient Gods: Lost Histories, Hidden Truths, and the Conspiracy of Silence; Supernatural Gods: Spiritual Mysteries, Psychic Experiences, and Scientific Truths; The Religion Book; Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization; and Lost Civilizations: The Secret Histories and Suppressed Technologies of the Ancients. Willis resides in the woods of South Carolina with his wife, Barbara. --- FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES --- Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@zoharstargateancientdiscoverie28.8K views 19 comments -
The Lost Book of King Og P5: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger
TheWarAgainstYouThe Lost Book of King Og P5: The Only Written Words of the Rephaim. Read by R. Wayne Steiger - ***The Most Extensive Account Known of Pre Flood Descendants of the Fallen Angel Direct Offspring the Rephaim, and Their Descendants the Nephilim*** - R. Wayne Steiger Claims to have Actually Seen the Bones of King Og Personally Himself - (Warning: You May Want to Seek Spiritual Protection Before You Listen to these readings) - December 12, 2019 R Wayne Steiger - Be Warned. Extremely Shocking Subject Content - PART 5 - The War of All Wars - December 12, 2019 - We are now at the place in this amazing journey of the stories of the Rephaim and Nephilim and their war of all wars The Hundred Thousand Giant War. It can be said that this is unlike any battle / war of the Humans fact is there will never be another battle as the Giants did battle on Earth ever again and let humanity hope there never will be again. - The place the desert of Damnation, the time the day before the Great Flood begins and as the first rain drops begin to fall so does the war of all wars we join them as the battle begins. * THE WHOLE ARMOR OF BAAL - In THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, King Og puts on the whole armor of Baal. In this post, I will first post the verses from Chapter 4 verses 21-23. Then I will post Ephesians 10-18 (which historically were written afterward). - THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG Chapter 4:21-23: Then, before the [army] of one hundred thousand giants, Anak helped King put on the whole armor of Baal, so that he would be able to stand against the wiles of the incoming circumcised. So King Og took to himself the whole armor of Baal of the earth, so that he would withstand on day of war, and having done all, to stand. King Og stood with his feet apart, having girded his loins with the truth of the uncircumcised. He wore the breastplate of Baal of the moon. King Og also had his feet shod with the preparation for [total] warfare. Above all, King Og took the shield of Baal of the stars and constellations to quench all the fiery darts of the circumcised Nephilim. And king Og fixed the Mot's helmet of the afterlife upon his head, and the sword of Baal of the Sun which illuminates the life that surrounds all uncircumcised Rephaim. * This is a story like none other it will jar you in your sense and most diffidently will change your perception on how history has been recorded. We will discuss who and what were the Rephaim, did they exists and if so why is there not more written about them, their culture and their time on Earth, along with so many new revelations. - This will be well worth your time be prepared it gets weird History has been altered. * Sorry. No Free PDF Download Found Without Requiring Membership - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@RWayneSteiger - These are the only writings of KING OG the Rephaim. The Rephaim being a Biblical race of Giants that Moses eventually had to eradicate in Numbers 21 of the Bible. Originally transcribed during a several hundred year swath in and around 1400 BCE, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG is a controversial, heretical tome that reads like the Bible. In fact, it has been heavily speculated that the original architects of the Bible were on intimate terms with THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, which explains instances of similarity in metaphor and verbiage. - Previously, the only way to look into this particular pre-Biblical flood, Rephaim/Nephilim world of Giants was through THE BOOK OF ENOCH and other DEAD SEA SCROLLS. Author DEMMON has brought forward a previously lost, heretical book that features the only Aramaic to English translation of the remaining mostly-complete copy of THE BOOK OF KING OG the Rephaim. While not entirely complete, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG offers the greatest comprehension yet of the antediluvian (PRE-FLOOD) and postdiluvian world, from the eyes and ears of the Rephaim. - The Catholic suppression of this text has always been due to the fact that THE BOOK OF KING OG is a pagan book. The pagan/blasphemous aspects of the tome (a championing of the uncircumcised for example) make its "burial" by the Catholic Church completely logical. Soaked in Baal worship and child-sacrifice, it is no wonder that the book had been silenced. The Catholic argument that the decision to rid the earth of the text was "God-inspired," is in fact, spiritually sound. With Constantine's systematic destruction of non-Christian texts in and around 326 CE, and the following Gelasian Decree of the 5th century CE, knowledge and/or reproduction of Og's verses was rendered impossible. - In fact, the Catholic Church originally posted the following words of anathema in regards to THE BOOK OF KING OG and other forbidden texts: "... and whatever disciples of heresy and of the heretics or schismatics, whose names we have scarcely preserved, have taught or compiled, we declare to be not merely rejected but excluded from the whole Roman catholic and apostolic church, and its authors and their adherents to be damned in the inextricable shackles of anathema for ever [sic]. - "THE BOOK OF KING OG is referenced by association throughout (relatively) recent history, perhaps most notably in the NEW HISTORY OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS published in 1693. In this reference book, the BOOK OF KING OG is described as, "Forged by Jews and Hereticks both Fabulous and Erroneous." Written closely with Vatican translator FATHER MARTIN, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG serves as a warning, a prophecy and an explanation as to why the Rephaim and Nephilim Giants no longer walk the face of the earth. The recent uncovering of the CASSIODORUS DONATION of 550 CE to the Catholic Church has revealed the most intact, albeit horribly preserved, copy of The BOOK OF KING OG yet. The CASSIODORUS text was used as the primary source material FATHER MARTIN used for his translation THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG. Providing information on a modern, unspeakable evil, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG will make all who read it consider their religious beliefs and their conclusions about the giants of antiquity. *** A STUDY GUIDE TO THE BOOK OF OG - https://www.nephilimwerewolf.com/the-book-of-og.html4.65K views -
Templar - Mary Magdalene Mystery - Deciphered Scripts and Lost Book Referenced in the Bible
TheWarAgainstYouTemplar - Mary Magdalene Mystery - Deciphered Scripts and Lost Book Referenced in the Bible --- Author and Host of America Unearthed Scott Wolter gives a Presentation on the Biggest Mystery and Greatest Investigation of his Life Work. --- What Scott Wolter has revealed turns Christian beliefs upside down. Controversial does not begin to describe what this represents. --- Scott Wolter admits he is a Freemason and Modern Day Templar. His Integrity is of great question. I have always felt he was an honest person, (From Watching Him on TV) --- The only way to establish his claims as fact, or historically accurate is to make these materials available for scholars to research... --- The Lost Book of the 'Wars of the Lord' is FOUND!... Complete Story EVER Told! --- Premiered 11 hours ago --- HOLY CRAP - ONE HELL OF AN AMAZING TALE --- Scott Wolter starts out really slow and remains illusive, but he will lead you on an Amazing Journey through time. --- One of the non-canonical books referenced in the Bible which has now been completely lost; has been found. At least two parts of the book have come forward within a collection of secret documents held by the medieval Knights Templar and their ideological descendants. --- The unpublished material we will share and discuss for the first time since its discovery, will delve into explosively controversial topics organizations like the Roman Catholic Church would literally kill to keep hidden. Topics like the ancient belief in a dual-gendered nature of God and what can only be interpreted as people from another realm interacting with humans. --- These documents make it clear the “Lord” had a feminine consort on an equal plane and She was called “Wisdom.” They also contain passages about events that involve beings that are not of this earth, their concern for the sacred book and secrets it contains. --- FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES --- Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@zoharstargateancientdiscoverie1.66K views 4 comments