Galactic Faction #1: Narn Regime
Star by Star“Galactic Factions” is a series where The Obsidian Odor showcases one faction from his homemade game, "Star by Star." Star by Star is a tabletop game where players assume command of an interstellar faction and compete to conquer or liberate a sector of space. An episode of Galactic Factions has four parts. Part One is general facts about the faction. Part Two is the Fleet Counters. Each is a 1” hexagon and illustrates a starship or fighter squadron, faction icon and fleet multiple. Multiples indicate the number of fleets present and come in 1s, 3s, 5s & 7s. Part Three is the Faction Card. Cards reveal the faction’s Political Alignment and Special Abilities. Political Alignments allow for Diplomacy checks. Players check their faction's alignment vs a Star System’s alignment on their Faction Card to find the minimum result needed to succeed. Next, players roll the Diplomacy Die (d10). If the result is equal to or higher, Diplomacy succeeds. Part Four shows the current “Sweet 16,” the top 16 factions in-game. Factions earn points after each match. Losing factions earn 0.1 pts per territory at end of game. Winning factions earn 1 pt. This show appears on a bi-weelky rotation. Please let us know if there’s any faction you’d love for us to incorporate. https://rumble.com/playlists/ApNSecBdd38 Music By: The Star Wars Errant https://rumble.com/user/TheStarWarsErrant Connect with us on X: https://x.com/ObsidianOdor238 views 27 comments -
Star by Star #1: Minbari vs. Dominion
Star by StarBy the Lords of Kobol! Thank you for checking out my Rumble channel and homemade game, “Star by Star.” In-game, players assume command of an interstellar faction and compete to conquer or liberate a sector of space. Here, scifi fans can watch their favorite factions in head to head matchups against others. So without further ado, I present to you a 1-on-1 match: Minbari Federation (Babylon 5) vs. Dominion (Star Trek). Tell us what matchups you’d like to see in the future. Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio.674 views 29 comments -
Star by Star #3: Phoenix Cell vs. Narn vs. Dominion
Star by StarBy the Lords of Kobol! Thank you for checking out my Rumble channel and homemade game, “Star by Star.” In-game, players assume command of an interstellar faction and compete to conquer or liberate a sector of space. Here, scifi fans can watch their favorite factions in head to head matchups against others. So without further ado, I present to you a free for all match: Phoenix Cell (Star Wars) vs. Narn Regime (Babylon 5) vs. Dominion (Star Trek). Tell us what matchups you’d like to see in the future. Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio.398 views 15 comments -
Star by Star #6: Alliance vs. League vs. Centauri
Star by StarBy the Lords of Kobol! Thank you for checking out my Rumble channel and homemade game, “Star by Star.” In-game, players assume command of an interstellar faction and compete to conquer or liberate a sector of space. Here, scifi fans can watch their favorite factions in head to head matchups against others. So without further ado, I present to you a free for all match: Interstellar Alliance (Babylon 5) vs. League of Non-aligned Worlds (Babylon 5) vs. Centauri Republic (Babylon 5). Tell us what matchups you’d like to see in the future. Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio.628 views 58 comments -
Star by Star #12: Vorlons vs Shadow
Star by StarBy the Lords of Kobol! Thank you for checking out my Rumble channel and homemade game, “Star by Star.” In-game, players assume command of an interstellar faction and compete to conquer or liberate a sector of space. Here, scifi fans can watch their favorite factions in head to head matchups against others. So without further ado, I present to you a 1-on-1 match: Vorlon Empire (B5) vs. Shadow Dominium (B5). Tell us what matchups you’d like to see in the future. Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio.296 views 39 comments -
Star by Star #17: Ferengi vs League
Star by Star“Star by Star,” is a series where The Obsidian Odor publishes a time lapsed match from his homemade game by the same name. Star by Star is a tabletop game where players assume command of an interstellar faction and compete to conquer or liberate a sector of space. Audiences watch as players battle it out to be victorious. In free-for-all matches, the first player to hold (5) territories at the beginning of their turn wins. In a 2-on-2, it’s (6) territories and (7) for a 3-on-3. Players can also win by eliminating all enemy fleets, “Board Wipe.” Please let us know if there’s a match you’d love for us to do. https://rumble.com/playlists/HvKE9kJczUM Music By: The Star Wars Errant https://rumble.com/user/TheStarWarsErrant Connect with us on X: https://x.com/ObsidianOdor205 views 32 comments -
Star by Star #18: Earth Alliance vs. Dominion
Star by Star“Star by Star,” is a series where The Obsidian Odor publishes a time lapsed match from his homemade game by the same name. Star by Star is a tabletop game where players assume command of an interstellar faction and compete to conquer or liberate a sector of space. Audiences watch as players battle it out to be victorious. In free-for-all matches, the first player to hold (5) territories at the beginning of their turn wins. In a 2-on-2, it’s (6) territories and (7) for a 3-on-3. Players can also win by eliminating all enemy fleets, “Board Wipe.” Please let us know if there’s a match you’d love for us to do. https://rumble.com/playlists/HvKE9kJczUM Music By: The Star Wars Errant https://rumble.com/user/TheStarWarsErrant Connect with us on X: https://x.com/ObsidianOdor130 views 24 comments