playlist thumnail

Economics for Everyone

10 videos
Updated 11 days ago
This playlist is designed for beginners looking to understand the basics of economics. It covers the importance of economics in everyday life and explores the different schools of economic thought that shape our world. You’ll also discover some of the best classic economics books, providing a solid foundation for anyone interested in diving deeper into economic theory. Whether you're just starting or looking to refresh your knowledge, this playlist will guide you through the essential concepts that are crucial to understanding how the economy works.
  1. The Rise of Sound Economics into the Information Age
  2. Economics in One Lesson - The Ultimate Book to Start Learning Sound Economics
  3. Who was Henry Hazlitt? - An Austrian Economist Known for Simplicity, Logic and Clarity
  4. Human Action - A Masterpiece of Economic Thought by Ludwig von Mises
  5. Principles of Economics by Carl Menger - The Foundation of the Austrian School
  6. The Wealth of Nations - A Timeless Guide to Prosperity
  7. Different Schools of Economics Explained - Freedom VS Control
  8. Economics and Society - How Economics Drives Society
  9. Economics for the Individual - How Economics Empowers You
  10. Economics for Everyone - Why Everyone Should Learn Economics