Corporate Capture! Killing Us Softly
LION'S DEN: Dr. William SchnoebelenUnder the direction of the New World Order, Americans have endured an unprecedented level of crisis, ‘natural disasters’, and medical sabotage. It is increasingly evident that much of this suffering is the result of either incompetence or outright wickedness on the part of our most trusted leaders and government-funded institutions. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? JOIN Dr. William Schnoebelen as he reveals the sinister tapestry of evil BEHIND all this destruction! Discover hidden agendas making millions for corrupt bureaucrats and MEDICRATS, the blackmailing of Tech Giant CEOs, and the sexual and medical abuse of countless precious children to feed the depraved lusts of the elite. The CORPORATE CAPTURE of America is about to be EXPOSED! Listen as Dr. Bill presents solid, Scriptural SOLUTIONS and the immediate need to RETURN to SCRIPTURAL PRINCIPALS TO OVERCOME AND ULTIMATELY END THESE TRAVESTIES of CORPORATE CAPTURE! http://www.withoneaccord.org Thank you, Beloved WOACM Family & Friends, for your devoted love for Christ, your faithful Prayers, and your much-needed Financial Support for Ministry Outreaches! God bless you! 🔴 RELATED DVD RESOURCES from DR. SCHNOEBELEN POPULATION CONTROL: Increasing the DEATH RATE (3 DVD set) https://www.withoneaccord.org/Population-Control--Increasing-the-Death-Rate-3-DVDs_p_210.html MIND-CONTROLLED GUN CONFISCATION (DVD) https://www.withoneaccord.org/Mind-Controlled-Gun-Confiscation-DVD_p_144.html MEDICAL MURDER: Architects of Madness (DVD) https://www.withoneaccord.org/Medical-Murder-Architects-of-Madness-DVD_p_193.html THE MEDICAL CONSPIRACY (DVD) https://www.withoneaccord.org/The-Medical-Conspiracy-DVD_p_141.html BULLETPROOFING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM https://www.withoneaccord.org/BULLETPROOF-YOUR-IMMUNE-SYSTEM-Radionics-Spiritual-Warfare-2-DVD-Set-NEW_p_227.html CANCER WARS! https://www.withoneaccord.org/Cancer-Wars--DVD_p_209.html 🔴 RELATED FREE TEACHING VIDEOS & RESOURCES *****Dr. Bill’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WilliamSchnoebelen/videos DECONSTRUCTING FAMILIES - GOALS of the NEW WORLD ORDER! https://rumble.com/v5eximb-deconstructing-families-goals-of-the-new-world-order.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp FRANKENSTEIN’s DAUGHTER https://rumble.com/v2g1rps-frankensteins-daughter.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp LIGHT! Blue Light vs. Sunlight! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0tObF3e-cY THE MINISTRY of FEAR - 5G, Scalar Bio-pulses and Overcoming! https://rumble.com/v3uxvca-the-ministry-of-fear-5g-scalar-bio-pulses-and-overcoming.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp THE UNPARDONABLE SIN? YouTube Teaching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvABRcRCjcI STRESSED? Strategies for your Body – Soul – Spirit! YouTube Teaching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa1jnmd-1cg GROUNDING! & Part II on Sunlight - Health and Wellness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwdoVrZHK-4 🔴 PRAYERS – VISIT DR. BILL’s PRAYER PAGE at https://www.withoneaccord.org/Prayers_ep_50.html - Just select the Category to see all of WOACM’s Prayers for your Spiritual, Emotional & Physical needs! PRAYER: Affirmation of Life Prayer! https://www.withoneaccord.org/assets/images/freedownloads/Affirmation%20of%20Life-UPDATED%20122418.pdf PSALMS for Sexual Healing https://www.withoneaccord.org/assets/images/freedownloads/Psalmsforsexualhealing.pdf8.02K views 18 comments -
How the State Department Shapes Global Narratives
Russell BrandGet prepped with IVERMECTIN and life-saving meds at The Wellness Company: https://www.twc.health/BRAND – code BRAND saves $30 + FREE shipping Go to https://www.RuffGreens.com and use promo code RUSSELL and get a Trial Bag FREE! Go to http://rumble.com/premium/brand and use code BRAND to save $10 off! ⏰ BE HERE AT 12PM EST / 5PM GMT ⏰ Today, I’m speaking with Mike Benz, diving into the tangled web of government influence, media manipulation, and global power dynamics. From $300 million in Biden administration contracts with Reuters to the implications of the Trusted News Initiative, we explore how narratives are shaped and controlled. Mike connects the dots between covert State Department programs, strategic censorship, and the suppression of independent journalism. Are we witnessing the rise of an all-encompassing information firewall? Join us as we untangle the threads of this vast, interconnected system and examine the critical role of independent media in exposing the truth.234K views 442 comments -
ElijahStreamsSteve Shultz will be interviewing Barry Wunsch on September 26 at 11 AM Pacific Time. Barry will be discussing major evidence coming forth, a new Kingdom governance, wealth resources God is releasing, and more! Please join us this Thursday with Barry Wunsch! You can connect with Barry at https://thecanadianhammer.com/ Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / ElijahStreams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA270K views 379 comments -
the WORLD is a STAGE (PART 4) (Documentarv)
The Revelations of Jesus Christthe WORLD is a STAGE (PART 4) (Documentarv)25.9K views 173 comments -
Billy Crone - Voodoo Vampires And The Rise Of Demon Worship 14
BillyCroneThe Full Length video will air at 6:30 PST on 2/8/236 comments -
Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe
His Glory TVJulie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe Socials: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries – Rumble https://juliegreen.locals.com/ – Locals https://odysee.com/@JULIEGREENMINISTRIES:5 – Odysee https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries –Truth Social https://t.me/s/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES –Telegram Support our HIS GLORY Family Partners! Do what you can do to help defund the swamp by investing your hard-earned dollars in Kingdom companies like these. Put everything else in God’s hands by faith. Beverly Hills Precious Metal Exchange: https://bh-pm.com/ Mac Bear & Cheese Healthy Kids Vitamins: https://hisglory.me/kidsvitamins/ Kingdom Fuel: https://hisglory.me/kingdomfuel Cue Streaming: https://HisGlory.mycuestreaming.com ROOT: https://therootbrands.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY My Pillow: https://www.mypillow.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY Estate Planning Inc: https://www.estateplanninginc.net/read-me-bedford For A Full List Of His Glory Family Partners Click This Link: https://hisglory.me/partners/127K views 500 comments -
Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again
PPRESIDENT TRUMPHappy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible Mar 26, 2024 https://godblesstheusabible.com/118 views 3 comments -
Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe
His Glory TVJulie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe Socials: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries – Rumble https://juliegreen.locals.com/ – Locals https://odysee.com/@JULIEGREENMINISTRIES:5 – Odysee https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries –Truth Social https://t.me/s/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES –Telegram Support our HIS GLORY Family Partners! Do what you can do to help defund the swamp by investing your hard-earned dollars in Kingdom companies like these. Put everything else in God’s hands by faith. Beverly Hills Precious Metal Exchange: https://bh-pm.com/ Mac Bear & Cheese Healthy Kids Vitamins: https://hisglory.me/kidsvitamins/ Kingdom Fuel: https://hisglory.me/kingdomfuel Cue Streaming: https://HisGlory.mycuestreaming.com ROOT: https://therootbrands.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY My Pillow: https://www.mypillow.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY Estate Planning Inc: https://www.estateplanninginc.net/read-me-bedford For A Full List Of His Glory Family Partners Click This Link: https://hisglory.me/partners/84.5K views 274 comments -
JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com tithe.ly: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/5174498 PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/PROPHECY FULFILLED TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled OFFICIAL JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ TIMOTHY V DIXON RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/c/TimothyVDixonMinistry 01.19.23 https://rumble.com/v26cdh4-the-gathering.html CLAY CLARK THRIVE TIME SHOW: https://rumble.com/c/ThrivetimeShow FB: @hisgloryme IG: @hisgloryme Truth: @hisgloryme Twitter: @hisgloryme Youtube: @hisglorytv178K views 1.24K comments