4 videos
Updated 6 months ago
the oil is sacred, people are perverted.
He Died And Went To Hell~What He Saw There Was Horrifying‼️
SusieQ4uNightgod333 Secrets Revealed Dominic Morrow was young when he joined a gang, he and a couple of his close friends were doing a deal when suddenly out of nowhere one of his friends turned his gun towards Morrow firing two shots, he died instantly but not for good, he said he spent what seemed like 3 months in hell where he experienced horrifying things, when he woke it had only been a mere 3 minutes but he felt this was god giving him a chance...here he goes over all of what he saw and it is absolutely terrifying, there's a spiritual battle taking place on our planet, which side are you on.... enjoy https://youtu.be/Y2wWUWdqYjA? si=d1ePQod6rBZ5jUr4427 views 4 comments -
JESUS. GUNS. AND BABIES. w/ Dr. Kandiss Taylor ft Alex Newman
Stew Peters NetworkUNESCO Power Grab of the Swamp Alex Newman visit www.theepochtimes.com MasterPeace sets the Standard detoxification in today's toxic world Use this link for discount and promo: https://bit.ly/mpkandiss Protect your retirement and wealth, visit GoldCo http://kandisslikesgold.com USE THIS LINK TO SUPPORT KANDISS: http://www.twc.heaLTH ^use Promocode KANDISS for 5% off!! Check out my sponsors! Get prepared for the food shortages, Check out https://heavensharvest.com/ and use Promocode KANDISS for 10% off!!https://linktr.ee/kandisstaylor <ALL SOCIALS www.mystore.com/kandiss www.mypillow.com/kandiss https://zstacklife.com/?ref=KANDISSTAYLOR ^use Promocode KANDISS for 5% off!!52.2K views 15 comments -
Massive TRUTH on Specific Jews Worldwide Destroying Everything An Amazing Speech from War Veteran!
A Warrior CallsA Warrior Calls [Christopher] has come forth and into the light to fight this evil with truth and more importantly the powerful solution. Go to www.awarriorcalls.com and sign up with your email address and get going on learning WHAT was done to you and the solution for our world to hold all accountable and restore trillions to the people and the real power back to we the people. God Speed Find Christopher at the below platforms... Telegram: t.me/aWarriorCalls Live Stream Link: aWarriorCalls.com/LiveStream YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xG9TWLBIuWZuGXwVaS20w? Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/awarriorcalls Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/K6tBDPiVYwHO/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4432576.26K views 43 comments -