Convex Earth - Flat Earth 100% Scientific Proofs Documentary
Awakening World - Truth & Secrets RevealedConvex Earth - Flat Earth 100% Scientific Proofs Documentary Please Subscribe, Like and Share The World! It's Time For Everyone To Wake Up! The Globalists Deep-State & PLANdemic Secrets You Need To Know ASAP. Visit and Share: https://greatawakening.world/ Real Great Awakening Daily QANON, Trump & PLANdemic News! Join Our Community On Telegram Here: https://t.me/greatawakeningworld 👉 Stay Safe, Secure & Anonymous Online. Get Your FREE VPN Here: https://greatawakening.world/vpn 👉 Free Trump & Patriots Gifts Here: https://greatawakening.world/freegifts 👉Must watch every documentaries below on our channel: The Next Level (2022) - Flat Earth Documentary by Hibbeler Productions🌍 https://rumble.com/v14q6pb-the-next-level-2022-flat-earth-documentary-by-hibbeler-productions.html LEVEL 2021 Documentary: https://rumble.com/vi4xo3-level-2021-flat-earth-documentary-hd.html 200 Proofs Earth Is NOT A Spinning Ball: https://rumble.com/vokt41-flat-plane-earth-200-proofs-earth-is-not-a-spinning-ball-by-eric-dubay.html The Greatest Lie In Human History: https://rumble.com/vqk33w-must-watch-undeniably-a-taboo-conspiracy-the-greatest-lie-in-human-history.html Greatest Deception Of Human History: https://rumble.com/vn8w7b-the-greatest-deception-of-human-history-flat-earth-documentary-by-hibbeler-.html Real Eyes Don't Lie: https://rumble.com/vnkbpt-real-eyes-realize-real-lies-awakening-time-documentary.html NASA Scam - Truth Does Not Fear Investigations: https://rumble.com/vnekln-nasa-scam-and-flat-earth-proofs-truth-does-not-fear-investigation-documenta.html Sources: https://youtu.be/McdMMmclGVc "Terra convexa is an independent research of Dákila Research https://www.dakila.com.br/ and Centro Tecnológico Zigurats ctzbrasil.com.br originally published in www.terraconvexa.com.br and http://convexearth.org/" flatearth, nasalies, nasa, researchflatearth, spaceisfake, truth, firmament, wakeup, earthisflat, flatearthtruth, illuminati, conspiracy, flatearthers, conspiracytheory, flatearthsociety, earth, nwo, newworldorder, flatearthmatters, tierraplana, space, flatearther, nocurve, flatearthisreal, flatearthproof, love, earthisnotaglobe, truthseeker, moonlandinghoax, freemasons, science, theearthisflat, mkultra, covid, chemtrails, agenda, flatearththeory, flatearthmemes, hoax, flatearthproofs, flatearthresearch, freemason, dome, nasaislying, flat, indoctrination, lies, spacex, nasahoax, trump, itsflat, woke, qanon, globe, god, coronavirus, satan, pizzagate170K views 756 comments -
"LEVEL" - Hibbler Productions (2021)
StoneFaithPatriotIn May 2022 I posted "The Next Level", which is the sequel to this video, here on my Rumble channel. I should probably have posted this one first. I did not, so here it is now. Unavoidable truth that cannot be stopped, no matter how hard the powers that be try. They try to make us look foolish. They try to "debunk" the truth by creating their own videos that mock the models that show the truth. They try to convince us of their "science" which they say is "settled" when TRUE SCIENCE is NEVER settled. We are always learning, always asking questions. THAT is how science works in real life. If it is settled, it is NOT science, but tyranny. It's time for the world to get on our LEVEL: Produced by Hibbeler Productions: https://hibbelerproductions.com/films If you'd like to support Hibbeler Productions, visit http://www.levelthefilm.com and stream in HD To learn more about our flat, motionless Earth, please visit: http://www.EricDubay.com http://www.AtlanteanConspiracy.com http://www.IFERS.123.st THINK FOR YOURSELF DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE IT'S IN THE BIBLE The more you know... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for watching. I want to take this moment to thank you who have donated to my channel. It is very much appreciated and very much needed. Words cannot express the gratitude in my heart for your kindness and generosity. God bless you in Jesus' name. Here is the link if you CAN give and would like to donate to my channel - https://www.givesendgo.com/Fa17hPatriQt THANKS AGAIN!4.86K views 4 comments -
NoVacks4MeThe third installment of the LEVEL series, the documentary "Level with Me" is definitive proof that our space agencies are fraudulent. They have been stealing our tax money for far too long. Fooling the masses with, but not limited to, CGI, green screens, harnesses, and governing your mind into a fantasy heliocentric world. Gravity you say? Well in this documentary, they prove electrostatics is the force commonly referred to and accepted as "gravity" due to our Rockefeller funded education systems, with a ground breaking electrostatics experiment! This time around, they visit NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Orlando, NASA's CSBF in Palestine, Texas, and the Board of Brevard County Commissioners office in Florida. Also, they bring forth what really happened with the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion and what the crisis actors involved are currently doing with their lives. The truth can set you free!!! FAIR USE NOTICE These pages may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, such material has been referenced to advance understanding of political, human rights, ecological, economic, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.3.28K views 4 comments -
Hibbler Productions: Real Eyes Realize Real Lies (2018 Documentary)
Moon and EclipsesHibbler Productions: Real Eyes Realize Real Lies (2018 Documentary) #FlatEarth #Firmament4.55K views 3 comments