Japan's Most Senior Oncologist Continues to Slam mRNA Shots
Alice Springs To MindProfessor Masanori Fukushima continues to speak out diligently against the mRNA technology being injected into innocent civilians. VIDEO SOURCE: https://x.com/_aussie17/status/190161137771185360875 views -
Dr William Makis: Are the Children Safe in Canada?
NZDSOSImmunologist/Oncologist, Dr William Makis, who continues to speak truth to power in the increasingly dystopian nation of Canada, gave this presentation to the National Citizens Inquiry last week. Taken from their website at https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/live/, his presentation began at around 9 hours and 18 minutes. We shared Dr Makis' story in our November 2022 article here: https://nzdsos.com/2022/11/18/more-dead-doctors-in-canada/211 views 2 comments -
We're in Trouble | Dr Ryan Cole
Alice Springs To MindImmune systems have been damaged. Jimmy Dore features pathologist Dr Ryan Cole describing why. VIDEO SOURCE: https://x.com/ChildrensHD/status/1900713557538299920173 views -
Prof. Angus Dalgleish presents at the Covid Inquiry in the UK/
NZDSOSProf. Angus Dalgleish, MD, FCRP, FRCPath, FMedSci, and Professor Emeritus at St George's University in London, spoke on how T cell suppression happens with the mRNA boosters and causes havoc in the body.242 views 1 comment -
DNA Contamination and the Cancer Connection
Alice Springs To MindThis week on VSRF LIVE we are honored to be joined by Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a prominent professor of oncology at St. George's University of London, and Dr. William Makis, renowned Canadian physician and cancer researcher. In this much anticipated discussion, Steve, Dr. Dalgleish and Dr. Makis will explore the controversial topic of the possible connection between DNA contamination identified in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and the alarming rise in cancer rates, particularly in young people. Dr. Dalgleish, known for his critical stance on vaccine safety, will discuss his concerns about the potential long-term effects of DNA contamination on human cells. Additionally, Dr. Makis will update us on the ongoing success he is witnessing in his practice using Ivermectin, alongside other new modalities, in the treatment of cancer. The discussion is set to raise important questions regarding vaccine safety, public health policy, and the unexplained surge in cancer diagnoses post-vaccination. Don't miss this eye-opening interview! Mark your calendars now and as always, please share this link and bring some friends! Support the work of VSRF at https://VacSafety.org/donate Donations are tax deductible and we need your support to continue our work into 2024. Or to text-to-donate, text LIBERTY to 53555 VIDEO and TEXT SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v6byvjp-vsrf-live-161-dna-contamination-and-the-cancer-connection.html176 views -
DTL111“AN SV40 MONKEY POX…THAT SHOWED UP IN 1951-1955…NOW SHOWS UP IN THE ‘COVID VACCINE’…75 YEARS LATER…?” https://x.com/liz_churchill10 IT'S NOT A VIRUS, THEY JUST SHUT DOWN EVERYBODY'S IMMUNE SYSTEM THAT TOOK THE JAB. THEY ARE PURE EVIL ZIONIST JEWS WHO SHOULD BE CAUGHT, PINNED DOWN & INJECTED WITH THIS POISON A MILLION TIMES OVER. THEY ARE THE BIGGEST SERIAL KILLERS ON EARTH BUT ARE ALLOWED TO WALK FREE AFTER KILLING 2 BILLION WORLDWIDE, & COUNTING. THAT'S PURE INSANITY. SOURCE 👇 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/JERdTs6qv5bn 💥💥💥 PROVERBS 15:3 The eyes of theLordare in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. JEREMIAH 16:17 For my eyes are on all their ways. They are not hidden from me, nor is their iniquity concealed from my eyes. ✝️✝️✝️ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/F8nnw2tnXp9t https://t.me/wideawaketruthseekers https://rumble.com/user/DTL111119 views -
VSRF Live #161: DNA Contamination and the Cancer Connection
Vaccine Safety Research FoundationThis week on VSRF LIVE we are honored to be joined by Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a prominent professor of oncology at St. George's University of London, and Dr. William Makis, renowned Canadian physician and cancer researcher. In this much anticipated discussion, Steve, Dr. Dalgleish and Dr. Makis will explore the controversial topic of the possible connection between DNA contamination identified in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and the alarming rise in cancer rates, particularly in young people. Dr. Dalgleish, known for his critical stance on vaccine safety, will discuss his concerns about the potential long-term effects of DNA contamination on human cells. Additionally, Dr. Makis will update us on the ongoing success he is witnessing in his practice using Ivermectin, alongside other new modalities, in the treatment of cancer. The discussion is set to raise important questions regarding vaccine safety, public health policy, and the unexplained surge in cancer diagnoses post-vaccination. Don't miss this eye-opening interview! Mark your calendars now and as always, please share this link and bring some friends! Support the work of VSRF at https://VacSafety.org/donate Donations are tax deductible and we need your support to continue our work into 2024. Or to text-to-donate, text LIBERTY to 5355542.4K views 63 comments -
Changing Patterns of Cancer | Patrick Soon-Shiong
NZDSOSFrom https://rumble.com/v69pri1-changing-patterns-of-cancer-patrick-soon-shiong.html Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong is a renowned medical researcher, transplant surgeon and wealthy investor. He owns the LA Times amongst other large corporations. He initially involved himself in covid vaccine manufacture but he appears to have changed his tune, now linking the products to changing patterns of cancer he is observing including childhood cancer. VIDEO SOURCE: https://x.com/Humanspective/status/1878895874769863162177 views -
Clots, Inflammation and Cancers: UK Cancer Surgeon James Royle
NZDSOSFrom https://rumble.com/v5ljua5-cancer-surgeon-on-clots-inflammation-and-cancer-associated-with-mrna-james-.html James Royle is a consultant general and colorectal surgeon who works with cancer patients. He described in this presentation, his observations of changing disease patterns during the pandemic and then strikingly, after the mRNA products were rolled out onto the population of the UK. He references the Hope Accord, which he is signatory to: https://thehopeaccord.org/ VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v5e7tdx-dr-james-royle-md.html228 views 1 comment -
Professor Angus Dalgleish: Address To the Port Headland Council Special Meeting
mattyivanovic11th October 2024 Professor Angus Dalgleish: Address To the Port Headland Council Special Meeting1.03K views 2 comments