Audio Book: Henry Ford's The International jew (Part 1 of 2)
KracalactakaHenry Ford's The International Jew Audio Book by FLOOD using the voice of William Pierce Individual Chapters: https://odysee.com/@FLOOD:3/tij-01-01:f?lid=c29c26b51655652a436d5ff323a79b681d72f2da Mp3 files: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/mpbufzy2gvrd4/TheInternational_Jew-_Henry_Ford Serf on telegram rolled up all the MP3 files into one 36+ hour audio file11.7K views 6 comments -
The History of Vaccines and Propaganda – Sydney White – **Hidden Gem**
WWaking the World upSydney White presents "A History of Vaccines" for Studies in Propaganda 2011 at the Free University of Toronto. (Vaccines begin at 15:30 Mark and History of Vaccines begin at the 28:20 mark.) Why the hell would the Government fund a study to create a Virus that the Human Immune System can not beat? No one ever talks about how they started, what they do and why they make you sick. In the early 1700’s they mixed the blood of a plague victim or smallpox survivor with the blood of an untested person hoping it would work. 1788 – first vaccine death was published in the Lancet. There was a Malpractice Claim documented on this case. 1796 – Edward Jenner – pierced the skin with a cowpox tainted instrument with the theory of introducing small portion of virus to shield from the virus. That didn’t work. 1837 – 1839 – Jenner kills 23,00 using this method and it was labeled a pandemic. Sound familiar? 1853 – Compulsory Vaccinations in England. 1870 – 1872 – 44,480 Vaccinated People Died. The Unvaccinated Survived. The people fought the vaccines. The medical professionals didn’t even wash their hands at this time but yet they believed vaccinations should be mandatory. The true Healers were labeled Witches and were burned at the stake. Doctards didn’t even know blood circulated until mid 1800’s. 1882 – Dr. Robert Koch – started the Germ Theory and was confirmed by Pasteur. They had no clue of the immune system and how it defended germs and that germs could only invade if the immune system was weak. 1910 – 95% of the population (8 million people) in the Philippines were given 24.5 Million doses of Smallpox Vaccine. Over 3 doses per individual. What resulted was the worst smallpox epidemic in history. Just as obvious as today – of course it was from the vaccines. 100%. This was First Degree Murder – It was planned and it was profited from – EXACTLY like Covid – 19 and previous pandemics. 1948 – Compulsory Vaccinations were ended, finally after 100 years of forced vaccinations. 1950’s – Polio onset in England, Wales and France and 33,000 were either crippled or died in America. But then it suddenly went away. 1953 – 1954 – Jonas Saulk – came up with the idea of killing Viruses in the lab and injecting them into healthy children. He said the dead viruses will not reproduce and the immune system will detect the virus and produce antibodies for the live ones that may be introduced in the future. He claimed his trials were successful. So the plan was to have mass vaccinations on Roosevelt’s birthday as he had been crippled by Polio. Bernice Eddy of the NIH said we should probably test this before we have mass inoculations. She had it tested on Monkeys and they all became crippled and some died. She contacted Jonas and said we can’t do this as Monkeys were crippled. Dr. Ochsner – a doctard from New Orleans disagreed and said he would give them to his grandson and granddaughter to prove that these vaccines work. This got all the other Doctards on board will mass vaccination. Dr. Ochsner’s grandson died and granddaughter was crippled. Bernice Eddy was DEMOTED to the Influenza Department and never heard from again. Dr. Sabin – since the dead virus was a total failure, this Doctard tried weak viruses, he said this would be safer and would work. The only FLAW was that it seemed to work in the vaccinated but anybody Unvaccinated who got near the vaccinated got polio. It was weak entering the body but gained strength. The truth has been HIDDEN, not in a History or Medical Book. Dr. Ochsner and Dr. Sabin are today portrayed as HEROES. And the Lies and Deception continue to this day. 1956 – 1966 – AFTER Polio was GONE they put out a Polio Vaccine. What resulted was a Polio Eruption, a true pandemic, just as in the 1920’s. 1957 – Bernice Eddy began working with Sarah Steward at the NIH. Together, they discovered the Polyoma Virus which produces many types of cancers. Yale – tested and confirmed that they were right. They also confirmed that this Virus was IDENTICAL to the Simian 40 or the SV-40 Virus. 1960 – Bernice Eddy tells the Cancer Society in NY about SV-40 and Polyoma Virus is responsible for causing multiple cancers. What happens? The NIH destroyed her lab, destroyed all of her work and destroys her character for telling the Cancer Society the truth. Dr. Maurice Hilleman – did an SV-40 Vaccine study on Monkeys to compare to Bernice Eddy. He injects clean non-infected African Green Monkeys with the Vaccine. ALL of the Monkeys got cancer. This was NOT ever allowed in the news. Dr. Robert Gallo – wrote a book that said SV-40 came from the African Green Monkey and this Virus was the cause of AIDS. A total lie and he knew it. Instead of telling the truth that the Monkeys were injected with vaccines which caused cancers, he said the monkeys already had the SV-40 Virus and was the cause of AIDS. AIDS by the way was started by Hepatitis jabs in NY, SF, Houston and Seattle specifically targeted to Gay Men. 1960 – Bernice Eddy and Sarah Steward – all their work disappeared. 1961 – A colleague of Bernice Eddy – said that there is SV-40 in the Polio Vaccine. Eddy confirmed this AND said it Crosses the Species Barrier. This met that every human who got the Polio vaccine had the cancer causing virus SV-40. The NIH and Dr. Sabin – were afraid to announce the future epidemic of Cancers because “they had to protect the public from panic.” The WHO, CDC, FDA and NIH – has spent the last 60 years COVERING their Asses and spewing out lies to keep the money flowing in to big pharma treating the diseases from vaccines. As RFK Jr says: “They are making $60 Billion a Year selling Vaccines but they are making $500 Billion a Year selling the Remedies for the Injuries caused by the Vaccines.” “Vaccines are Unavoidable Unsafe.” ALL Vaccines are Bioweapons for population control and to continue to make the insiders $ Billions. They KNEW that cancers would skyrocket from this vaccine. They didn’t say a WORD. NIH – came out and said “Future vaccines will be free of SV-40.” Too fcking late. Did the Cancer Industry say a word? NO. All the Cancer Society is focused on is FUNDING – it’s a massive money laundering scheme, they fund the researchers who play ball and produce desired results to keep big pharma thriving. The very LAST thing they desire is a CURE. Why do babies get Hepatitis Vaccines? They are at NO risk whatsoever to get Hepatitis. How f*cking stupid are the doctards to inject babies with this shit? How could effectiveness even be measured? No way! Now they are coming up with vaccines for cancers caused by other vaccines. How clever. Brilliant. 1964 – one year after Kennedy was assassinated for trying to depart from central banks – Dr. Ochsner and Dr. Mary Sherman – Tulane Medical Center. They know that the vaccine causes cancer but they want to know if it can cause a fast cancer. This was when the government was going after Castro. They had a Particle Accelerator in their lab, and they do an experiment and they used it to do an experiment to mutate the SV-40 Virus, they wanted to get Castro to take a vaccination that would cause “Turbo Cancer.” Oswald was working fot Bobby Kennedy – he had nothing to do with the assassination of JFK. Oswald knew a guy named Ferrie who had the lab rats for the SV-40 experiments. Kennedy was killed, Oswald arrested, Ruby kills Oswald and ends up in jail and they use Ruby as their lab rat. He is inoculated and dies of cancer 3 months later. Mission Accomplished. Dr. Mary Sherman – Tulane Medical Center was testing the monkeys using the Particle Accelerator to speed up virus. She informed Dr. Ochsner that this was a very bad idea. She was found dead shortly after, they pushed her in front of the Particle Accelerator and she died, and they moved her body to her home. It made her body so you could see through it. If they were capable of this 60 years ago, what are in the vaccines now? They no longer disclose the Viruses they put in vaccines. The ingredients listed are scary enough: ethyl-mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum-fenyl, foreign RNA and DNA, and nanoparticles which go right to the brain. Dr. Mary Sherman – was murdered and her research on the speedy cancer caused by the SV-40 Virus was kept private. They don’t want you to know that a healthy, strong NATURAL immune system can prevent viral infections. They tell us that vaccines HELP the immune system function by producing effective antibodies. The TRUTH is that they are putting viruses, poisons and heavy metals in the vaccines to destroy the immune system. Now they know how to do it in a week, month, year or decade. We are dealing with a PRIVATE Medical Industry fronting false data to the Public Health Care System who are trusting the “Science” and believe they are helping save lives. NO. It’s all a lie. They are devastating, just destroying the children’s immune systems from birth. It’s a f*cking crime. ADHD, Autism and Allergies within two years after they were born. The WHO was started by the Rockefellers who are Eugenicists. They own the WHO, CDC, FDA and NIH. They control the funding and research. The problem is that people are not dying fast enough. This is why you see them focused on the CHILDREN. Then they made them compulsory – children will not be allowed to go to school if not vaccinated. This is some evil shit and the parents and schools are going along with this evil agenda thinking they are protecting children. NO, NO, NO! Mandatory Vaccines is First Degree Premeditated Murder. They used to slowly kill and lessen the average age. Not anymore, they have upped the poisons. Now they are introducing MULTIPLE vaccines at one time which is introducing multiple pathogens – just devastating children’s immune systems. It’s overwhelming the immune system, and the body goes into attack mode. It destroys the neurological system. Anyone who attempts to blow the whistle from the inside is offered bribes, if they don’t accept and don’t comply, they are demoted, if they still don’t comply, they are discredited and fired, if they still don’t shut up, they are silenced forever. Now the WHO has control of Pandemics and treatments and it’s all for our own good. Big Pharma propaganda is EVERYWHERE, on billboards, magazines, newspapers, radio and tv. They want to gain your trust and make you think they care. It’s a lie. People who do get cancer and choose not to use Chemotherapy live 4 times longer. They are making you sick with poison and then they finish you off by treating you with more poison and charge you for it. The average out-of-pocket cost for those with employer-based insurance is $5,492 a year (2019 data). It’s win, win for them and lose, lose for you. Yes, this is our “HEATH CARE.” They weaken immune systems by pre-loading everyone will a variety of jabs and they set you up for a “Super Concoction” when they declare a pandemic and make those vaccines mandatory. Their goal is to dumb down this new generation and significantly shorten lifespans. They used SV-40 in vaccines until the 1990’s knowing that SV-40 DIRECTLY caused cancer. Just take a look at what researchers, scientists and doctors are finding in the Covid vaccines. Some of the most manipulated minds are the minds of our Healthcare Physicians. 1 in 2 people will get cancer and it’s from vaccines. Wake Up! There is no evidence EVER in history that indicates vaccines has saved ONE SINGLE life. Vaccines have never saved anyone and are for population control and enriching big pharma. Video by Independent Media Source 2011. Children Vaccine Source: https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-history/developments-by-year There is no evidence EVER in history that indicates vaccines has saved ONE SINGLE life. Vaccines have never saved anyone and are for population control and enriching big pharma. Video by Independent Media Source 2011.4.55K views 5 comments -
Sue Ford (Aka Brice Taylor) - MK Ultra, Mind Control Victim
Just a DudeBrice Taylor Is A Valiant Survivor Of Trauma-Based Mind Control, Having Endured A Lifetime Of High-Tech Slavery. Her Extraordinary Book, Thanks For The Memories: The Memoirs Of Bob Hope's And Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Sex Slave, Is An Autobiography That Documents Her Abuse At The Hands Of Celebrity Perpetrators And Government Officials. 🔗 Read The Book 'Thanks For The Memories The Truth Has Set Me Free' Here: https://idoc.pub/download/thanks-for-the-memories-the-truth-has-set-me-free-brice-taylor-likely-1999-ylyxd5ojqvnm OTHER PLATFORMS: • Telegram: https://t.me/JustDudeChannel • Gab: https://gab.com/JustDudeChannel • Minds: https://www.minds.com/justdudechannel/?referrer=justdudechannel SUPPORT JUST A DUDE: • PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ZVLUAL35XSG9W21.9K views 23 comments -
Documentary: In the Name of Zion. When you Know the Truth, you cannot be Decieved by Lies
TheWarAgainstYouDocumentary: In the Name of Zion. When you Know the Truth, you cannot be Decieved by Lies --------- (AN EXCELLENT COMPILATION OF SOURCE MATERIAL) ----------- IN THE NAME OF ZION (DOCUMENTARY VIDEO) ------------ FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES24.8K views 32 comments -
🚀 👨🚀 Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake - A Brief Look at Why Millions of People Question the Apollo Moon Landings
Real Truth Real News👉 How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings: https://tinyurl.com/5b9b3m56 👉 10 Reasons the Moon Landings Could Be a Hoax: https://tinyurl.com/mttbypx5 👉 How NASA Fakes Space ~ What Do YOU Think? https://tinyurl.com/ycyzyrw3 👉 Documentary: "Aeon of Horus The Occult History of NASA" - Connections To the Occult, UFOs, Secret Societies, Nazis: https://tinyurl.com/b6dffymm Video Source: Reese Report on Rumble . ⭐️⭐️⭐️ . ♥️☕ Buy Me a Coffee? https://ko-fi.com/RealTruthRealNews 😎 . 🛑 Fenbendazole and Ivermectin to Treat (Cure) Cancer: https://tinyurl.com/3w48er2u . 🛑 Order Ivermectin - Hydroxychloroqine - Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Tetracycline - Budesonide and Other Meds Online : www.BodywisePharmacy.com . 🛑 Order Fenbendazole Online: https://tinyurl.com/4r368rnv . 🛑 Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends "Spike Support" With Nattokinase to Dissolve the Spike Protein From the Covid Jab, You Can Find it Here: https://tinyurl.com/5n99uvjv . 🛑 Dr. Zev Zelenko's Products Include "Z-Detox" For Covid Vaccine Protection - "Z-Flu" Protection Against Colds and Flu and "Z-Shield" which helps defend against dormant viruses. All Products Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/yc8zhusw . 🛑 How To Remove/Detox Graphene Oxide Nanobots After the Covid Jab: https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2023/10/28/removing-graphene-nanobots . 🛑 Dr. Bryan Ardis's Covid-19 Vaccine Antidotes: www.DrArdisAntidote.com Watch Dr. Ardis's Mindblowing Documentary: https://tinyurl.com/muyezvxb . 🛑 Covid Vaccine Detox Protocols and Products: www.DiamondzDetox.com . 🛑 Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Covid Vaccine/Graphene Detox Protocols: https://tinyurl.com/mryjk29d . 🛑 "Clean Slate" by ROOT Brands Provides a Full Body Detox and Healing From Damage Caused By the Covid Vaccine Ingredients: https://therootbrands.com/bodywisecbd ROOT Brands CEO Christina Rahm Explains Her Incredible Products in This Video: https://tinyurl.com/bddyekfu . 🛑 High Quality Vitamin B17/Apricot Seeds/Laetrile/Amygdalin Products Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/3bkctc98 . ▶️ My Alternative Remedies and Detox Blog: www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com ▶️ My RealTruthRealNews Information Website: www.RealTruthRealNews.com ▶️ Follow Me on Telegram For World and Health News: https://t.me/RealTruthRealNews9.94K views 10 comments