Announcing Our Next Guest For In Da DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 3)
Referee T-BONE JonesAnnouncing our next guest for In Da DOGHOUSE this Thursday night 8:00 p.m. July 4th. Special Guest is the Second Generation Sensation Brian Hardy. Brian has been wrestling for over 17 years, he's also in the Maryland Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame, he's been on TV for multiple promotions, he's also a singer/songwriter!!! Take it from the DOG that calls it down the middle Referee T-BONE Jones that this is a don't miss episode!!! #wrestling #prowrestling #brianhardy #baltimore #maryland #tbone #tbonejones #wwe #wwf #berryhardy #indadoghouse #doghouse #indadoghousewithtbonejones #tbone #champion #halloffame #halloffamer #championships #indieprowrestling #indiewrestlinglegend #usw #unitedstateswrestling116 views -
In Da DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 3) With Special Guest USW's Brian Hardy!!!
Referee T-BONE JonesIn Da DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 3) Special Guest is a Pro Wrestler, Promoter, Singer/Song Writer, Author!!! The Second Generation Sensation Brian Hardy!!! Special Thanks: United States Wrestling (USW)9.29K views -
In Da DOGHOUSE!!! With Referee T-BONE Jones!!! (Episode 4)
Referee T-BONE JonesIn Da DOGHOUSE!!! With Referee T-BONE Jones!!! (Episode 4) Brian Logan is a professional wrestler who has wrestled and been EVERYWHERE!!! #indadoghouse #indadoghousewithrefereetbonejones #tbonejones #tbone #reftbone #refereetbonejones #reftbonejones #referee #referees #wrestling #prowrestling #brianlogan #wwe #wwf #wcw #nwa #awa #smokymountainwrestling #smokymountain #heavyweighttitle #champion #championship #championships #dadog #tagteam #tagteamwrestling #tagteamtitles #championships #livestream #livestreaming419 views -
In Da DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 1) With JUST'N KACE!!!
Referee T-BONE JonesThe very first episode of In The DOGHOUSE!!! with Referee T-BONE Jones and Special Guest Indie Wrestling Legend JUST'N KACE!!! Kace has had a career that spanned over 30 years. So enjoy the knowledge, wisdom, and story telling from one of the very best managers and minds in the pro wrestling business!!! #JustnKace #Kace #APWA #MDW #AWA #WVWA #EIW #RSW #USW #inthedoghouse #doghouse #doghouses #prowrestling #wrestling #deathmatch #JustnKace #deathmatchwrestling #WVbeatdown #beatdown #westvirginia #WV #304 #TBONEJones #TBONE #referee #tagteam #tagteamwrestling #wrestling #indiewrestlinglegend #indiewrestling #indieprowrestling302 views -
In Da DOGHOUSE Special Guest Robbie Wayne!!!
Referee T-BONE JonesIn Da DOGHOUSE Special Guest USW Super Star Robbie Wayne!!! Special Thanks: @TheOfficialUSW #usw #robbiewayne #ego #indadoghousewithtbonejones #wrestling #prowrestling #brianhardy #baltimore #maryland #tbone #tbonejones #wwe #wwf #berryhardy #indadoghouse #doghouse #indadoghousewithtbonejones #tbone #champion #halloffame #halloffamer #championships #indieprowrestling #indiewrestlinglegend #unitedstateswrestling #wv #wvbeatdown #beatdown #westvirginia #fourstates #professional #professionalwrestling #professionalwrestler #wrestlingchampion #tradingcardcollectors #tradingcards #tradingcard #tradingcardcollection #collectorsedition #series4 #uswseries4 #blacksunshine15K views -
IN DA DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 6) PREVIEW!!! Special Guest USW's Manager of Champions Jonathan Cross
Referee T-BONE JonesIN DA DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 6) PREVIEW!!! Special Guest USW's Manager of Champions Jonathan Cross As we discuss his amazing career, all of his accomplishments as manager of three USW Champions at once. We'll also ask him why he had the punch the DOG that calls it right down the middle Referee T-BONE Jones??? All that and MORE... With SPECIAL START TIME of 5pm #usw #sixman #sixmantag #sixmantagteam #sixmantagteammatch #owenmaverick #robbiewayne #axlcrowe #clown #clowns #evil #evilclown #mountkilpis #austinblackthorn #hucksawyer #tag #tags #tagteam #tagteams #tagteamtitles #tagteamchampionship #tagteamchampions #tagteamchampionships #tagtitles #anthonyrucker #huntercole #adamarmstrong #jonathancross #owenmaverick #ego #uswstarsandstripes #starsandstripes #triplethreat #triplethreatmatch #silverscreen #silverscreenchampion #silverscreenchampionship #indadoghousewithtbonejones silverscreentitle #championships #champion #championship #ellamore #wrestling #prowrestling #brianhardy #baltimore #maryland #tbone #tbonejones #wwe #wwf #berryhardy #indadoghouse #doghouse #indadoghousewithtbonejones #tbone #champion #halloffame #halloffamer #championships #indieprowrestling #indiewrestlinglegend #unitedstateswrestling #wv #wvbeatdown #beatdown #westvirginia #fourstates #professional #professionalwrestling #professionalwrestler #wrestlingchampion #tradingcardcollectors #tradingcards #tradingcard #tradingcardcollection #collectorsedition #series4 #uswseries462 views -
IN DA DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 6) Special Guest USW_s Manager of Champions JONATHAN CROSS!!!
Referee T-BONE JonesIN DA DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 6) Special Guest USW's Manager of Champions Jonathan Cross As we discuss his amazing career, all of his accomplishments as manager of three USW Champions at once. We'll also ask him why he had the punch the DOG that calls it right down the middle Referee T-BONE Jones??? All that and MORE... With SPECIAL START TIME of 5pm Special Thanks @TheOfficialUSW @hardwaywrestling #usw #atcw #hardway #hardwaywrestling #sixman #sixmantag #sixmantagteam #sixmantagteammatch #owenmaverick #robbiewayne #axlcrowe #clown #clowns #evil #evilclown #mountkilpis #austinblackthorn #hucksawyer #tag #tags #tagteam #tagteams #tagteamtitles #tagteamchampionship #tagteamchampions #tagteamchampionships #tagtitles #anthonyrucker #huntercole #adamarmstrong #jonathancross #owenmaverick #ego #uswstarsandstripes #starsandstripes #triplethreat #triplethreatmatch #silverscreen #silverscreenchampion #silverscreenchampionship #indadoghousewithtbonejones silverscreentitle #championships #champion #championship #ellamore #wrestling #prowrestling #brianhardy #baltimore #maryland #tbone #tbonejones #wwe #wwf #berryhardy #indadoghouse #doghouse #indadoghousewithtbonejones #tbone #champion #halloffame #halloffamer #championships #indieprowrestling #indiewrestlinglegend #unitedstateswrestling #wv #wvbeatdown #beatdown #westvirginia #fourstates #professional #professionalwrestling #professionalwrestler #wrestlingchampion #tradingcardcollectors #tradingcards #tradingcard #tradingcardcollection #collectorsedition #series4 #uswseries460 views -
This week on In Da DOGHOUSE!!! Special Guest USW's AXL CROWE!!!
Referee T-BONE JonesIn Da DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 7) United States Wrestling's "The Leader of the Carnival of Souls" AXL CROWE Special Thanks: United States Wrestling #usw #robbiewayne #axlcrowe #clown #clowns #evil #evilclown #uswstarsandstripes #starsandstripes #indadoghousewithtbonejones #championships #champion #championship #ellamore #wrestling #prowrestling #tbone #tbonejones #indadoghouse #doghouse #indadoghousewithtbonejones #tbone #champion #halloffame #halloffamer #championships #indieprowrestling #indiewrestlinglegend #unitedstateswrestling #wv #wvbeatdown #beatdown #westvirginia #professional #professionalwrestling #professionalwrestler #wrestlingchampion #tradingcardcollectors #tradingcards #tradingcard #tradingcardcollection #collectorsedition #series4 #uswseries465 views -
In Da DOGHOUSE!!! Special Guest USW's AXL CROWE!!! (Episode 7)
RefereeTBONEJones420In Da DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 7) United States Wrestling's "The Leader of the Carnival of Souls" AXL CROWE Special Thanks: @TheOfficialUSW @AxlCrowe666 @hardwaywrestling #usw #robbiewayne #axlcrowe #clown #clowns #evil #evilclown #uswstarsandstripes #starsandstripes #indadoghousewithtbonejones #championships #champion #championship #ellamore #wrestling #prowrestling #tbone #tbonejones #indadoghouse #doghouse #indadoghousewithtbonejones #tbone #champion #halloffame #halloffamer #championships #indieprowrestling #indiewrestlinglegend #unitedstateswrestling #wv #wvbeatdown #beatdown #westvirginia #professional #professionalwrestling #professionalwrestler #wrestlingchampion #tradingcardcollectors #tradingcards #tradingcard #tradingcardcollection #collectorsedition #series4 #uswseries481 views -
In Da DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 8 Preview) Special Guest @TheOfficialUSW 's STUNNING ADAM ARMSTRONG!!!
Referee T-BONE JonesIn Da DOGHOUSE!!! (Episode 8 Preview) Special Guest @TheOfficialUSW 's STUNNING ADAM ARMSTRONG!!! This Thursday on In Da DOGHOUSE with our Special Guest USW's Silver Screen Championship Stunning Adam Armstrong!!! Don't miss Episode 8 where we'll talk about Adam's successful career, the USW Silver Screen Championship, his manager, his upcoming USW Action Figure, and so much more!!! Special Thanks: @TheOfficialUSW @stunningadamarmstrong @hardwaywrestling #tbone #refreetbone #indadoghousewithtbonejones #InDaDogHouse #stunning #stunningadamarmstrong #stunninglook #usw #unitedstateswrestling #refereetbonejones #silverscreen #silverscreenchampion #silverscreenchampionship #silverscreenchamp #dog #tbonejones #prowrestling #wrestling #prowrestlingpodcast #wrestlingpodcast #livestream #livestreaming #livestreamer58 views