A Double Barrel Shotgun BLAST with Victim’s Advocate Autumn Mattox
PowerGirl Power HourThe #FreedomWarriors are READY to go #FullThrottle #this #FreedomFriday with another #TargetedIndividual story coming out of Texas. Wait a minute… I thought the Lone Star State was supposed to be a safe place. Why are all these TI stories coming out of TX? It’s certainly something to ponder. This Freedom Friday #WeThePeople #CircleTheWagons around a #TargetedIndividual who is facing some very serious charges in the state of Texas. Autumn Maddox is asking US to rally around her long time friend Rob Montez as he faces the fight of his life. JOIN US LIVE at 5PM PST/8PM EST on the PowerGirl Power Hour on Rumble. If you are NEW to the PowerGirl Multiverse ~ Welcome to our FREEDOM Family!! We are so happy you’ve made it this far! To follow the yellow brick road, right down the rabbit hole, and into the ‘PowerGirl Multiverse’, click here: https://linktr.ee/holyghostpower11. To explore PowerGirl Christina’s homemade healing products and/or to FOLLOW our journey of creating an #EvenBetterNormal right here in our own small town: https://rainbowsendhumboldt.com All copyrighted material is Fair Use and used to entertain, educate and enlighten only. We HONOR the original content and its creators. We appreciate their work and am very grateful for its contribution to our story.296 views 4 comments -
Everyone Is A Targeted Individual Now
OnionheadAndrewTargeted Individuals are survivors of deepstate human trafficking operations using advanced technologies (synthetic biology, DEW’s, acoustic weapons, etc) and counter intelligence techniques. They are the pilot program of a coming global transhuman technocracy and worldwide depopulation. Learn how everyone is a targeted individual now. Free Consultations Available: contact me at acole9689@hotmail.com or find me on twitter @andressandino3 Onionhead Andrew has been targeted for illegal neuroweapon experimentation and torture for the last nine years. In the last three years he has survived many attempts on his life. A few years ago he traveled the Americas looking for freedom from the NSA/FBI kill-torture program and found that every government was complicit in the new one world power. Specifically the governments of the world are complicit in a global plan to kill 13/14 people. Agenda 2030 . They are all poisoning the food, air and water with heavy metals and using Directed Energy Weapons to interact with Synthetic Biology. We are in a world changing event. Onionhead Andrew was weapons tested on for the last decade. Now he knows how to defeat it. Will you answer the call and survive or will you sleepwalk yourself and your family, community, country over the cliff of depopulation. May God have mercy on us. Please Like, Share And Subscribe buymeacoffee.com/acole9689n https://rumble.com/c/OnionheadAndrew https://linktr.ee/onionheadandrew1.57K views 12 comments