The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #1 - Being Met With a Terrible Fate...
ThatDonParkerVODSOriginally streamed on 01/04/2024 First Rumble exclusive stream! New game! Let's go! Be the change you want to see in the world. Got tired of Twitch and I am now livestreaming on Rumble. Thanks for having me. It's good to be here. But enough of all of that! Majora's Mask is considered to be one of the darkest games of the series. When I was younger, I didn't care for this title. Now that I'm older and had some playthroughs under my belt, and had a chance to wrestle with this, it's really not that bad. Just the opposite, it's really good! I just don't think Ocarina good. Enough blabbering, let's get playing already!13 views -
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #2 - Drain the swamp (Part 1)
ThatDonParkerVODSOriginally streamed on 01/20/2024 It's still early in the game. We have no sub items and very few masks. Nothing we can do except head on over to the Woodfall swamp and complete the dungeon there. But before all that, we are going to a plant person palace to break out a monkey that was injustly incarcerated. You know, typical Zelda stuff.22 views -
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #3 - Drain the swamp (Part 2)
ThatDonParkerVODSOriginally streamed on 01/20/2024 Here in Part 2 of Drain the Swamp, we cause more malice in the palace and set us up for success in the dungeon (i.e., get the Great Fairy mask for cool bonuses)34 views -
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #4 - Drain the swamp (Part 3)
ThatDonParkerVODSOriginally streamed on 01/20/2024 Alright. Here we go! We dump draino in this thing and watch it go counter clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere (or clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere)28 views -
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #5 - Getting masks until Dodo got involved...
ThatDonParkerVODSI just wanted one of those nice relaxing streams where I would put in some work to get some masks and items and heart pieces. Just to give us a fighting chance. Then I got my sword stolen. And it went downhill from there. But we finished strong!7 views -
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #6 - Something about Gorons? And Snow Temples? Pilots?
ThatDonParkerVODSLooking to redeem ourselves after our disastrous outing last week. I think we did okay!7 views -
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #7 - The Actual Snowhead Temple
ThatDonParkerVODS"Picking up with half the three day cycle gone. May have to restart, or we may not! Let's go!" That's what I wrote when I started off this stream. Little did I realize that this dungeon requires precision. Don't mess up here. At all. I don't know what the deal is with ice dungeons (I had flashblacks to the Ice Palace from A Link to the Past (#9 - Inside the Ice Palace, if you want to remember what that was like)8 views 1 comment -
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #8 - Mask Roundup
ThatDonParkerVODSI gotta get back into the groove of playing better. You know what I'm missing? Masks. A whole lot of them at this point in the game. Let's go back and get them.6 views -
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #9 - Those aliens want those cows
ThatDonParkerThose cows aren't theirs! Can't let that happen! Want your own book? Click this affiliate link and schedule a meeting to talk to Mike Fallat https://dreamstarterspublishing.com/?fpr=don38 Buy my book! https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09VZK78Q8&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_559Z5YEZ2RQF9NT58KJ8 Find me at... www.thatdonparker.com https://rumble.com/c/ThatDonParkerVODS https://rumble.com/c/c-5555261 (My podcast, The Wonderful World of Don) https://twitter.com/thatdonparker Instagram - ThatDonParker12 views 1 comment -
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - #10 - Hanging out at Ikana Graveyard like weird goth kids
ThatDonParkerVODSWe are going to divert from the plan a little bit here. Instead of going right into the Great Bay. We are going to set ourselves up for success by getting a couple of masks and an extra bottle. But, apparently, we have to spend a few days (not hours, DAYS) in a creepy graveyard. Fighting giant stalkids, then commanding giant stalkids, graverobbing. You know, the usual Friday night activities. Hope this works out! I need to go listen to The Cure or something. Want your own book? Click this affiliate link and schedule a meeting to talk to Mike Fallat https://dreamstarterspublishing.com/?fpr=don38 Buy my book! https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09VZK78Q8&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_559Z5YEZ2RQF9NT58KJ8 Find me at... www.thatdonparker.com https://rumble.com/c/ThatDonParkerVODS https://rumble.com/c/c-5555261 (My podcast, The Wonderful World of Don) https://twitter.com/thatdonparker Instagram - ThatDonParker7 views