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The Hidden Tyranny: The Rosenthal Document. Jewish DC Insider Admits Zionist Plot to Destroy America
TheWarAgainstYouThe Hidden Tyranny: The Rosenthal Document. Jewish DC Insider Admits Zionist Plot to Destroy America --- HAROLD WALLACE ROSENTHAL WAS ASSASSINATED FOR EXPOSING TOO MUCH --- Harold Wallace Rosenthal: "Most Jews don't like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer, and we are his chosen people" --- THE HIDDEN TYRANNY (THE ROSENTHAL DOCUMENT) [1976] - HAROLD WALLACE ROSENTHAL (VIDEO) --- Also known as "The Hidden Tyranny - 'Our God is Lucifer'" The confession of an insider to the globalist - Zionist elite. --- # This classic interview is one of the "must have" pieces for the library of the NWO investigator. Gives insights into the thinking of the Committee of 300, and the Black Nobility generally. --- The insider who gave the interview was killed in 1973, ostensibly in a PLO terrorist attack, but more likely in a false-flag Mossad operation meant to shut him up. The original Mossad motto is : "By way of deception, thou shalt do war." --- Deception = lies. Satan is the father of all lies. Sort of ties in when you think about it... Another less illustrated version is available at: http://www.archive.org/details/TheHiddenTyranny-ourGodIsLucifer Other related free materials;How Britains Biggest Racists and Financiers Created Zionism - by Mark Burdman --- Harold Wallace Rosenthal (November 2, 1947 – August 11, 1976), was a senior aide to Senator Jacob K. Javits. Rosenthal was murdered in a terrorist attack in Istanbul, Turkey by the Palestine Liberation Organization. The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976 from the book "The Hidden Tyranny." --- The Issue that Dwarfs all other Issues.' Interview in 1976 with HAROLD W. ROSENTHAL, a Jewish Administrative Assistant to Jewish Senator Jacob K. Javits of New York, in which Rosenthal (later killed) admits to a Jewish world conspiracy to subvert and destroy Christianity and Capitalism through Communism and Zionism to bring forth a New World Order. The Zionists plan to be the only survivers of the impending NWO Apocalypse since they are the one's orchestrating it. --- THE ROSENTHAL DOCUMENT ON ARCHIVE.ORG --- https://archive.org/details/rosenthal-document-hidden-tyranny-1983 --- FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES3.75K views 9 comments -
BREAKING: Israel Caught Mass Civilian FIELD EXECUTIONS Of Innocent Palestinians
Biological MedicineBREAKING: Israel Caught Mass Civilian FIELD EXECUTIONS Of Innocent Palestinians In Gaza Per Reports Mirrored - Tim Truth Support links (thank you to all the supporters!): Easy to do one time tips via https://rokfin.com/timtruth https://timtruth.substack.com/subscribe https://subscribestar.com/timtruth221 views -
Ian Carroll: Stargate Whistleblower Murdered, Evidence Missing. Gaza AI Machine Gun Towers
TheWarAgainstYouIan Carroll: Stargate Whistleblower Murdered, Evidence Missing. Gaza AI Machine Gun Towers - AI Machine Gun Towers, Coming to a Smart City Near You... - JEWS, OPEN A.I; ISRAHELL; A.I./AUTO MACHINE GUN TOWERS for OCCUPIED PALESTINE COLONIES - ================ (WOR)https://old.bitchute.com/channel/worldordersreview/ ================ WOR REPORT: JEWS, OPEN A.I; ISRAHELL (TOTALITARIAN TERROR LABORATORY) A.I./AUTO MACHINE GUN TOWERS for OCCUPIED PALESTINE COLONIES (THEN THE WORLD) ============= FIRST JAB: 'SMALLPOX', EDWARD JENNER & THE RISE OF THE POISON DART BRIGADES... https://old.bitchute.com/video/D93nG6Zt6IN9/ - SPINNER suffers VAXXIDENT ? [Caught this TIME on DASH cam...] https://old.bitchute.com/video/WzXuIiqL7k6W/ - Worker Suffers MEDICAL EMERGENCY And SLIDES INTO A PIT... .. 💉(2024) https://old.bitchute.com/video/2OQJmtOceH0w/ - JEWS, "VIRUSES" & "VACCINES" [HISTORICAL ANALYSIS; INTO THE COVID ERA] [PT. 01/03]https://www.bitchute.com/video/4fnPoE1Z4vfa/ [PT. 02/03]https://www.bitchute.com/video/X1VxaUK62rGq/ [PT. 03/03]https://www.bitchute.com/video/elAOjZ1581Eq/ - CZECH REPUBLIC WOMEN who are CO(N)VID VACCINATED are 66% LESS LIKELY to give BIRTH https://old.bitchute.com/video/PzNxTtgRFjUC/ - AFL - 4 DEAD in 3 DAYS + JAB Induced CANCER TRUTH is 'CATCHING' on (MSM Comments) https://old.bitchute.com/video/gIPFDnO5eXQ5/ - JAPANESE NEUROSCIENTIST STUNNED at the onset of DEMENTIA... among the [NANO PARTICLE] CO(N)VID "VACCINATED" https://old.bitchute.com/video/Ta4aleOogWn7/ - YOUNG HEARTS 💉 66 [FEB 02 2025] THE NUMBERS ARE SOARING ☠︎︎ https://old.bitchute.com/video/5CPSWAGwywZl/ - THEY ''CAN'T FIGURE IT'' OUT, OHH REALLY ? 💉 https://old.bitchute.com/video/gnI27kcrsz6L/ - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: https://old.bitchute.com/channel/worldordersreview/9.37K views 21 comments -
Why is Israel trying to HIDE this hostage interview?
IIsraelVSPalestineWhy is Israel trying to HIDE this hostage interview?17 views -
📣“Israel Is 1000 Times WORSE Than Hamas” – Holocaust Survivor Gabor Maté
joegecko's Proxy Channel📣“Israel Is 1000 Times WORSE Than Hamas” – Holocaust Survivor Gabor Maté269 views 1 comment -
Trump Claims US Will Take Ownership of Palestine
Reese Reporthttps://gregreese.substack.com/ https://reesereport.com/#donate45.4K views 225 comments -
Trump Recommends Expelling Palestinians to Build Beachfront Properties
Reese Reporthttps://gregreese.substack.com/ https://reesereport.com/#donate41.7K views 137 comments -
The Occupation of The American Mind: The Propaganda of Israel vs Palestine - Documentary
NewsTreasonDespite receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from those who have actually seen it, The Occupation of the American Mind has been repeatedly attacked and misrepresented by right-wing pressure groups and outright ignored by virtually all mainstream media outlets and North American film festivals. To bypass this campaign of misrepresentation and suppression, we’ve decided to make the film available for FREE online so that people can make up their own minds about its analysis of U.S. media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Please watch and share widely! ALL CREDIT: https://www.occupationmovie.org/ Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/newstreason Reverse debilitating effects of vaccines, water contaminant & heavy metal toxicity. 🛒 Shop ROOT Brands here: www.BuyRootBrands.com More Truth: www.NewsTreason.com Telegram: https://t.me/newstreasonupdates Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@NewsTreason Store: www.NewsTreason.Shop138K views 144 comments -