13 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Trey Smith is an extraordinary man that has a very wonderful Mission from God. He is always putting together significant programs that you can find on his premier site
TREY SMITH- The MAN on FLOOR 17- God In A Nutshell 12 17 2024
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSGOD IN A NUTSHELL presents their latest show with some very interesting interviews and insights into what is happening in these Prophetic Times. The number 29 as Juan has said is 11/9 or 9/11. That was the day the Twin Towers Fell. The opening of the Death Angel's Portal. Where "they" were able to do their evil through the "portal" of Ba'al the same "gate" that H. Clinton wanted to post in Washington D.C. before Trump was elected in 2016. Where GOD has come in with him to rule over America.. in his Holy Name of Jesus Christ. God In A Nutshell is Trey Smith who's life is devoted to Jesus Christ and our GOD the FATHER. https://youtu.be/0QdeHKEGOP0?si=ysiIVQAbNq3JFRLe See his work at www.Godinanutshell.com and enjoy the many films he has made. This is a short playlist on my channel. TREY SMITH https://rumble.com/playlists/QsPQXspLjCA16.7K views 38 comments -
TREY SMITH- STRANGE STRANGE JULY Kim Clement Prophecies- President TRUMP
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSFROM TREY SMITH ALL in ONE Place. Kim Clement's Prophecies and connections to the BIBLE. Brandon Biggs and his "ear Prophecy" three months ago. Number coincidences. Assassination attempts. David and "A simple stone". You will be KNOWN as The Generation that escaped the Claws of Death. "Strange July" is a reference to a prophecy by Kim Clement. https://www.godinanutshell.com/ Trump / Cyrus Third Temple Coin https://www.godinanutshell.com/shop/t... In this 38 minute presentation, numerous prophecies revolving around the attempted assassination of Donald Trump are examined. Please also take a look at House of Destiny's program from today about the RNC and some very Prophetic Words that have been said about this from Kim Clement. This show is hosted by Donné Clement Petruska and Christie Desfontaine from the Israel Update channel. https://rumble.com/v57hust-trump-speaks-at-the-rnc-kim-clement-assassination-attempt-prophecies.html Kim Clement - April 2nd, 2005 Assassination Attempt And some would say, what about the gatekeeper of this Nation? What about him? He prays and took the mantle of Ronald Reagan so that this Nation may experience great revival. Great breakthrough, great, great, great, great breakthrough. But truly there shall be one that shall attempt to lead three others to his side to kill and to take out. But am I with you tonight where My warriors will stop an assassination because your prayers will make the difference. Tonight I looked to My people. I looked to the warriors of this city to cover the prophets. And in the White House you have a prophet. A man that shall call into being, things that are not existing yet. Why? Because he is not just a President. He is a shepherd and a prophet that shall deal with the eastern powers. He shall deal with the eastern gods and Babylon the great shall fall. Babylon the great shall fall, shall fall, shall fall. The Daniels that have prayed shall stand before the kings of the east. Your P:resident shall live because I called him to look for the fire and to look for the cloud in this nation. I called him to lead many that are in obscurity into the light and into the truth. Maybe you do not agree but agree with one thing. Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord and I will raise up a move of My Spirit in this nation as never before. Beginning the month of May there shall be one death and then another death but then ten others shall be raised up throughout the earth that shall be prophets to this nation. I am giving you what you need tonight. I'm breaking the power of death over the righteous ones. Leviticus 8:22-24 King James Version 22 And he brought the other ram, the ram of consecration: and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram. 23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 24 And he brought Aaron's sons, and Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon the great toes of their right feet: and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about.49.5K views 65 comments -
TREY SMITH- A Joseph Period A Prophecy YOU may want- 1 8 2019
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis is a talk by Trey Smith given in the hospital while his father underwent heart surgery. The surgery was successful on his father. The prophecy and video were made on January 8th 2019, the day of the operation. Juan has talked about this many times. The Prophetic Dreams that are actually GIFT that MANY misinterpret. Please see his channel of reposts on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TreySmithRepost And his main channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@treysmithnutshell GodInANutshell.com The prophecy given in this video may seem to apply to right now today, and perhaps your life as well. Moses gives Joseph more time in Genesis than he does any other character—a striking fact given the significance of Genesis’s other main characters: Adam, Noah, and the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This prominence is even more striking considering the apparent insignificance of Joseph in the rest of Scripture. Within Reformed circles, preachers often use Joseph merely to illustrate how divine sovereignty and human responsibility intersect, focusing almost exclusively on Genesis 50:20: “What you meant for evil God meant for good.” Certainly, we are meant to read Joseph’s life in light of this verse. God’s sovereignty is a major theme in Genesis 37–50, and Joseph himself intends for us to interpret his life in light of God’s providence (cf. Gen. 45:1–9).13.2K views 18 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- Military on Track THE PAUSE- Joe Oltmann CONSERVATIVE DAILY 10 2 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSJuan with a new host ConservativeDaily Joe Oltmann and Apollo... you can see the whole show here on RUMBLE https://rumble.com/v3mb9sn-2-october-2023-joe-oltmann-live-with-special-guest-juan-osavin.html LIVE 10 2 2023 *clipped* Topics here are the Questions that Joe Oltmann asked from stories that most of you have already heard. Joe speaks a great Prayer at the end of the PROGRAM. The fact is that Military IS the only way. This will not be violent nor will it make any disruption to your supply chain or access to your money. This is being done with your well being in mind. God knows the suffering that is going on within his Children at this very moment and to be honest has done this for a reason (see program below Vision of the Dark Tracks). And please keep your faith in him. Look up not down and be aware that the Devil is having his last fun with us.. this is not pleasant .. support your friends and FAMILY during these trying times. WITNESS and be the ROCK that Jesus was during the Trial. The PAUSE that is coming will SAVE THE COUNTRY and keep it from running OFF THE TRACKS. This was a VISION that was shown to Henry Shaffer and a PROPHECY of KIM CLEMENT . Trey Smith did this program you should watch right now: VISION OF THE DARK TRACKS https://rumble.com/v2clwk0-vision-of-the-dark-tracks-henry-schaffer-kim-clement-trey-smith-3-10-23.html and this: https://rumble.com/v2k8vhu-the-last-prophecy-donald-trump-trey-smith-1-19-2023.html And this series where Pastor Henry describes the Demonic Possession that is taking over AMERICA. Much of the Prophecies of Kim Clements described quite well these coming times where God is making many points of where Mankind has failed in faith. Ephesians 6:12 New King James Version 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. https://rumble.com/v2uaw5e-pastor-henry-shaffer-deliverance-ministry-part-one-flyover-conservatives-6-.html https://rumble.com/v2uazc4-pastor-henry-shaffer-deliverance-ministry-part-two-flyover-conservatives-6-.html https://rumble.com/v2uba5s-pastor-henry-shaffer-deliverance-ministry-part-three-flyover-conservatives-.html https://rumble.com/v2ubc0o-pastor-henry-shaffer-deliverance-ministry-part-four-flyover-conservatives-6.html23.1K views 32 comments -
TREY SMITH- PERGAMOS Cape Town S.A.- Trump vs Jackson GodinaNutshell.com
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis is 19 minutes short with a specific topic was cut from GodinaNutshell (https://www.godinanutshell.com/video-archive/trump-versus-jackson-past-predicts-future-uncut/) The UNCUT version of Trump vs Jackson that is specifically about Cape Town that has something there that might be of great interest and connections to you and your understanding of the rise of EVIL in the last century. This is so shocking as this information that Trey Smith personally researched and posted on God in a Nutshell and is for EDUCATIONAL Purposes only and NOT TO BE re-Posted. Take an up close look at the rise of EVIL during PERGAMOS the Third Church in the ORDER of Levels that like the MASONS and other organizations like Skull and Bones 322 that were founded in the Early part of the 20th Century. The movie industry the music industry.. the TITANIC sinking (Juan has talked about this in his show here: https://rumble.com/vu6k5i-the-titanic-and-purim-in-history-with-juan-o-savin-for-patriot-productions.html ) Review the last Trey Smith Program posted Trump vs Jackson about The Battle of New Orleans with details you have never seen, The beginning of the CIA, History of Scull and Bones, The Bush Family. And in this one the Cecil John Rhodes Memorial.... which you thought the Georgia Guidestones were bad? This is way way more significant. Juan has talked about Bill Clinton being a Rhodes Scholar.. well you will now know what EVIL has run this country now. The Seat of Zeus. This is the discovery of "blood diamonds" by Rhodes and the huge amount of MONEY extracted that went to the Rothchild Family. The Memorial is in Cape Town South Africa. This is where they got their WEALTH.. Apartheid, Diamonds, the Royal Family Perhaps the Anti Christ Prince William? https://kaldanis.blogspot.com/ If you have not understood or know that we are bound hands and feet to this great EVIL... This is how we come to UNDERSTAND our PART IN THIS.... and also the Solution. ALL GLORY TO GOD. PICK A LANE.11.9K views 11 comments -
TREY SMITH- TWO PRESIDENTS Kim Clement Prophacies- 2 28 2024
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSJUAN O SAVIN has discussed this Prophecy that Kim Clement spoke of "Two Presidents" several times recently. Since Trey Smith put this together over 3 years ago now.. I think you will start to UNDERSTAND the POWER of these on our time right now. The dates that the Prophecies into the public view, were exactly 10 years ago on Feb 22 2014 and in 2008 APRIL 4th in Seattle Washington. I find the numbers very interesting because this length of time certainly defines the Obama Years. 2008- 2016 and the month of April (April Fools Day and the Breaking of the Eight) That I also recall was talked about by Sheila Holms because of the significant Signs during the Solar Eclipse this year April 8 2024.. Signs and Wonders. https://rumble.com/v4ezcmc-sheila-holm-3-prophetic-solar-eclipses-nino-2-20-24.html The most amazing Topic here is King David and Saul. Get out your Bibles and connect with God.. as JUAN many times has said.. with stories of Goliath and a Simple Stone and the Battle of Gideon's ARMY. GOD is With us THIS YEAR the YEAR of JUSTICE. We are seeing President Trump Prevail. By his Godly and Prayerful standing "ASIDE".. or the PAUSE. The STORM is upon us.. WWG1WGA. https://youtu.be/W3hPnxp6HlQ?si=IjErg9x7KWTcWZjt Released by Trey Smith Feb 3, 2021 Prophecy of the Two Presidents is an unusual prophecy of a time of two presidents by Kim Clement. The prophecy seems to go hand-in-hand with another titled "Pandemonium in the White House." https://youtu.be/499hsQBkpYU?si=nPfWOOg5mfLpn9TZ These are strange times and indeed these are strange prophecies; but somehow they make crystal clear sense. I lay that in your hands. Footage of Kim Clement and his prophecies is provided by House of Destiny at: https://www.houseofdestiny.org/ / houseofdestinynetwork Donne' Clement Petruska is one of Kim Clement's daughters. She can be found at: / donnepetro God in a Nutshell / Trey Smith can be found at: https://godinanutshell.com/ God bless you and enjoy the prophecies. I think this is an eye opening video. Watch to the end. I really recommend it on this one. Trey Smith35.1K views 36 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis Kim Clement letter you want to hear is from 2006 in North Carolina. A great show because of the NUMBERS and the connections that Kim Clement made in his many many shows where he told his PROPHECIES for the FUTURE OUR FUTURE OUR TIME RIGHT NOW. Released by Trey Smith Dec 5 2020 on YT: https://youtu.be/5UR-SWvCuJk?si=_95HSgHDdO5Si-7v In this prophecy, transcribed into a text letter, you will hear about events that sound probably like the time you are in. I simply lay that that in your hands. To support the ministry of Kim Clement, please visit House of Destiny. I would ask you to do that before supporting us at God in a Nutshell. And, if you chose between the two, please give to them as my personal and honorable request. To support the ministry of Kim Clement / House of Destiny is: https://www.houseofdestiny.org/donati... God in a Nutshell has some of the mysterious and crazy things on earth, here is the link: https://godinanutshell.com/ 9 RESH the old Hebrew 9 the number of completion ...looks like Donald Trump. Interesting. ~trey13.7K views 19 comments -
George Washington's Prayer- Prophecy & WAR for AMERICA- Trey Smith 2020
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSA must watch interview with Trey Smith sharing about George Washington's encounter with the angel about America prevailing during times of crisis: https://friendsofgod.org/Prophecy/george_washington_vision.html Editor’s Note: The following is an account of a vision supposedly received by George Washington while at Valley Forge. The earliest publication of this vision was in 1859 as it was related by an old soldier. The account here is reprinted from the US War veterans paper “The National Tribune” December 1880 edition (The National Tribune is not “The Stars and Stripes”). This article was also re-printed on December 21, 1950. George Washington was a man of prayer. He went to the thicket many times to pray during the winter his army was at Valley Forge. However, little publicity has been given to the vision and prophecy he received at that time. George Washington with very little support from the POPULATION in 1777 at Valley Forge saw the Angel over the CAPITOL and with PRAYER and the Move of the HAND OF GOD defeated the BRITISH RED COATS. But here we are again. ALIGN with GOD and the side of LIGHT and do not DIVIDE ourselves.. and we again will WIN. #GODWINS #UNITYWINS #PATRIOTSSTAND #PEACETHROUGHSTRENGTH https://rumble.com/v2is2lz-america-must-win-this-war-we-are-americans-president-ronald-reagan.html23.9K views 32 comments -
George Washingtons Prayer- Prophecy and the WAR for AMERICA- Trey Smith
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSMIRACLES do HAPPEN. JULY 4, 2023. Lets Look at a VISION that George Washington had written down and LED BY ANGLES this is OUR BLESSINGS. This COUNTRY was FOUNDED on Jesus Christs Blood. This EXPERIENCE is OUR HERITAGE. How many people can understand the depth of George Washington's FAITH. And so many now are again willing to live under TYRANNY and SLAVERY instead of a REPUBLIC and FREEDOM? All Rights Copyright to Trey Smith- Fair Use for Educational Purposes All information below belongs to Trey Smith.. please support his work. Noah's Ark: The New Evidence https://www.godinanutshell.com/ The search for Noah's Ark is a great mystery of our age. In fact, many have lost their lives in the hunt for Noah's Ark. This film is dedicated to the many men and women who have played a role in the furtherance of the search for Noah's Ark. This film covers what is known as the "Durupınar site" which is believed by many to be the remains of Noah's Ark. The Durupınar site is located near the village of Üzengili in eastern Anatolia or Turkey. Noah's Ark: To watch more films on these subjects, please visit God in a Nutshell: https://www.godinanutshell.com/ For God in a Nutshell jackets, shirts, mugs and other items: https://www.godinanutshell.com/produc... New Beginnings and the Significance of the Genesis Story of Noah's Ark from Trey Smith. For more information on the Noah's Ark scans: https://www.noahsarkscans.com/the-dur... To contact Andrew Jones: https://www.facebook.com/andrewmarkjones If you are interested in a tour or the "Durupınar site" (Noah's Ark site) please visit: https://eastturkeyexpedition.com/tour... To visit Answers in Genesis Noah's Ark: https://answersingenesis.org/creation... For God in a Nutshell on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-376655 For God in a Nutshell Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/treysmithbooks/ A special dedication to the memory of American archaeologist Ron Wyatt who spent the last years of his life searching for Noah's Ark. May God Bless all of you, Trey Smith, God in a Nutshell project https://www.godinanutshell.com/14.1K views 37 comments -
TREY SMITH- Preview "I AM"- God in a Nutshell 12 10 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONS"I AM" is by Trey Smith and God in a Nutshell. This short program brings understanding to a story of the reason the Pharaohs were GODS by their name. And what it means in Hebrew. This is a short clip please join and watch the full film. https://www.godinanutshell.com/video-archive/exodus-i-the-rise-of-joseph/ God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ And He said, ‘Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you’ (Exodus 3:14). This short twelve (12) minute video is comprised of clips from "Exodus: Rise of Joseph" by the God in a Nutshell project. "Into Eternity" is music from Trevor Demaere. We hope you enjoy this short journey. ~ Trey Smith28.6K views 16 comments