Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?
HealthImpactNewsI just recently was made aware of a video documentary that was produced by Nathan Leal of Watchman's Crytitled: Is Trump a Freemason? Trump Tower 666 - Temple of Baal. I don't know Nathan, but I have watched his video that he produced back in February of 2017, just shortly after Trump became President, and the evidence he presents that Trump is, in fact, a Freemason, and that Trump Tower in New York City is patterned after a Freemason Temple, is very compelling. The video is almost 39 minutes long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-F3FOkZsog He also has a partial transcript published on his website: https://watchmanscry.com/?p=6550 I have abridged the video down to 26 minutes to cover the main evidence that Trump is a Freemason, and that Trump Tower is a Satanic Temple. Besides this video, there is overwhelming evidence that Trump is a pedophile (or was one) and part of Jeffrey Epstein's network, and some of that evidence I have not even published (yet.) So for those of you who continue to support and promote him, repent now before it is too late, or you may end up in the same place where he is going. Full article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/is-donald-trump-a-freemason-is-trump-tower-in-new-york-a-satanic-temple/8.41K views 53 comments -
Pfizer CEO: mRNA "Gene Editing" Vaccines can "Cure" People Born with a "Mistake" in Their DNA
HealthImpactNewsPfizer's CEO, Albert Bourla, was interviewed today by Frederick Kemp of The Atlantic Council, as they prepare to award Bourla with a "Distinguished Leadership Award" tomorrow, November, 10, 2021. In this interview, Frederick Kemp asked him what other medical products Pfizer was working on that incorporated mRNA technology, since in his view the mRNA COVID-19 shots had been so "successful." In his reply, Bourla mentioned future cancer drugs, but then also stated that mRNA vaccines could be used with people who are "born with a mistake in their DNA." He also clearly refers to mRNA vaccines as "gene editing." Full article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/pfizer-ceo-calls-mrna-technology-gene-editing-and-wants-to-use-the-technology-to-cure-people-born-with-a-mistake-in-their-dna-code/25.4K views 48 comments -
Grieving Mother Who Threatened Health Impact News for Publishing Daughter's Death Now Goes Public
HealthImpactNewsThis past February Health Impact News covered the tragic story of 28-year-old Haley Link Brinkmeyer, who had just finished her PhD and got married in 2018, and then died two days after receiving the experimental Moderna COVID injection. This story got out to the public because Haley's mother announced on her Facebook Page that Haley had died just after the Moderna shot. After we published it, Haley's mother took down her Facebook Page and emailed Health Impact News demanding that we take it down, threatening us with legal action. We did not comply, since it was legal, public information, and these stories were just starting to surface back in February. We felt a greater responsibility to warn the public, trying to save as many lives as possible from these horrendous injections. Today someone emailed me and asked me to publish Shauna's testimony in Indiana, where she has finally gone public with her daughter's tragic story. We are glad she has made this decision, and pray that this will bring healing to her and her family. On our network alone, her daughter's story has been read by over 100,000 people, and it was published in many other places as well. I have no doubt that some lives were saved after reading her story, which we refused to take down. Article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/grieving-mother-who-threatened-health-impact-news-for-publishing-daughters-death-following-covid-19-shot-now-goes-public/52K views 82 comments -
Brazilian President tells WHO Director "People are Dying" After COVID Shots
HealthImpactNewsA video shot from a cell phone has surfaced of what appears to be an impromptu meeting between Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Tedros Adhanom, the director of the World Health Organization, during the recent G20 Summit in Rome. Present along with Bolsonaro was Brazilian Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga, and a translator who translated from Portuguese to English, as President Bolsonaro is asking his questions to Tedros Adhanom in Portuguese, while Adhanom replies in English. The audio is difficult to hear, but someone has made a 2 minute clip with English subtitles, which we have uploaded to our Bitchute and Rumble channels. In the clip, President Bolsonaro is complaining to Tedros Adhanom that the lock downs have destroyed the economy and that people are having a hard time feeding themselves. Tedros Adhanom replied that he didn't think we needed more lockdowns. President Bolsonaro then asked Adhanom if the WHO was going to mandate vaccine passports, to which Adhanom replied "not now," because there were still many countries with a low vaccination rate, and to implement vaccine passports would amount to "discrimination." Next, President Bolsonaro asked why so many people who are fully vaccinated in his country are still getting COVID-19. Tedros Adhanom gave the official response, which is that the vaccines are not even designed to stop transmission, but to prevent serious illness and death. This well-known fact alone should be reason enough to stop mandating the shots, but the health authorities around the world along with the pharma-controlled corporate media continue lying to the public and stating that people just get the shots to stop transmission. But they were never designed to do that! As to the claim that they reduce death, President Bolsonaro stated: "In Brazil, many who got the second dose are dying." Tedros Adhanom admitted that this can happen, and blamed it on "comorbidities and underlying conditions." President Bolsonaro then said something very revealing, if we are to trust the English transcription, and that is that he was lamenting the fact that these shots were being given to children, but that he was powerless to stop them, because governors and mayors have more power than him to mandate the shots to children, due to "a decision of the judicial power." If this is an accurate translation, then I think we are seeing a pattern here where executive branches of government are being over-ridden by the judiciary in trying to stop vaccine mandates, as that is exactly what is happening here in the U.S. where some governors are trying to stop the mandates, but the courts are over-ruling them. Article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/brazilian-president-tells-who-director-people-are-dying-after-covid-shots-pleads-with-who-to-publicly-not-recommend-it-for-children/11.1K views 38 comments -
Pfizer Adds Dangerous Ingredient to Injections for 5 to 11 Year Olds
HealthImpactNewsThe war against America's children brought to you by Pfizer. Original report source: https://banned.video/watch?id=618e8cba14677f46152f31f7 Full article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/pfizer-secretly-adds-dangerous-ingredient-to-injections-for-5-to-11-year-olds-as-taiwan-stops-pfizer-shots-for-12-to-17-year-olds/8.44K views 30 comments -
Vaccine Injury Attorney: FDA Asks Judge to Grant it Until Year 2076 to Release Pfizer Vaccine Data
HealthImpactNewsAttorney Siri published an update on his case against the FDA today, and he wrote: "The FDA hasaskeda federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public. So, let’s get this straight. The federal government shields Pfizer fromliability. Gives it billions ofdollars. Makes Americans take itsproduct. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for?" Attorney Aaron Siri gave testimony in Washington D.C. earlier this month at Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable Discussion. Here is his 10 minute address explaining the hurdles he is facing in suing the FDA. Full article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/vaccine-injury-attorney-suing-the-fda-fda-asks-federal-judge-to-grant-it-until-the-year-2076-to-fully-release-pfizers-covid-19-vaccine-data/22.8K views 33 comments -
Orthopedic Surgeon did 800 Surgeries Per Year but Now Cannot Work Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries
HealthImpactNewsDr. Joel Wallskog is an orthopedic surgeon in Wisconsin that saw 5000 patients a year and performed about 800 surgeries, before he took the experimental Moderna COVID-19 shot. Now he suffers from transverse myelitis which affects his spinal cord, and he has difficulty walking. He can no longer work as an orthopedic surgeon. His 19-year career that took him 14 years of schooling to accomplish, is now over. Dr. Wallskog gave this testimony in Washington D.C. during Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable discussion earlier this month. Article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/orthopedic-surgeon-performed-800-surgeries-per-year-but-now-cannot-work-due-to-covid-19-vaccine-injuries/8.5K views 58 comments -
1 Year Anniversary of Trump Forcing the FDA to give Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer Shot
HealthImpactNewsHappy Anniversary President Trump! We have created a video to commemorate this most historical day, perhaps the most significant day ever in the history of the United States. Article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/one-year-anniversary-of-president-trump-forcing-the-fda-to-give-emergency-use-authorization-to-the-pfizer-shot/5.04K views 192 comments -
Covidism: Contagious Deception - Trailer
HealthImpactNewshttps://healthimpactnews.com/2023/new-2023-documentary-premiere-covidism-contagious-deception/ Trailer for the 4-part film, Covidism: Contagious Deception.4.24K views 17 comments -
Covidism: Contagious Deception – Part 4 - The Great Reset Agenda - 2023 Documentary
HealthImpactNewshttps://healthimpactnews.com/2023/new-2023-documentary-premiere-covidism-contagious-deception/ "Covidism: Contagious Deception" isthe most comprehensive documentary on Covid-19,thoroughly analyzing both the scientific and political aspects of the crisis. "Covidism: Contagious Deception" was written and produced by Bonum Vincit (pseudonym) - a Bulgarian independent film producer who would like to remain anonymous. This is Part 4 - The COVID-19 Plandemic Agenda Part 4 puts all the pieces of the puzzle together, exposing the premeditated sinister political motivations behind the global Covid-19 response, and how it is intricately tied to a much larger agenda - The Great Reset. Feel free to copy and upload to your favorite video platforms.17.5K views 16 comments