2023-2-9: Jesus Christ Invocation ~ gene Decode (***re-edited February 2024)
RealGeneDecodeOriginally published 2023-2-9, re-edited February 2024) Here is the Jesus Christ Invocation as a standalone video. Please enjoy and use as needed! *Download the PDF here: https://www.blessedforservice.org/document/prayers-protection _____________________________________________________________________ We are glad you all found this informative and helpful. If you agree, please follow us here and give a thumbs up! Also know that there is a troll fake me in the comments and replies on this Rumble, that puts out a fake email and telegram. My ONLY email ever that I give out is; colosensei64@gmail.com Also, there are sometimes a phone #. I NEVER GIVE OUT A PHONE #!!!! So far this is the faker's gmail or telegram; GeneDecodle Gene Decodes Gene Decodes11 GeneDecodeofficial_11 RealGeneDcode RealGeneDecod RealGeneDecode_ RealGeneDecode__ RealGeneDecode1 RealGeneDecode4 RealGeneDecode7 RealGeneDecodeOfficial RealGeneDecodeOfficial1 RealGeneDecodeOfficial11 RealGeneDecodeOfficial_11 KNOW I NEVER EVER GIVE financial advice for crypto. The ONLY financial advice I have ever given is to invest in silver and I don't say where or with whom. That is for you all to research. Lastly, I NEVER EVER SELL ANYTHING! All I ask is that if you want more of my and the Blessed For Service Team's content subscribe to genedecode.org Deep Dives for $7/month or $77/year Thank you everyone for your support and kind words. These ARE gene Decodes and Blessed For Service ONLY and TRUE links: Website: www.genedecode.org Blessed For Service website: www.blessedforservice.org Telegram: https://t.me/RealGeneDecode Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@Real_gene_Decode Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/RealGeneDecode Thank you and, God Bless, gene Decode17K views 24 comments