Shenae Oconer
1 video
Updated 11 months ago
Saving the children, the pope is evil.
Sinéad O'Connor is a real HERQ too - SHE HAS NOT! SOLD HER SOUL TO SATAN
QspecialForcesSTAND and FIGHT FOR GOD'S CHILDREN - just remembered watching this live. Sinéad O'Connor Explains Tearing Pope Photo on SNL (1992) - INTERVIEW - WHY SHE REFUSED TO WORSHIP SATAN - Sinéad O'Connor is a real HERQ too - STAND and FIGHT FOR GOD'S CHILDREN --->>> - Make Sinead O'Connor's message go VIRAL - SHARE to all you networks !! 💥🔥💥 #westandwithsineadoconnor - IT'S TIME FOR THE WORLD TO UNITE and STAND and FIGHT FOR GOD'S CHILDREN🌹💖🌹 Never forget why we started. It always was, and still is about the children. - Crimes Against Our Children - Human Trafficking - Adrenochrome - Pedophilia - Organ Harvesting - Cannibalism - Grooming - Military is the only way No Deals !! - We all have a responsibility to protect our global children - NCSWIC 💞🌹🕊🌍💫 --->>> - Sinead O'Connor tore up the Pope's picture on SNL in 1992, as a stance against sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. “Fight the real enemy,” she said. She is dead at 56... - 7/26/23 = 7+26+23 = 56 - Pope's birthday is December 17, 2023 She is dead 144 days before the Pope's birthday. Jesuit Order = 144 in simple Gematria - 144 = Mark Of The Beast The Time Has Come War In Ukraine King Solomon Hillary Rodham Remove Curse Alien Invasion God Bless You - 🔥 HOW TO SELL YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL 🔥 | WHY CELEBRITIES COVER ONE EYE --->>> - Angelina Jolie - Rituals for joining the Order of the Illuminati. --->>> - THE WAR IS ON! TRUMP vs THE CHILD TRAFFICKERS - MARTIAL LAW for CLEANOUT OR JUSTICE & FREEDOM WILL NEVER EVER RETURN AGAIN --->>> - 🔥 SATANIC ELITES EXPOSED 🔥 - PART 7 - MUSIC INDUSTRY - MILITARIZED MICROWAVE MK ULTRA --->>> - 🔥 AVICII DOCUMENTARY (TIM IS STILL ALIVE TOO) - FOR A BETTER WORLD - HE DIDNT SOLD HIS SOUL TO SATAN TOO -->> ———————————————— JOIN US on TELEGRAM >>> 🔥 IF YOU CANT ACCESS OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL, AVOID 🔥GOOGLE / APPLE🔥 💥CENSORING!!💥 - HERE IS THE SOLUTION ---->>> ———————————————— > SECURE SURFING in the INTERNET > YOU CANT ACCESS RUMBLE? e.g in FRANCE or somewhere else? - >>>> WE RECOMMEND OUR VPN PARTNER >>> PRIVATE INTERNET ACCESS >>> ————————————————12.4K views 30 comments