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Principals of Satanic Human Enslavement (REMASTERED)

6 videos
Updated 4 months ago
There are 5 Steps of Discipline used by the occult to control human minds and enslave their membership. These principles also work on the public at large, albeit more slowly. Here will we begin your illumination of these principles to help you better see with both of your eyes wide open. This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering. If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing. We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.
  1. Principals of Satanic Human Enslavement | Introduction
  2. Principals of Satanic Human Enslavement | I - To Have No Needs
  3. Principals of Satanic Human Enslavement | II - To Have No Wants
  4. Principals of Satanic Human Enslavement | III - To Have No Wish or Hope
  5. Principals of Satanic Human Enslavement | IV - To Survive At Any Cost
  6. Principals of Satanic Human Enslavement | V - It's RIGHT to Remain Silent