True Locations Of Israel And Jerusalem FOUND!! It's Not Where You Think!!
TruthUnveiled777A DOCUMENTARY! BONUS!! ALSO SHOWING THE REAL MOUNT SINAI AND MOUNT ZION!!! HAVE WE BEEN LIED TO ON SUCH A GRAND SCALE?! HAVE WE BEEN LIED TO FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS?! In this video, you will see the TRUE Restored Locations of Ancient Scriptural Places — Places such as Jerusalem, Mount Zion, Ophir, Gibeon, Beersheba, AND MORE!!! You will also see Ancient Maps from as early as the 15th century, and even Ancient Maps nearly 500 years old containing Scriptural Locations such as Babylon, Ammon, and Agag. From Galilee to Nazareth; From Mount Sinai to Susa — We Will Uncover It ALL!!!! We will also explore different Ancient Maps Of Africa with even more potential Scriptural Locations. We will share the academic, archeological, geographical, historical, and Scriptural references when it comes to these True Locations — and also Expose The LIES that we have been spoon-fed for well over THOUSANDS OF YEARS!! AND AS ALWAYS, YOU DECIDE! May this video Open your eyes to the Truth and cause you to Research MORE of what is being HIDDEN!; May this video be Edifying unto you and unto all of those watching; And may this video Assist you in your own personal studies and research! THE TIME HAS COME FOR ALL THE LIES TO BE EXPOSED! AS ALWAYS, PLEASE SEEK YAHUAH AND HIS TRUE SON YAHUSHA — FOR EVEN MORE TRUTH!! Music Produced By: Hadassah Queen O — www.SoundVariety.com SEE WHAT TREASURES YOU FIND!!! Old Maps Online (Search For Africa): http://www.oldmapsonline.org/ David Ramsey Map Collection (Search Africa, South Africa): https://www.davidrumsey.com/ The Map House (Browse Africa, Southern Africa): http://themaphouse.com/ Maps Of Antiquity: http://www.mapsofantiquity.com/ Rare Maps (Barry Lawrence Ruderman, Africa): https://raremaps.com/ Wiki Maps: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Ca... Sanderus Catalogue: https://www.sanderusmaps.com/en/our-c... Alabama Maps: http://alabamamaps.ua.edu/historicalm... Stanford: https://exhibits.stanford.edu/maps-of... Princeton: http://archive.is/tBzkG De Virga Map 1411: http://www.myoldmaps.com/late-medieva... JERUSALEM MAPS 1. G.W. Colton, Southern Africa 1886: https://bit.ly/2pIdTpS 2. A.J. Johnson, Africa 1870: https://bit.ly/2IJQDAt 3. A.J. Johnson, Africa 1886: https://bit.ly/2OIatlh 4. Adolf Stieler, Das Capland 1875: https://bit.ly/2C5ILrC 5. Adolf Stieler, Das Capland 1880: https://bit.ly/2Ofi9f3 6. George Bacon 1900: https://bit.ly/2Czwflc 7. George Bacon 1890: https://bit.ly/2ybcVXY 8. Richard Andree, Deutsch Süd-Afrika 1905: https://bit.ly/2A1jltM 9. Richard Andree, The Times 1895: https://bit.ly/2OQlwst 10. Merensky, Gallica 1887: https://bit.ly/2CCZfZw 11. Black, Adam, Charles 1854: https://bit.ly/2C6CfRF 12. Richard Kiepert, Paul Sprigade, Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika 1893: https://bit.ly/2INookD 13. Bacon’s Large Print Map, Transvaal, Orange Free State 1900: https://bit.ly/2ydQW2m 14. Paul Sprigade, Max Moisel, Deutsch-Südwest Afrika 1912: https://bit.ly/2ONmSEd 15. F.A. Brockhaus Leipzig 1894: https://ebay.to/2QBlodF 16. Francesco C. Marmocchi 1858: https://bit.ly/2NADoTs 17. Adolf Spieler, H. Habenicht 1904: https://bit.ly/2F8JP1c 18. James Wyld 1844 (Earliest Map So Far): https://stanford.io/2XKrA7c BABYLON MAPS Lorenz Fries 1525: https://bit.ly/2yiAI8v Sebastian Münster 1545: https://bit.ly/2CxY6m7 Johannes Honterus 1552: https://bit.ly/2IMsOrY Philip Lea 1692: https://bit.ly/2E9N9Zj Andreas Cellarius, Published In 1706: https://bit.ly/2CyL5sd Henry William Toms 1730: https://bit.ly/2ON5uzC BONUS BABYLON MAPS Abraham Ortelius 1592: https://bit.ly/2JcYmrf Giovanni Antonio Magini 1597: https://bit.ly/2PfNDli Edward Wells, Oxford 1712: https://bit.ly/2NQSZyC P Starckman 1720: https://bit.ly/2EyTluk BONUS MEDIA MAP Martin Waldseemüller 1507: https://bit.ly/2S0XR7q ZION MAPS Matthias Quad, Johann Bussemacher 1600: https://bit.ly/2QCGuZ2 Pierre Du Val 1664: https://bit.ly/2Nwiy7L Covens, Mortier 1730: https://bit.ly/2Ej0Bdo Guillaume Delisle 1745: https://bit.ly/2NysQnX Map From 1747: https://bit.ly/2pJsO39 Bolton 1766: https://bit.ly/2R2Fe1y BOOKS, ARTICLES, AND SOURCES (OPHIR) New York Times 1892: https://nyti.ms/2NytbqJ Innocent Pikirayi 2001: https://bit.ly/2OimbUf PBS NOVA 2000: https://to.pbs.org/1PrxY7y Richard Nicklin Hall, W.G. Neal 1904: https://bit.ly/2IJYrSN J. Theodore Bent 1891: https://bit.ly/2IMsB7V Alexander Wilmot 1894: https://bit.ly/2CxOUOn Carl Peters, Pages 174-183, 1904: https://bit.ly/2OimAWL Augustus Henry Keane 1901: https://tinyurl.com/y89k9ldb2.34K views 4 comments