DISEASE: Lady Gaga Uses Witchcraft/Spells to Show Transformation Being Done To Humanity
Truths UnlimitedSource: https://rumble.com/v5ltt6z-disease-lady-gaga-uses-witchcraft-to-show-the-transformation-that-the-elite.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp Originally from Herding Humanity on youtube?2.09K views 6 comments -
SHOCKING election fraud case explodes in Texas
BonginoReport"Mr. Blackburn's crime DID impact the election [results]." - DA Kim Ogg52.5K views 66 comments -
Watchman's DutyTaking DOWN the US. from WITHIN.. operation paperclip https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/wwii/paperclipcia.pdf Project Paperclip http://13-300.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Operation_Paperclip.pdf Operation Paperclip https://outlawjimmy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Operation-Paperclip.pdf operation paperclip https://archive.org/details/pdfy-Rs-5ZuHFFlY3NfZs Fema camps on US. soil https://incpu.org/articles/FEMA_camps_on_US_soil.pdf HR 645 https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-111hr645ih/pdf/BILLS-111hr645ih.pdf Civilian Inmate Labor Program https://web.archive.org/web/20110312041724/https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/pdf/r210_35.pdf Adolph hitter https://vault.fbi.gov/adolf-hitler/adolf-hitler-part-01-of-04/at_download/file https://vault.fbi.gov/adolf-hitler/adolf-hitler-part-01-of-04/view FBI Quietly Declassified Secret Files Attesting Hitler Fled To Argentina In 1945 http://humansarefree.com/2015/02/fbi-quietly-declassified-secret-files.html New evidence exposes Hitler’s secret refuge after World War II https://web.archive.org/web/20140109190655/http://tst.greyfalcon.us/bizarre.htm A List of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed the US Military Intelligence Complex – Part 1 https://thefreedomarticles.com/military-intelligence-complex-ex-agents-p1/ justification of us military intervention in cuba http://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//news/20010430/doc1.pdf COINTELPRO The FBI began https://vault.fbi.gov/cointel-pro Operation Mockingbird http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/cia/operationmockingbirdCIA.pdf operation mockingbird video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDCfTIapds0 erased vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIaFkR9uriU Central Intelligence Bulletin Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000707674.pdf News Media https://web.archive.org/web/20190504032548/ https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88-01315R000200070024-3.pdf “The Dark Alliance” Declassified https://nsarchive.wordpress.com/2015/04/07/the-dark-alliance-declassified/ Operation Gladio (Italian: Operazione Gladio) is the codename for a clandestine NATO “stay-behind” operation in Europe during the Cold War. http://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/operation-gladio/ The Who, How and Why of the JFK Assassination – 52 Years On – Part 1 https://thefreedomarticles.com/jfk-assassination-who-how-why-part-1/ The Freedom Articles Get a Dose of the Truth Alt ernative Media | Ind ependent News https://thefreedomarticles.com/category/911-inside-job/4.45K views 7 comments -
(7/24/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 72 | SG Sits Down w/ ADA Advocate and Public Court Watcher JW Grenadier: Virginia Corruption and January 6th
QNewsPatriotAnon Audio Chat 72 As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 72 is the seventy-second of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking. In Anon Audio Chat 72, SG sits down w/ Virginia Patriot and ADA Advocate JW Grenadier to talk about the ongoing efforts in Virginia to restore Liberty to the Courts, and free the war prisoners of January 6th. Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally. It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands. _______________________________________ For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact JW at the Links Below (Website): https://judicialpedia.com (Email): judicialpedia@gmail.com _______________________________________ SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot SG on Telegram: @realqnewspatriot _________________________________ For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response. (Note: SG is not a Financial Advisor and is not qualified to address patriots' financial concerns. SG & Family use Kirk Elliott for their own financial guidance, and have a business relationship. Learn more here: https://kepm.com/sg) _________________________________ Great Awakening Resources for Patriots ** To Get Involved w/ the Lawful Reinhabited Republic for the United States of America, Go Here: https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org ** Those Affected by Mass Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts Here: carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org and https://formerfedsgroup.org/ ** For an Ongoing and Expanding Video Archive of Maricopa County Arizona Election Fraud, Go Here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos ** To Inquire About Physically Possessing Precious Metals, Go Here: https://kepm.com/sg ** To Explore Potential Countermeasures to C19 Vaxxine Injuries, Go Here: http://QuantumRoots.us ** To Get Involved w/ Constitutional Grand Jury Efforts in the USA, Go Here: https://www.courtofpublicawakening.org/ and https://flashjury.org ** To Sign the "Justice for Rolin Hill" Petition, Referencing a Young African American Eagle Scout Allegedly Murdered by Virginia Beach, VA Sheriff Deputies, Go Here: https://justiceforrolin.org/47.6K views 49 comments -
THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 52 — How Do You Say Kamala? What’s Wrong With DEI? Did the Race Just Reset?
The Charlie Kirk ShowIn this week’s ThoughtCrime Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, Andrew Kolvet, and Tyler Bowyer: -How do you ACTUALLY pronounce Kamala Harris’ name? -If DEI is such a good thing, why is the media coming out in full force against it in defense of Kamala? -Does the race reset with Kamala? What are the tactics conservatives must employ to defeat her? THOUGHTCRIME streams LIVE exclusively on Rumble, every Thursday night at 8pm ET.186K views 145 comments -
Biden Fumbles His Way Through National Address | Paid Agitators Wreak Havoc In D.C. | Drew Berquist
RVM NewsJoe Biden gave a national address last night from the oval office and while debate has ensued about whether it was really live or not (among other things), the substance of the speech was a hot mess. Biden, as usual, lied his way through the entire speech, fumbling over words and fighting with the teleprompter. Plus, paid agitators were seen being dropped off by the busload in Washington, D.C. to protest Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu's speech to Congress. They later destroyed Columbus Circle and other parts of downtown, Elizabeth Warren praised Kamala Harris for being the first VP to visit an abortion clinic, Russian and Chinese bombers were intercepted off the coast of Alaska, and did Harris pick a VP? In sports, Pat McAfee is returning to ESPN's College Gameday and UCLA head coach Deshaun Foster might have just delivered the most awkward press conference introduction in the history of sports. Finally, it is Thursday so we do That's Memetastic. SOCIALS: https://linktr.ee/drewberquist NEWS: https://RVMNews.com MERCH: https://RedBeachNation.com #DrewBerquist #ThisIsMyShow NEW: Silver Prepper Bars - Buy it. Break it. Trade it. https://prepperbarnow.com Protect your savings with a faith-based precious metals company at https://GoldwithDrew.com Be prepared for the worst with food you actually want to eat. Visit Prepper All Naturals at https://PreparewithBeef.com and use promo code RVM to save 25% off today!4.05K views -
Iran’s Plan to Assassinate Donald Trump
Mark Levin ShowThe Islamo-Nazi regime in Iran are evil jihadist bent on destroying America, Israel and all of Western Civilization. US Intelligence has learned that they are funding the anti-Israel protests around the globe. Now we learn they have their crosshairs aimed at Donald Trump. If Iran is allowed to build a nuclear weapons, we’re in deep trouble. https://get.blazetv.com/levin/24K views 110 comments -
Did WW3 Just Start?! Obama Plotting AGAINST Kamala?! + Protestors Destroy DC!
Dear AmericaProtect your savings with the precious metal IRA specialist. www.birchgold.comText: Graham to 989898 America’s only Christian conservative wireless provider! www.patriotmobile.com/Graham or call 972-PATRIOT + use code GRAHAM forFREE activation Go SILENT today at https://slnt.com/pages/grahamto save 15% plus free shipping on qualifying orders. Questions or Church Invites Email: Graham@dearamericamedia.com ► Watch LIVE on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/GrahamAllenOfficial ► Support freedom with 9/12 Merch: https://912united.com125K views 392 comments -
Sebastian Gorka FULL SHOW: Was Biden forced to resign?
AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaSebastian reacts to the historic news of Biden's withdrawal from the race, and more, with guests Lee Zeldin, Rep. Michael Waltz, John Solomon, and Michael Walsh. Tune in to America First with Sebastian Gorka, Weekdays 3PM-6PM EST. Check out our store: https://sebgorkastore.myshopify.com/ Subscribe to the America First podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/america-first-with-sebastian-gorka-podcast/id1451874289 Follow Sebastian Gorka on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SebGorka Follow Sebastian Gorka on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebastian_gorka/ Follow the America First Facebook page: https://facebook.com/AmericaFirstGorka/ Visit https://SebGorka.com for more!24.9K views 21 comments