It’s Over, They Admit It
Russell BrandAs the largest ever multicountry COVID study links vaccines to potential adverse effects, is the truth about vaccines finally starting to permeate even the mainstream? Watch MY Interview with Tucker Carlson exclusively on Locals here: https://bit.ly/TuckerCarlsonLocals Support Me Directly HERE: https://rb.rumble.com WATCH me LIVE weekdays on Rumble: https://bit.ly/russellbrand-rumble304K views 1.36K comments -
01.21.24 Ebola Vaccine Shedding In Colorado
Beer and Gear and things you need to hear* link: https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/ebola-vaccine-that-sheds-onto-infects OOPS The Did It Again. Please share the article with your friends who are still masked up and living in denial. There is no reason to do in the US and it should be done on in a small isolated facility where the risk of containment breach is limited. It almost seems like they want to kill us off doesn't it. Sharpen the pitchforks and light the torches time? Thanks for watching Big 3 E. I have no connection to any of these companies. All opinions are our own. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/beerandgear https://www.brighteon.com/channel/huhwhtfkr https://www.minds.com/huhwhtfkr/ https://www.gab.com/huhwhtfkr https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/BeerAndGear https://loop.joshwho.net/groups/5092015 https://parler.com/BeerandGear/ https://twitter.com/BeerandGear1 https://rumble.com/register/beerandgear/191 views 13 comments -
NZ Whistleblower Reveals STUNNING Data on Death Following Vaccination
naiachampGovernment official denies there is causation.29 views 2 comments