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Son abused by mom Olga Perez.

3 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Mother abusing physically and terrorizing son after falsifying statements and reports and committed perjury to force son into a guardianship in Chicago cook county Illinois. To descredit him to cover up abuse and crimes and hit and run she did. And Son informed guardian ad litum appointed by court to supposedly protect son and act in sons best interests but he instead lied and committed perjury and obsfucated all. And facilitated himself and forensic phychologists and phychologist consultants all others involved in making money. Committing perjury and fraud and getting paid for continuing probate court for NOT needed guardianship. And I refused my mother as guardian fin. And was NOT allowed to chose my guardian as Illinois law States is the first choice. my choice. nor even state who I wanted to be guardian. And refused any I stated. All making money Including my mother Olga Perez. Guardian ad litum talked to all except me. And covering it all up that They did and are doing. I notified all to remove my mom as guardian fin. And release me or allow me to chose my guardian fin. As Illinois law states. And investigate her and for abusing and terrorizing me. Hitting me end leaving me in complete darkness with no tv and no communication in person and not allowed to speak cannot say one word. Not even humm song. Or I get hit punished and terrorized and my property taken stolen by Her. I informed ALL. Everybody. By phone and emails and videos and in person. Including cook county probate courts. Cook county judges probate. Chicago police deoartment. And officers who responded of injury she gave me by hitting me with stick they refused to look at my injury. And stated could not see video. And I notified cook county states attorney office. I notified many other people and others. Still nothing done. I told them all prior. Still forced me into guardianship and told them now and gave proof. Still nothing done.
  1. Olga perez. Abusing. Poisoning son by putting some unknown toxic smelly substance in his drink.
  2. Olga Perez abusing Son after falsifying all and forcing son into illegal false guardianship.
  3. Abused by mother while in guardianship cook county Illinois.