Riddles of Antisemitism & Jewish Survival
5 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Interacting with Mark Twain's essay ("Concerning the Jews," 1898) in which he wrestled with the twin enigmas of irrational Antisemitism and the incredible survival of the Hebrew People, we turn to the Word of God for a solution to these enigmas.
Restoring the Fallen Tent: The Mystery of Jewish Survival
Pastor Terry ReeseOur final message in our series on the twin enigmas of Antisemitism and Jewish Survival underscores the glorious consummation of God's ultimate plan and destiny for the Chosen People--to "restore the fallen tent of David" (Amos 9:11)!13 views -
Unravelling the Enigma of Antisemitism
Pastor Terry ReeseIn an 1898 essay, Mark Twain--who happened to be a religious skeptic--expressed deep and well-founded amazement over the vile and disturbing enigma of irrational antisemitism. With the Word of God as our infallible guide, we hope to shed some light upon this strange phenomenon that so mystified America's greatest humorist.6 views -
"AND THOU SHALT BE A BLESSING..." (The Riddle of Antisemitism, pt. 2)
Pastor Terry ReeseIn this second message on the twin enigmas of antisemitism & Jewish survival, we follow-up on our historical survey of world-antisemitism (our first message) by looking at Bible prophecy concerning the future outrages that will be associated with the Antichrist who is to come. After this, we observe the fulfilment of Gen. 12:2-3 in terms of the amazing & disproportionate level of Jewish contributions to betterment of mankind--which dramatically underscores the wildly irrational and utterly contemptible nature of modern antisemitism.23 views -
A HEAVY BURDEN: The Temple Mount (Pastor Terry Reese)
Pastor Terry ReeseHalf a millennium before Christ, Zechariah predicted that Jerusalem would become "a cup of trembling" and "a burdensome stone" for the nations (Zech. 12:2-3). This will come to full fruition during the upcoming seven years of Great Tribulation--but even now, we see Jerusalem at the center of international activity and disturbances. In this message, we trace the history of the Temple Mount from the fall of the Second Temple (Matt. 24:1-2; AD 70) unto the Present.26 views -
UNDYING HATE: The Dark History of Antisemitism
Pastor Terry ReeseIn light of the rise of viscous antisemitism that was made manifest in the cruel and cowardly onslaught of Oct. 7, 2023 and its toxic aftermath, we offer some vital information to the public in order to counteract the poisonous influence of Holocaust-denial, and to answer some of the slanderous accusations that have been raised against the Hebrew People. This is the first of a series of messages that examines the riddle of Antisemitism, as well as the accompanying mystery of Jewish survival---despite the challenges posed by cultural assimilation and violent persecution. We begin by exploring the enormity of Satan's hatred for the Chosen People (Rev. 12:1--6, 13, 17) as witnessed in the dark tapestry of human history, from age-to-age and region-to-region.68 views