Tabletop Mercenary
12 videos
Updated 5 months ago
This playlist is meant to allow ease of watching for the series Tabletop Mercenary, which is all about making a living in the world of tabletop roleplaying games.
Tabletop Mercenary, Episode 12: The Pros and Cons of Community Use Platforms
The Literary MercenaryCommunity use platforms are agreements that let you create content for games that exist in someone else's world, setting, or game, utilizing their intellectual property for your product. While they seem too good to be true for some of us, it's important to remember there are potential drawbacks, and that you need to go in with your eyes open. Affiliate Links For My Own Community Use Platform TTRPG Supplements: - Storyteller's Vault: - Pathfinder Infinite: Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard," and transitions feature pieces of the tracks "Warlock's Whispers" and "Dark City" by Tabletop Audio: views -
Tabletop Mercenary, Episode 11: The Best (And Worst) Sellers For TTRPG Products
The Literary MercenaryWhen you're making tabletop RPG materials, it can sometimes be hard to know what's actually going to do numbers, and what's likely to flop. While nothing is a sure-fire investment of your time, energy, and artistic skill, I've been in the business for a decade now, and these are the trends I've seen both with my own products, and with other people's when it comes to what sells, and what doesn't. Also, if you're interested in any of the products shown in this video, affiliate links to them are as follows: - 100 NPCs You Might Meet At The Tavern: - 100 Sci-Fi Cocktails: - 10 Fantasy Villages: - Army Men: A Game of Tactical Plastic: - The Price of Iron: - Tales From The Moot: - The Irregulars: - Legacy of Flames: - Blight Bane's Gambit: Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard," and transitions feature pieces of the tracks "Warlock's Whispers" and "Dark City" by Tabletop Audio: views 2 comments -
Tabletop Mercenary, Episode 10: Talking About Design Bloat in TTRPGs
The Literary MercenaryIt's sometimes hard to know when enough is enough when it comes to TTRPGs. However, if you aren't careful, you can easily wind up with both design bloat, and mission creep. Keeping these two terms in mind can help you trim the fat from your games, while also making sure you aren't biting off more than you can chew. Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard," and transitions feature pieces of the tracks "Warlock's Whispers" and "Dark City" by Tabletop Audio: views -
Tabletop Mercenary, Episode 9: Ideas Are Inherently Worthless
The Literary MercenaryToo many of us think that ideas are like this hidden vein of gold in an untapped mine, and that we can't tell anyone about them lest they "steal" our fortune. However, ideas by themselves are worthless. They're rocks. The only thing that gives them worth is whether you make something out of them. So don't share your actual work... but if someone would have to make their own game, write their own novel, film their own movie, etc., then they aren't "stealing" an idea. They're doing their own work. Which is what you should be doing! Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard," and transitions feature pieces of the tracks "Warlock's Whispers" and "Dark City" by Tabletop Audio: views 1 comment -
Tabletop Mercenary, Episode 8: Understanding Evergreen Content
The Literary MercenaryWhen you design TTRPG content for a living, you can't just think about what people are playing today. You need to think about what they're going to be playing next week, next month, next year, and if possible, decades from now. Which is why it's important to ask what the shelf life of your games and supplements are... because if something can stand the test of time, then you're going to be able to sell to generation after generation of gamers! Supplements Mentioned In The Video (Note: I'm the author, and these are my affiliate links) - 100 NPCs You Might Meet at The Tavern: - A Baker's Dozen of Noble Families: - 100 Characters You Might Meet at a Starport: - 100 Sci-Fi Cocktails: Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard," by Tabletop Audio: views -
Tabletop Mercenary Episode 7: How To Get Good Art For Your Game
The Literary MercenaryThey always say not to judge a book by its cover, but when it comes to the games we make that's a very real possibility. If you're operating on a budget, but you need to get eye-catching art for your RPG, Tabletop Mercenary will walk you throught the process, and help you find the resources you need. Products Mentioned in The Video (Note, I Am The Author, and These Are Affiliate Links): - Army Men: A Game of Tactical Plastic - Cities of Sundara: Ironfire - Cities of Sundara: Moüd - The Price of Iron: - Crier's Knife: Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard," by Tabletop Audio: views -
Tabletop Mercenary, Episode 6: Don't Go Chasing Design Trends
The Literary MercenaryIn the publishing world there is nothing more likely to give you serious problems than chasing trends. If you want to hit a moving target, you need to aim where it's GOING to be, not where it was. And it's better to learn that lesson before you invest a huge amount of time, energy, and money into a product that would have been a smash hit 4 years ago, instead of connecting with the audience of today. Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard," and transitions feature pieces of the tracks "Warlock's Whispers" and "Dark City" by Tabletop Audio: views -
Tabletop Mercenary, Episode 5: Affiliate Earnings, What They Are, And Why You Need Them
The Literary MercenaryMaking money as a TTRPG professional is tough, and you need to use every weapon in your arsenal. If you aren't currently using the affiliate system offered by sites like Drive Thru RPG, Amazon, and other sites, this week's video explains what these programs are, how they work, and why you should add them to your business strategy as soon as possible! For those who are interested in checking out the supplement mentioned in this video, "I Know A Guy" can be found here: Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard," and transitions feature pieces of the tracks "Warlock's Whispers" and "Dark City" by Tabletop Audio: views -
Tabletop Mercenary Episode 4: The Pros, Cons, and Challenges of Making Your Own TTRPG
The Literary MercenaryA lot of us, when we decide to throw our hats into the ring to become TTRPG designers jump right into the deep end, feet first. However, if you're planning on making your very own TTRPG from the ground up, you should take a moment to evaluate whether this is really what you want to do. Because while there are pros to this strategy, there are also cons that you should keep in mind before putting the pedal to the metal, and committing to this path of action. Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard," and transitions feature pieces of the tracks "Warlock's Whispers" and "Dark City" by Tabletop Audio: views -
Tabletop Mercenary, Episode 3: How I Became a TTRPG Professional (And How You Can Do The Same)
The Literary MercenaryI have spent the past 10 years of my life as a TTRPG designer in one way, shape, or form... but this wasn't my goal when I started. In fact, I sort of fell into this professional by accident. However, there were some definite watershed moments that led me from where I was, to where I am now, and I thought I would walk folks through them, and explain what you all can learn from my journey so that yours can be that much shorter. And remember, we're all in this together! So if you have questions, comments, or curiosities, feel free to leave them in the comments! Support Tabletop Mercenary In addition to subscribing to the channel, and liking and sharing the video, consider doing the following: - Subscribe to the Azukail Games YouTube channel: - Become a Patreon Patron: - Buy Me a Ko-Fi: Outro music is "Robot Scrapyard" by Tabletop Audio: views