Christ The King Podcast
56 videos
Updated 7 hours ago
All of your favorite Christ The King Podcast video episodes in one place!
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 1 - Dialectics
Christ The KingPlease follow Catholic State here: https://linktr.ee/The_Catholic_State Please follow Aeterni Patris here: https://www.instagram.com/aeterni.patris/245 views -
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 2 - Rosary Rally Debrief
Christ The Kinghttps://thecatholicstate.podbean.com/e/cincinnati-rosary-rally-debrief/419 views -
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 3 - Language Games - Control The Language, Control The Thoughts
Christ The KingHere is a podcast episode I recorded yesterday with a friend where we go into how the enemy uses language games to control the language to control how we are allowed to think in order to reframe reality in a way that gets us to buy into their lies. Please share this podcast if you like it. May God reward you! Or you can just go to my Podbean site to download and share the podcast episode: https://thecatholicstate.podbean.com/e/language-games-control-the-language-control-the-thought/ If you want email notifications when I post new content, please subscribe at: https://christtheking.info/1.01K views 3 comments -
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 4 - Effeminate Assent
Christ The KingHere is a podcast episode where we go into how Catholics will only publicly assent to the parts of the Catholic Faith that are inoffensive, and generally turn into effeminate cowards when it comes to the JQ, just denunciation, and Catholic Action. Please share this video if you like it. God bless! Or you can just go to my Podbean site to download and share the podcast episode: https://thecatholicstate.podbean.com/e/effeminate-assent/ If you want email notifications when I post new content, please subscribe at: https://christtheking.info/307 views 1 comment -
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 5 - Lack Of Manpower In Catholic Action
Christ The KingHere is a podcast episode where we go into how there is a Lack Of Manpower In Catholic Action, which makes it very difficult to win the culture wars against the Judeo-Masonic alliance and their Globohomo agenda. Please share this podcast if you like it. God bless! https://christtheking.info/podcasts/243 views -
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 6 - Creating Catholic Culture In A Jewish State
Christ The KingHere is a podcast episode where we go into Creating Catholic Culture In A Jewish State, which is what we need to do in order to turn Western Civilization Christian again. Please share this podcast if you like it. God bless! https://thecatholicstate.podbean.com/e/creating-catholic-culture-in-a-jewish-state/256 views 1 comment -
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 7 - The Bar Is I Assent
Christ The KingHere is a podcast episode where we go into how one needs to assent to ALL Catholic Doctrine, putting it before secular political ideologies and personal preference, in order to engage in Catholic Action and cooperate with others who want the same. Please share this podcast if you like it. God bless! https://thecatholicstate.podbean.com/e/the-bar-is-i-assent/ If you want email notifications when I post new content, please subscribe at: https://christtheking.info/269 views -
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 8 - Gaslight World
Christ The KingHere is a podcast episode where we go into how the world gaslights you and tries to make you feel like a crazy person simply for noticing things, like who's pushing evil and committing crimes, because you have good pattern recognition skills. Please share this podcast if you like it. God bless! https://thecatholicstate.podbean.com/e/gaslight-world/ If you want email notifications when I post new content, please subscribe at: https://christtheking.info/267 views 2 comments -
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 9 - The False Notion Of "Just Politics"
Christ The KingHere is a podcast episode where we go into how Catholics dismiss Catholic Social Teaching doctrine as "just politics", choosing to ignore publicly defending Catholic Social Teaching or just dissenting completely, both of which are grave errors. Please share this podcast if you like it. God bless! https://thecatholicstate.podbean.com/e/the-false-notion-of-just-politics/ If you want email notifications when I post new content, please subscribe at: https://christtheking.info/11.8K views 3 comments -
Christ The King Podcast - Episode 10 - Thou Shalt Not Lie, No Compromise
Christ The KingHere is a podcast episode where we go into how we as Christians cannot lie, for any reason whatsoever, especially in order to "go along to get along" with the world that hates us. Please share this podcast if you like it. May God reward you! https://thecatholicstate.podbean.com/e/thou-shalt-not-lie-no-compromise/ If you want email notifications when I post new content, please subscribe at: https://christtheking.info/4.55K views 2 comments