Sons of the Forest
2 videos
Updated 1 year ago
This is a playlist of all of my Sons of the Forest content.
*NEW* SONS OF THE FOREST UPDATE :: Building A Base :: 18+ Chill Night Stream
a12cat34dogTonight FallenKnight & I are working on a base in the new update in Sons of the Forest! We have been waiting for log sleds since the game came out and they are finally here! Come check out the new update with us and watch us explore what it has to offer! Don't forget to drop a LIKE on the stream! Here are the patch notes for the update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1326470/view/5615470163364373632?l=english199 views -
NEW SONS OF THE FOREST UPDATE :: Patch 05 - Log sleds, Re-growing trees, Advanced cooking and MORE
a12cat34dogTonight we are the new update in Sons of the Forest! We have been waiting for log sleds since the game came out and they are finally here! Come check out the new update with us and watch us explore what it has to offer! Here are the patch notes for the update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1326470/view/5615470163364373632?l=english196 views