Road Trip Playlist
1 video
Updated 4 months ago
Exclusively for the road, enjoy the ride and be safe out there 😁🙏🏿
Life Is A Library
YYamaahla Music"**Life is a Library**" is a soulful and introspective song that metaphorically compares life to a vast library. The lyrics emphasize the significance of each moment, decision, and experience, likening them to pages, chapters, and stories within a book. The central theme revolves around the idea of living life with intention, learning, and growing from every experience. The chorus serves as a powerful reminder that life is an open book, filled with wisdom and knowledge to be gained, urging listeners to explore, learn, and cherish every moment. The verses delve deeper into the narrative, portraying life as a collection of stories filled with joy, sorrow, love, and divine lessons. The song encourages embracing these stories, allowing the mind to unfold and grow. In the second verse, the lyrics introduce the concept of an inner librarian, symbolizing the role we play in curating our own experiences and emotions. The verse continues to highlight the beauty of personal growth and the journey of self-discovery, urging listeners to be the authors of their own lives, writing their stories with boldness and creativity. A soulful melodic interlude adds depth and emotion to the song, allowing listeners to reflect on the profound messages conveyed. The repeated lines in the hook, "Life is a library, we have to learn, learn, learn," emphasize the continuous journey of seeking knowledge and wisdom throughout life. Overall, "Life's Library" is a reflective and motivational anthem that inspires listeners to embrace life's lessons, cherish their time, and actively participate in the creation of their own unique stories.74 views 2 comments