Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 01: Time to End This
VergoagogoWelcome to Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII everyone (or as it should be called, Final Fantasy XIII-3). I started this trainwreck two years ago, and now it's time to finish it. Does the series continue the slight improvements that FFXIII-2 brought to the table? Or does it crash and burn, destined to be ranked towards the bottom of mainline FF game tier lists? Eh, it's a little of both.12 views 1 comment -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 02: Luxerion, Holy City of Light
Vergoagogo500 years have passed since the disastrous ending of FFXIII-2, and things have changed pretty radically. I mean, not THAT much, but enough to where I have no idea what the hell this world is or who's in it.10 views -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 03: Familiar Face is a Serial Killer
VergoagogoWe immediately change into some more aesthetically pleasing clothes for Lightning before getting to work on this mysterious serial killer case. Gosh, I wonder who it could possibly be.11 views 1 comment -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 04: Murder Cult of Etro
VergoagogoEtro may be long dead, but that's not going to stop these guys from murdering rose-colored hair girls in her name. The white robes seem a little on the nose though, although this series isn't well known for its subtlety.28 views -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 05: Book of Numbers Search
VergoagogoTime passes quickly for the most part, but that's not always the case in this game. Access to the murder ritual is only granted to people with the numbers, so we're on the hunt for that... in-between weird cutscenes with this little girl of course.6 views -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 06: Snow Finally Broke
VergoagogoWe've got time until we can kick Noel's ass back in Luxerion, so let's burn some time in Yusnaan, the city of pleasure. I'm so happy to see Snow's character has finally changed, even if it literally took about 1000 years.38 views -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 07: Party Till the Killers Come
VergoagogoWe still can't solve this murder mystery until midnight for some reason, so the tour of Yusnaan continues! Some of these guys aren't nearly as tough as they look.6 views -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 08: Hunter's Never the Hunted
VergoagogoAn unlucky rose-haired girl escapes the death cult with her life, in part because Noel isn't as bad as everyone apparently thought. And he didn't have any association with the Cult of Etro to begin with? I dunno.5 views -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 09: Smash that Drive
VergoagogoNoel doesn't stand a chance against our power of Overlock, and it's revealed he's just a tortured soul who mourned over a single girl for half a millennium. Nothing new for this series.14 views -
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Part 10: Kitty Girl Unleashed
VergoagogoThe truly ridiculous outfits we have for Lightning in this game start to show up, and of course they're some of the strongest possible ones. Will they take away from the emotional weight of the story? Yeah, probably.3 views