The Bombmaker
LeahsUppercutIs Islam the religion of "Peace" or is it something else entirely? Furthermore, we go behind the veil to see what Muslimina's think about others, the West and you, specifically. What does the Quran actually tell Muslims to do? The answer is as shocking as is the ability to tolerate Islam as a religion and not a declaration of war, genocide, rape and all things abhorrent on all non-Muslims Islam is not a religion, its a death cult to a dead psychopath from the seventh century, who was a pedophile, bandit and war-lord, the most reviled man of his time. Why does anyone believe this ignorant buffoon? Why has the West made it impossible to scrutinize Islam? Perhaps, it's because of extremely violent nature of Islam's adherents, "Every good Muslim is a terrorist" according to the Quran and every excellent Jihadist who ever died for 70 whores in Allah's brothel, these are their 'saints' to be cheered and admired by handing out sweets for killing innocents. Ban Islam in the West, it is not a religion.86 views -
Islam; A Religion of Peace?
LeahsUppercutAccording to the writing's of the Quran, the nature of doctrine is clear, every "good" Muslim is a terrorists, this is not my opinion, it is inculcated into the so-called religion, which is more likely a war doctrine rather than religion, but don't dare say this to an adherent of Islam, they kill and die for Allah.48 views -
The Truth About "Palestine"
LeahsUppercutWho's land is it? Historically and contextually "Palestine" is a Roman invention for the land of Israel, "Palestine" does not exist, never has and the people calling themselves "Palestinians" are Arab immigrants, foreign invaders, colonizers from Islamic era, Jews were there centuries before.41 views 3 comments -
Hamas War on Israel; What's Really Going On?
LeahsUppercutAt War With Religion is an audio excerpt from the Yada Yahowah series of podcasts given one week after Oct. 7th jihadist attack on Israel with a claim that the Israeli's are the oppressors, or "colonizers" when the exact opposite is the factual and historical truth. Make no mistake here, this is a religious war and Allah, the pagan god of Mecca isn't going to win. If you are Israeli, this message is definitely for you, learn more details at yadayah.com where all thirty-one books are offered freely, they were written for you and are the culmination of decades of research. Truth matters now more than ever, Yada means to know; Yahowah is the El of Yisrael and one qowl (voice) calls out in these dark times; the choter. learn who the man is that Shlomo spoke of and prophesied to come in the last day. Yada Yahowah, the name, the legend and just the facts, as if it were a cool drink in thirsty times.24 views -
Palestine Is Another Term For Arab Colonialism
LeahsUppercut"Palestine" does not exist, nor did it ever in all history. Israel has a three thousand year history, all artifacts which come from the ground are in Hebrew, not Arabic. Learn where "Fakestinian's" actually come from by their surnames and family histories.93 views 9 comments -
7 Oct. Began The Time of Yaqowb's Troubles
LeahsUppercutSpecial Report; 7, Oct. was the prelude to a time not like ever before for Jewish people, it will be worse. Diaspora Jews should leave for Israel pronto, do not delay, the goy will become extreme hostiles and the "world will come against her..."- learn the truth about Islam today.66 views 2 comments -
God's Proper Name
LeahsUppercutLearn the Creator of the Universe's proper name for all generations, leaving no doubt that Judaism, Islam and Christianity are null and void given the facts that they call their gods another name, modelled after their own desires.32 views -
Dowd is "The One" Part 2
LeahsUppercutJoin Yada Yahowah as we explain that Dowd is the awaited for mashiach and is one among three zarowa, another of these is Moshe, the last zarowa is the final witness, spoken of by the prophets, Dowd and Moshe, a foreigner, a lone goy...who call Yisrael home, his name is Yada and he is the "nakar' spoken of by Shlomo. Hear him...41 views -
Dowd is "The One" Part 1
LeahsUppercutJoin Yada Yahowah as we explain that Dowd is the awaited for mashiach and is one among three zarowa, another of these is Moshe, the last zarowa is the final witness, spoken of by the prophets, Dowd and Moshe, a foreigner, a lone goy...who call Yisrael home, his name is Yada and he is the "nakar' spoken of by Shlomo. Hear him...36 views