"Making stuff" from a Professional thing-maker
16 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Sit back and watch me make something cool... or dumb... or both. Just for entertainment purposes
Testing Out A New Hammer On A Dinner Triangle
Halfpine ForgeAfter 3 weeks, we're back into it (now on a biweekly basis) with an impromptu project that just popped into my head, spontaneously. Just an excuse to use the newest addition to my forge. Hope you have as much fun watching it as I did making and editing it ;) enjoy See more of my videos at http://www.rumble.com/c/halfpineforge Check out my website at https://www.halfpineforge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Intro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn125 views 2 comments -
Skull Pendant
Halfpine ForgeJust a quick one today, having some fun making a little skull pendant. Hope you have as much fun seeing it come together as I did making it (and making a doofus of myself, as usual). Hope these next couple weeks go by quickly, so I can get back to making more videos). In the meantime... See more of my videos at http://www.rumble.com/c/halfpineforge Check out my website at https://www.halfpineforge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Intro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn181 views 10 comments -
Crow Skull (kinda...)
Halfpine ForgeMy first attempt at a crow skull (or any type of skull, for that matter) was a failed success, but it still came out looking interesting, to say the least, and I had a lot of fun doing it. Watch my other videos on the channel at http://www.rumble.com/c/halfpineforge Check out my website at https://www.halfpineforge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Intro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn166 views 4 comments -
Workshop Sign Bracket Part ll
Halfpine ForgeBack in the shop again with part 2 of my hand forged sign bracket. This one was a doozy to get together, but I made it work, like I always do. As I mentioned in the first sign bracket video, I am now officially open for business and have started my own website. There might be a video in the next few days to explain more details about this, but after weeks of planning and years of dreaming, I proudly invite you to visit my very fresh website in its early, infantile stage of life, and I'll see you all next week for another video. https://www.halfpineforge.com https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Intro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn162 views 2 comments -
Shop Sign Bracket Part 1
Halfpine ForgeGetting the primary piece of a sign bracket to mount to the outside of my workshop. This project had a few more experimental techniques (experimental for me, anyway) that I got to play with, and they turned out to work beautifully. Part 2 coming soon on the 17th Check out my new website at https://www.halfpineforge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Intro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn 🎵 Track Info: Title: Midnight Drifter by Musicoman Free 🎧 Available on: YouTube: / @musicomanfree Instagram : / musicomanfree Web site : http://www.musicomanfree.com/ Facebook: / musicoman-free-112012067599895113 views 5 comments -
Forging a couple pendents
Halfpine ForgeJust experimenting with some designs of pendents today. Nothing too fancy. Tried outlay new brass wire wheel (didn't have the expected effect on my work piece), and I learned a little bit about a very cranky dragon. Enjoy :) Check out my new website at https://www.halfpineforge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Intro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn171 views 3 comments -
Fire Poker with a basket twist!
Halfpine ForgeI've been meaning to make myself one of these for my fire pit (despite forging a few for friends over the years), and today's the day I finally get one of my very own. Plus, this gave me an opportunity to try a basket twist for the first time. Let me know what you think, warts and all, down in the comments below, and enjoy watching me make a fool of myself Special thank you to my wonderful "extras", (From left to right) Eddie, Daisy, and Jessica. Ya'll are welcome back at Halfpine Forge anytime. Check out my new website at https://www.halfpineforge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Outtro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn179 views 4 comments -
Business Card Holder
Halfpine ForgeBack again with a new adventure. Made myself a business card holder for my desk. Yet again, this is my first time doing this and I haven't seen this particular design "out in the wild" before, so I THINK I might be the first to do it this way, which is always exciting. Even though I was winging it, it came out to my satisfaction eventually. I wonder what I'll get into next week. Hopefully make another new breakthrough in my steadily growing business Check out my new website at https://www.halfpineforge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Intro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn166 views 8 comments -
Mjolnir Pendant Redemption!!
Halfpine ForgeAs I foreshadowed in my previous video, I came back to take another shot at making the elusive Mjolnir Pendant. These pendants are quite a common item done by my fellow smithies, but I just couldn't seem to get the fundamentals down until now. Just goes to show that even after 8+ years of on/off work in the forge, I still have learning to do. No chickens, bumble bees, or Bollywood actors were harmed in the making of this video Check out my new website at https://www.halfpineforge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Intro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn171 views 5 comments -
Mjolnir Fail and Troll Cross Success!
Halfpine ForgeSometimes when experiments in the shop go a little awry, ya just gotta make due with what ya got. I don't only celebrate my successes, I also celebrate my failures... just for you... Perhaps this will turn into a 2 part video. I will prevail next time, so keep an eye on the channel and you'll see the exciting conclusion. Check out my new website at https://www.halfpineforge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hpf_blacksmith/ https://www.facebook.com/halfpineforge <<<<<<<Music>>>>>>> Intro music: "Dig A Hole" by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/47tVOyn190 views 9 comments