![playlist thumnail](https://1a-1791.com/video/fwe1/a6/s8/1/8/U/o/f/8Uofx.oq1b-small-An-Introduction-to-the-Baro.jpg)
An Introduction to the Baron David Ward Affidavit
We The People - Constitutional ConventionsZoom 7 PM Alberta time daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 Download the Microsoft Office and LibreOffice documents https://drive.proton.me/urls/HC1G71DCZ0#EpF2VvdYi3vd Zoom 7 PM Alberta time daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 Second half of Kirsty and Susie's presentation at Airbox. Airbox is a freedom club just north of Newcastle, hosted every Thursday evening by Mark Steele in the restaurant area upstairs. Please come along any Thursday you're in the area or spread the word. Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/764179465116189. Speakers we've hosted include Michael O'Bernicia, David Adelman (The People's Lawyer) AJ Roberts, John Hamer, Mark Devlin and Dawn Lester and David Parker. We're hoping to have Richard Vobes pop in when he's up north shortly too. A detailed explanation of Exhibit B of the Baron David Ward Affidavit of Truth and Statement of Fact. This is much more than a Parking ticket! Listen and learn! Download the document from https://bdwaffidavit.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/0/8/11089944/exhibit_b_parking_charge.pdf This video has been shared in good faith as it states in the video that people will learn this truth if we share the video. Join Zoom to also connect and PDF will be uploaded email info@constitutionalconventions.ca for PDF Ladies and Gentlemen. It is our Duty and obligation and very great honour to make the following announcement and Decree. On this Day the 20th Day of March 2015. It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That there has never been any such thing as LAW. But only the presumption of law, where a presumption is nothing of material substance and any presumption can be dismissed by a formal challenge. It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That Parliament does not reign supreme and that any notion of government has no legitimacy without the Material evidence that the governed have given their consent and that there cannot be any legitimate Government For the one cannot exist in isolation without the other. Also that any action taken by way of Act or Statute of Parliament is and always has been a criminal offence of FRAUD and Malfeasance in the office at the very least. It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That the office of the Judiciary is nothing more than a sub office of a commercial body and the status and standing of any Judge or Magistrate currently on this land has no greater status or standing or authority than the Manageress of McDonalds. Also it is formally recognised on and for the record that the state is a is legal embodiment by an act of registration which is of no material substance and therefore fraud by default and that the interests of the State are the interests of the State alone to the detriment of anybody and anything else including its own officers of the state. That the actions of the State are now recognised as an unconscionable and criminal fraternity capable of heinous crimes without measure. It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That any and all executable Orders and Documents must carry an affixed common seal which denotes point of origin and that any and all excitable Orders and Documents must be signed by human hand and in wet ink by a named authoritative living being who takes full responsibility for the content of that formal excitable Order or document. Any deviation from this standing process where there is no affixed common seal or signature in wet ink by a living hand with authority to do so, will be recognised in perpetuity as a criminal offence. It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That all imposed Taxation and Duty is and always has been not only a criminal offence but is also House of WardHouse of Ward 145145 Slater Street Slater Street WarringtonWarrington [[WA4 1DWWA4 1DW]] 13th Day of February 2015 detrimental to all the people of this planet. That from this day forward and as of the 20th Day of March 2015 and in perpetuity the enforcement of all Taxation and duty is a recognised Act of Terrorism. It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That there is no such thing as money or commerce. No body gets paid or has been paid. No Body has the capability to Pay anybody or for any thing or Item without Money. All commercial instruments are nothing more than pieces of paper with marks on them. That there value is only confidence and belief where confidence and Belief is recognised as being of no material substance. The continued use of these commercial instruments is for the feeble of mind who insist on living in a make believe world of their own making. Capitalism will forever be recognised and in perpetuity as the exploitation of another for personal gain. This has always been an unconscionable and detrimental activity to the human race since Babylonian times. It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. There is no greater Sanctuary than the human home, be this home a castle or a wood hut or a blanket on the ground. From this day forward as of the 20th Day of March 2015 let it be known that any transgression of this sanctuary other than by invitation, that any transgression of this Sanctuary is a recognised Act of War and aggression. We have the right by the very fact that we live to protect our life and the life of our loved ones. Any transgression of this Sanctuary can be met with equal or great force with impunity. This is the long standing law and traditions of this land. So say we all. It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That the practice of election by way of secret ballot is and always has been an abomination and deception with no credibility or redeeming qualities. By the very fact that this is a SECRET Ballot by any means of notarisation or recording renders the outcome obsolete by definition that is a secret Ballot. By the very fact that there is no recognised unelective or reveres process and by the very fact that there is no such word to this effect in the recognised dictionaries. Then this elective process by way of secret ballot is and always has been void ab initio. Have a nice Day. On and for the record. Bring out the town crier and let the Bell ring. Let it be known across this planet, that from this day the 20th Day of March 2015 that the satanic Roman Empire is no more. Let it be by Decreed that this is the day and will always be the day in perpetuity when the days of austerity and tyranny end for all time to come. Let this day go down in history across this planet as a day of celebration for all time. So say we all. Let the celebrations begin. So say we all. http://discovertheevidence.org/downloads/affidavit-of-truth-and-statement-of-fact/ Affidavit of Truth and statement of Fact. 1. I, Baron David of the House of Ward (being the undersigned) do solemnly swear, declare and depose.... 2. THAT I am competent to state the matters herein, and do take oath and swear that the matters herein are true, certain and correct as contained within this David of the House of Ward Affidavit of Truth and Fact. 3. I am herein stating the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth; and these truths stand as fact until another can provide the material and physical evidence to the contrary. 4. THAT I fully and completely understand, before any charges can be brought, it must be firstly proved, by presenting the material evidence to support the facts that the charges are valid and have substance that can be shown to have material physical substance as a foundation in fact. 5. From Exhibit (A). “Formal challenge to the twelve presumptions of law” A presumption is something that is presumed to be true and as a presumption then there is only a need for a formal challenge to that presumption to dismiss that presumption until the physical and material evidence can be presented to support that presumption. 6. From Exhibit (B). “Case Authority WI-05257F” David Ward V Warrington Borough Council, 30th Day of May 2013. Which is a case at court tribunal undertaken by recognised due process It is clear in the case that David Ward did not challenge the PCN or the traffic Management Act 2004 section 82. But what was challenged was the presumption of the consent of the governed. What is a mandatory requirement before the Acts and statutes can be legally acted upon is that the consent of the governed has some validity and that it can be presented as material fact before any charges can be brought. It is clear from this case authority undertaken by due process that: - (1) It is illegal to act upon any of the Acts or statutes without the consent of the governed where the governed have actually given their consent and that consent is presentable as material physical evidence of the fact that the governed have given their consent. (2) Where the Acts and statutes are acted upon then this is illegal and a criminal action by the state. (3) The criminal action is Malfeasance in a public office and fraud. (4) Were there is no consent of the governed on and for the public record then there is no governed and where there is no governed then there is no government. The one cannot exist without the other. (5) As this criminal activity is observed to be standard practice and has been for nearly 800 years, then this is clear observable evidence to the fact that LAW is a presumption and there is no such thing as LAW. See Exhibit (A) the twelve presumptions of law. From Exhibit (C). “The Material evidence of the FACTS” It has been confirmed by the Rt. Hon. Lord Chief Justice Sir Jack Beatson FBA, on and for the record that:- (1) Whilst there is no material and physical evidence to the fact that the governed have given their consent. Then the office of the Judiciary has no greater authority than the local manageress of McDonalds. As the office of the Judiciary is a sub office of a legal embodiment by an act of registration. Where this act of registration creates nothing of physical material substance and is also fraud by default. Any objection to this observation of fact should be taken up with the Rt. Hon. Lord |Chief Justice Sir Jack Beatson FBA, Where the Rt. Hon. Lord Chief Justice Sir Jack Beatson FBA would then have to present the material and physical evidence that the governed have given their consent. As the office of the Judiciary is nothing more than a private commercial and fraudulent enterprise built upon fraud and criminal intent. This is by no stretch of the imagination a valid government by the people for the people as it is by default a private company providing a judicial service for profit and gain but where there is also and always a conflict of interests where there is a conflict of interests between the needs of the people and the state (Company) Policy which has no obligation to the people or even the needs and wellbeing company staff. This has been confirmed by Chandran Kukathas of the London School of Economics and state office titled the Department of Government. See Exhibit (C) The Material evidence of the FACTS. 7. From Exhibit (D). It is quite clear that there is due process for the execution of legal and commercial documents. Where these processes are not followed then the very presence of a document which does not comply with these processes then the document it’s self is physical and material evidence of Malfeasance in a public office and fraud. 8. From Exhibit (E). It is very clear that all instances of Taxation and Duty, VAT is not only not necessary but only serves to deplete and subtract from the populations prosperity. Not only this but as we have shown it is also illegal and criminal to do so without the agreement or the consent of the governed. It is unconscionable and a recognised act of terrorism. The Exhibit speaks for its self. 9. From Exhibit (F). The Facts are the Facts. There is no money. The facts are the Facts. A great number of people live their lives in a world of make believe. Let us consider this. Two barristers or lawyers will and do enter into a court room and one of them will lose. For some reason which is beyond our comprehension it is a professionally accepted practice to have a 50% failure rate. In a world of reality there is some people who service the planes at the local airport between flights. If these people had a 50% failure rate then 50% of the planes would fall out of the sky. THAT IS A FACT. There is no money, just the illusion of money. There is legal tender and fiscal currency and commercial instruments and promissory Bank notes, but there is no money. It is quite clear that a lot of people live in a world of make believe and Alice in wonderland Lar Lar land. There is no money. It is not possible to pay for anything without money. You never paid for anything and you never got paid. That is a fact. 10. There is no valid, legal or lawful government on this land. See Exhibit (H) The Hypocrisy of the Secret Ballet Elective Process. 11. From Exhibit (G). My rights end where your rights begin. Your rights end where my rights begin. Rights are not granted by government or the crown and they cannot be taken away or violated by government or the crown. A Judge does not have the right to trespass on my property so the judge cannot give a Bailiff or a civil enforcement officer or a policeman the right by means of a warrant or an order because the Judge, who is a company servant by default, does not have that authority unless I agree. A public servant is a servant by default with the status of servant and a servant has no authority above the one who grants that authority. Until the Judge can present the agreement or the consent of the governed then the Judge has no authority to grant a warrant or a court order. Exhibit Case Authority WI-05257F. David Ward V Warrington Borough Council. 30th day of May 2013. Also Exhibit (C) The Material evidence of the FACTS. These are the facts. The material evidence of these facts has been provided. 12. This Affidavit of Truth and statement of Fact stands on and for the record as FACT until some other can present the material physical evidence to the contrary which is valid. Without ill will or vexation. For and on behalf of the Principal legal embodiment by the title of MR DAVID WARD. For and on behalf of the attorney General of the House of Ward. For and on behalf of Baron David of the House of Ward. All rights reserved. Exhibit (A) Formal challenge to the twelve presumptions of law 19th Day of January 2015 Formal challenge to the twelve presumptions of law Definition of presumption: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/presumption 1. An idea that is taken to be true on the basis of probability: As a presumption, is a presumption on which must be agreed by the parties, to be true. THEN and EQUALLY If one party challenges the presumption to be true on the basis of probability. Then this is all that is recognised to be required to remove the presumption is a formal challenge to that presumption. The presumption then has no standing or merit in FACT. A probability: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/american_english/probability 1. The extent to which something is probable; the likelihood of something happening or being the case: By definition then this is not substantive as it is only a probability of what may be and therefore has no substance in material FACT. A State Court does not operate according to any true rule of law, but by presumptions of the law. Therefore, if presumptions presented by the private Bar Guild are not rebutted they become fact and are therefore said to stand true. There are twelve (12) key presumptions asserted by the private Bar Guilds which if unchallenged stand true being Public Record, Public Service, Public Oath, Immunity, Summons, Custody, Court of Guardians, Court of Trustees, Government as Executor/Beneficiary, Agent and Agency, Incompetence, and Guilt: (i) The Presumption of Public Record is that any matter brought before a state Court is a matter for the public record when in fact it is presumed by the members of the private Bar Guild that the matter is a private Bar Guild business matter. Unless openly rebuked and rejected by stating clearly the matter is to be on the Public Record, the matter remains a private Bar Guild matter completely under private Bar Guild rules; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Public Record as it is by definition a presumption by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (ii) The Presumption of Public Service is that all the members of the Private Bar Guild who have all sworn a solemn secret absolute oath to their Guild then act as public agents of the Government, or “public officials” by making additional oaths of public office that openly and deliberately contradict their private "superior" oaths to their own Guild. Unless openly rebuked and rejected, the claim stands that these private Bar Guild members are legitimate public servants and therefore trustees under public oath; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Public Service as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (iii) The Presumption of Public Oath is that all members of the Private Bar Guild acting in the capacity of "public officials" who have sworn a solemn public oath remain bound by that oath and therefore bound to serve honestly, impartiality and fairly as dictated by their oath. Unless openly challenged and demanded, the presumption stands that the Private Bar Guild members have functioned under their public oath in contradiction to their Guild oath. If challenged, such individuals must recues themselves as having a conflict of interest and cannot possibly stand under a public oath; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Public Oath as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (iv) The Presumption of Immunity is that key members of the Private Bar Guild in the capacity of "public officials" acting as judges, prosecutors and magistrates who have sworn a solemn public oath in good faith are immune from personal claims of injury and liability. Unless openly challenged and their oath demanded, the presumption stands that the members of the Private Bar Guild as public trustees acting as judges, prosecutors and magistrates are immune from any personal accountability for their actions; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Immunity as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (v) The Presumption of Summons is that by custom a summons unrebutted stands and therefore one who attends Court is presumed to accept a position (defendant, juror, witness) and jurisdiction of the court. Attendance to court is usually invitation by summons. Unless the summons is rejected and returned, with a copy of the rejection filed prior to choosing to visit or attend, jurisdiction and position as the accused and the existence of "guilt" stands; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Summons as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (vi) The Presumption of Custody is that by custom a summons or warrant for arrest unrebutted stands and therefore one who attends Court is presumed to be a thing and therefore liable to be detained in custody by "Custodians". Custodians may only lawfully hold custody of property and "things" not flesh and blood soul possessing beings. Unless this presumption is openly challenged by rejection of summons and/or at court, the presumption stands you are a thing and property and therefore lawfully able to be kept in custody by custodians; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Custody as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (vii) The Presumption of Court of Guardians is the presumption that as you may be listed as a "resident" of a ward of a local government area and have listed on your "passport" the letter P, you are a pauper and therefore under the "Guardian" powers of the government and its agents as a "Court of Guardians". Unless this presumption is openly challenged to demonstrate you are both a general guardian and general executor of the matter (trust) before the court, the presumption stands and you are by default a pauper, and lunatic and therefore must obey the rules of the clerk of guardians (clerk of magistrates court); We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Guardians as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (viii) The Presumption of Court of Trustees is that members of the Private Bar Guild presume you accept the office of trustee as a "public servant" and "government employee" just by attending a Roman Court, as such Courts are always for public trustees by the rules of the Guild and the Roman System. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to state you are merely visiting by "invitation" to clear up the matter and you are not a government employee or public trustee in this instance, the presumption stands and is assumed as one of the most significant reasons to claim jurisdiction - simply because you "appeared"; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Trustees as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (ix) The Presumption of Government acting in two roles as Executor and Beneficiary is that for the matter at hand, the Private Bar Guild appoints the judge/magistrate in the capacity of Executor while the Prosecutor acts in the capacity of Beneficiary of the trust for the current matter. if the accused does seek to assert their right as Executor and Beneficiary over their body, mind and soul they are acting as an Executor De Son Tort or a "false executor" challenging the "rightful" judge as Executor. Therefore, the judge/magistrate assumes the role of "true" executor and has the right to have you arrested, detained, fined or forced into a psychiatric evaluation. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to demonstrate you are both the true general guardian and general executor of the matter (trust) before the court, questioning and challenging whether the judge or magistrate is seeking to act as Executor De Son Tort, the presumption stands and you are by default the trustee, therefore must obey the rules of the executor (judge/magistrate) or you are an Executor De Son Tort and a judge or magistrate of the private Bar guild may seek to assistance of bailiffs or sheriffs to assert their false claim against you; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Government acting in two roles as Executor and Beneficiary as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (x) The Presumption of Agent and Agency is the presumption that under contract law you have expressed and granted authority to the Judge and Magistrate through the statement of such words as "recognize, understand" or "comprehend" and therefore agree to be bound to a contract. Therefore, unless all presumptions of agent appointment are rebutted through the use of such formal rejections as "I do not recognize you", to remove all implied or expressed appointment of the judge, prosecutor or clerk as agents, the presumption stands and you agree to be contractually bound to perform at the direction of the judge or magistrate; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Agent and Agency as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (xi) The Presumption of Incompetence is the presumption that you are at least ignorant of the law, therefore incompetent to present yourself and argue properly. Therefore, the judge/magistrate as executor has the right to have you arrested, detained, fined or forced into a psychiatric evaluation. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to the fact that you know your position as executor and beneficiary and actively rebuke and object to any contrary presumptions, then it stands by the time of pleading that you are incompetent then the judge or magistrate can do what they need to keep you obedient; We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Incompetence as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. (xii) The Presumption of Guilt is the presumption that as it is presumed to be a private business meeting of the Bar Guild, you are guilty whether you plead "guilty", do not plead or plead "not guilty". Therefore unless you either have previously prepared an affidavit of truth and motion to dismiss with extreme prejudice onto the public record or call a demurrer, then the presumption is you are guilty and the private Bar Guild can hold you until a bond is prepared to guarantee the amount the guild wants to profit from you. We, the undersigned formally challenge the Presumption of Guilt as it is by definition a presumption, by definition and has no standing or merit in presentable or material fact. We formally challenge all presumptions of law and as we have formally challenged all the twelve presumptions of law then the presumption of law formally has no substance in material FACT. As a scholar of law and recognised R.B.A. (Recognised By Achievement) Parra Legal by the demonstrated knowledge at court tribunal. (See enclosed case authority exhibit B . David Ward and Warrington Borough council 30th Day of May 2013. Case No WI-05257F) We will recognise the rule of law, when and only when there is the material evidence of that assumed rule of law has some material evidence of substance in presentable material fact. Until then the search for the rule of law that has some credibility in material fact: continues. It is done. Without ill will or vexation. For and on behalf of the principal legal embodiment by the title of MR DAVID WARD For and on behalf of the attorney general of the House of Ward For and on behalf of Baron David of the House of Ward All rights reserved Exhibit (B) Case Authority Case No WI 05257F David Ward And Warrington Borough Council Date: 30th Day of May 2013 Case Overview What the Government would like people to believe is that a procedural impropriety is an acceptable mistake which can be overlooked. But what this is, is a deliberate act of fraud and also malfeasance in a public office. These are very serious crimes with criminal intent. Fraud is a deliberate action to defraud where the victim of the crime is unaware having no knowledge of a situation or fact. This crime carries a penalty of 7 to 10 years incarceration and the latter, where there is multiple instances of. 63.5 million People are subject to this crime everyday as it is now commonplace and is carried out by the largest and most ruthless criminal company in this country. This same company is also a public office with the enforcement to execute this crime which is inclusive of but not limited to:- The office of the police, The office of the Judiciary, Local government and central government. Independent Bailiff Companies which are licensed by the same company. Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance is also a very severe crime with a period of incarceration of Life in prison. Malfeasance is a deliberate act, with criminal intent to defraud. Ignorance is no defence. Malfeasance has been defined by appellate courts in other jurisdictions as a wrongful act which the actor has no legal right to do; as an act for which there is no authority or warrant of law; as an act which a person ought not to do; as an act which is wholly wrongful and unlawful; as that which an officer has no authority to do and is positively wrong or unlawful; and as the unjust performance of some act which the party performing it has no legal right. Crimes of this nature cannot go unpunished. If crime goes unpunished then the criminal will undertake the action again and again. When the criminal is rewarded for the crime by their peers and superiors it then becomes difficult to know that a crime has been committed in the first place. However, it is everyone’s obligation to be fully conversant with their actions, and the consequences of their actions in every situation. “I was just following orders” Or “I was just doing my Job” Is no excuse. When the full extent of these crimes is realised, it then becomes blatantly obvious that these crimes are deliberate and in full knowledge if not by the lower subordinates but definitely by the executive officers of the company. The cost of these crimes has been estimated to be in the region of £4,037.25 Trillion over the past 35 years. This is the cost to the people of this small country which is far in excess by many times the global GDP. The simplicity of this case is very often overlooked as it involves a simple PCN. (Penalty Charge Notice) It is important to note here that the appellant at tribunal did not challenge the PCN, or the Traffic Management Act. But the appellant took out the very foundation to any claim made under any Act or statute of Parliament. All of which have the same legal dependency which has never been fulfilled in 800 years. There are circa 8 million Acts and statutes. None of which can be acted upon without the legal authority to do so. To act upon these same Acts/Statutes without the legal authority to do so is Malfeasance in a public office and fraud at the very least. This case which was undertaken at tribunal and there for recognized due process confirms this to be the facts of the matter. Case details. This may be a simple PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) but close observation of the details will conclusively show otherwise. This is the PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) issued by Warrington Borough Council which clearly shows that a claim is being made under the traffic management Act 2004. There is clearly no disclosure to the fact that there is no liability to pay as the outcome will show. The Next document and physical evidence is the notice to owner from the same Warrington borough Council which also quite clearly makes the claim that there has been a violation of the traffic Management Act 2004 section 82. On the 08th April 2013. Along with the opportunity to make representation as to why there is no liability. We would also point out at this point that this is an unsigned NOTICE and not a legal document. The mitigating circumstances is that there has been a procedural impropriety, which is clearly an option as this is clearly stated on the notice to owner. So it is apparent that there is a procedural impropriety in place and this is known by Warrington Borough Council otherwise this option would not be a part of the Notice to owner. We also took the opportunity to utilise a second option which confirms there is a procedural impropriety and that the order which is alleged to have been contravened in relation to the vehicle is invalid. Why else would these possibilities be on this notice to owner if there was not a procedural impropriety. We also took the opportunity to complete section 3 of the notice to owner to clarify the procedural impropriety on a separate piece of paper as advocated by Warrington Borough Council as there was not enough space on the notice to owner provided. These presentations were as follows. Notice to Warrington Borough Council Warrington Borough Council, Enquiries & Payments Office Level 6 Market Multi Story Car Park Academy Way Warrington WA1 2HN 145 Slater Street Latchford Warrington WA4 1DW 16th of April 2013 Notice of opportunity to withdraw NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL AND NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT APPLIES DO NOT IGNORE THIS LETTER. IGNORING THIS LETTER WILL HAVE LEGAL CONCEQUENCES You’re Reference: Wl01185069 Dear Sir’s We do not know who to name as the recipient of this communication as the sender failed in his/her duty of care and did not sign the document sent to Mr David Ward at his address. The action of not signing the document sent to Mr David Ward legally means that no living person has taken legal responsibility for the content of the document on behalf of Warrington Borough Council and the document cannot be legally responded to. That very act of not signing the document renders the document void and therefore none legal and unusable in law under current legislation. Strike one. Deliberate Deception. This Document will now be kept on file as physical presentable evidence, as it represent the criminal activities of the representatives of Warrington Borough Council whether they are aware of this transgression or not. Ignorance of the law is no defence and all of the representatives of Warrington Borough Council are now culpable under the current legislation because one individual failed to sign the document. This is a fact which must be understood. Strike two. Ignorance of current legislation. The second big mistake on the document is that the document is a notice to owner. Under current legislation the owner of any motorised vehicle is the DVLA Swansea SA99 1BA, this means that some imbecile at Warrington Borough Council has sent a notice to owner to the registered keeper and not the official owner. Strike three. Document sent to the wrong address. We have not progressed beyond the first line yet and we are falling around on the floor in a state of hysteria at the competence levels demonstrated by the representatives of Warrington Borough Council. Mr David Ward is the official registered keeper not the owner. The very next line refers to the Traffic Management Act 2004. Now this is where things get really interesting because the Act referred to is an act of HM Parliament and governments PLC, a recognised corporation or an all for profit business. An Act which is not law in the UK, it is not even referred to as law as it is an Act of a corporation or an all for profit business, or policy, but it is not a law. Strike four. Displays lack of understanding and competence regarding what is the difference between law and legislation. Acts and statutes of HM Parliament and governments PLC can only be given force of law by the consent of the governed which have agreed to those Acts and statutes of HM Parliament and governments PLC. There for there is a mandatory legal requirement under current legislation that the governed must have given their consent legally which can be physically presented as fact before the Acts and statutes of HM Parliament and governments PLC can be given force of law. Not Law, Not enforceable. Sixty three and a half million people in the UK have not legally entered into those agreements in full knowledge and understanding and of their own free will, which must be kept on the public record for the Acts and statutes of HM Parliament and governments PLC to be given an action which involves force. Or force of law. The answers to the questions are in the understanding of the words used to implement acts of force. Or Law. The next item we come to is a demand for payment. A demand for payment without a signed Bill is a direct contravention of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882. Strike Five. The Bills of exchange act of 1882 is based upon a pre existing commercial contract or agreement. See Bills of exchange act of 1882. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Vict/45-46/61. Profiteering through deception is an act of fraud. Strike six. See Fraud Act 2006. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/35/contents. Insisting or demanding payment without a pre existing commercial arrangement which is based on presentable fact in the form of a commercial agreement is an act of deception. Payment is a commercial activity. You have been served LEGAL NOTICE Mr David ward has no recognisable legal means to respond to a demand for payment without a signed bill which is based upon a pre existing commercial contract or arrangement or agreement, because there is no standing commercial contract or arrangement or agreement between Mr David Ward and Warrington Borough Council. If Mr David Ward was to willingly comply with the demand for payment without a commercially recognised bill, then Mr David Ward would have knowingly given consent and conspired to a commercially fraudulent action. This in turn would make Mr David Ward culpable under current regulation for that action. Mr David Ward will not knowingly create that liability against himself or create that culpability. The very presentation of the document that we are responding to from Warrington Borough Council, which is also a document that will be kept on file for future presentation as physical evidence, which is presentable physical evidence and a list of transgressions against the currently held legislation. This same document supplied by Warrington Borough Council recognises that there may be, or has been a procedural impropriety by the enforcement authority. This is the only saving grace on this document which allows for a honourable withdrawal, of the proceedings implemented illegally by the enforcement authority. This document is representation as to the procedural impropriety by the enforcement authority and as stated at the outset of the document, gives an opportunity to withdraw due to the procedural impropriety by the enforcement authority. This process is also a matter of complying with current legislation, without which Mr David Ward would be unsuccessful if he were to pursue legal proceeding against the enforcement authority and or the members of Warrington Borough Council. As the opportunity to withdraw has now been presented to the enforcement authority and the members of Warrington Borough Council under a procedural impropriety by the enforcement authority. Should the above mentioned not take the opportunity to make an honourable withdrawal and confirm such in writing to Mr David Ward, then Mr David Ward will be left with no other option in the future but to start legal proceedings against the enforcement authority and the members of Warrington Borough Council. The content of this document will be in the public domain in the next few days as there is no agreement in place which is legally binding with which to prevent this. We don’t expect to be hearing from the enforcement authority and or the members of Warrington Borough Council again unless it is in the form of a written confirmation of withdrawal of proceedings. No further correspondence will be entered into regarding this matter. WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all natural and Unalienable Rights Reserved For and on behalf of David Ward Mr David Ward reserves the right to use force to defend himself, his family and his family home, which he has an unalienable right to do so. Response to this notice should be forwarded within 10 days of receipt of this notice to the postal address known as, 145 Slater Street, Latchford, Warrington WA4 1DW No assured value, No liability. No Errors & Omissions Accepted. All Rights Reserved. WITHOUT RECOURSE – NON-ASSUMPSIT You have been served LEGAL NOTICE Warrington Borough council decided at this point not to recognise the representation given or the requirement for Warrington Borough council to present the legal and presentable “Consent of the governed” Which is mandatory for Warrington Borough council to have the correct legal authority before acting under the Acts and statutes of parliament. It is also important to note that Warrington Borough council did not at this point contest the presentations made. There is no effective contest to the presentations made. So the presentations made stand as fact. Also at this point Warrington Borough council invited Mr D Ward to take Warrington Borough council to tribunal and the outcome would be legal and binding on both parties. So we took advantage of this generous offer and we also included copy of all documents up to this point as physical evidence.. This was the same process as before. Along with same presentations sent to Warrington Borough council. Along with a letter to the adjudicator as follows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Adjudicator Please forgive the informality as we have not been made aware of the name of the adjudicator. This is in response to Warrington Borough Councils decision to reject our challenge against the PCN. Clearly the PCN has been challenged by Mr David Ward, But that challenge has not been rebutted by Warrington Borough Council, as Warrington Borough Council have only repeated the grounds under which the PCN was raised. Copy under same cover which is highlighted. Also a PCN is a penalty charge Notice and as such a notice of a penalty charge. A recognisable Bill has not been raised and presented to Mr David Ward complete with a wet ink signature. As the presentations made by Mr David Ward where not addressed. Then the challenge made by Mr David Ward still stands and the PCN is not valid or enforceable. Warrington Borough Council has made a demand for payment, but has not presented Mr David Ward with a Bill which is recognised under the Bills of exchange act of 1882. (Which also must have a signature in wet ink?) Warrington Borough Council cannot raise a Bill because there is no commercial arrangement in place between Warrington Borough Council and Mr David Ward under which to raise a Bill. For Mr David Ward to respond by paying without a bill signed in wet ink, then that would be a direct violation of the bills of exchange act of 1882. In addition to this as there is no commercial arrangement and Bill presented, then this would also be a contravention of the fraud act of 2006. Mr David Ward is not in the habit of knowingly conspiring to fraud. This action would also create a liability against Mr David Ward. Warrington Borough has also listed in their “rejection of presentations” the Traffic Management Act 2004 – s78 in support of their claim. The Acts and statutes of HM Parliaments and Governments PLC can only be given force of law by the consent of the governed. What is mandatory in the first instance is the consent of the governed which is also presentable as fact. As the consent of the governed is not presentable as fact, then the Acts and statutes of HM Parliaments and Governments PLC cannot be acted upon in any way which would cause loss to the governed. What is mandatory in this instance is the presentable agreements of sixty three and a half million governed to be in place before an Act or Statute can be acted upon. We fail to see how this is in support of the PCN presented to Mr David Ward. We fail to see how listing the Traffic Management Act 2004 – s78 supports the claims made by Warrington Borough Council in any way other than to create obfuscation in attempt to confuse the mind. There are no agreements in place between the 22000 residents of the Warrington Borough and Warrington Borough Council, which can be presented as fact complete with signatures in wet ink, which can be presented to support the claim of Warrington Borough Council in support of a demand for payment. Without violating the Bill’s of exchange Act of 1882 and the fraud act of 2006 section 2 Fraud by false representation see: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/35/section/2. And section 4 part 2 A person may be regarded as having abused his position even though his conduct consisted of an omission rather than an act. See: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/35/section/4. An omission in the form of an omitted signature would constitute an act of fraud under section 4 section 2 of the fraud act of 2006. So let us summarise regarding the grounds for appeal with reference to the form provided for appeal. • (A) The alleged contravention did not occur. No contravention has occurred, because there are no agreements between the 220,000 members of the Warrington Borough and Warrington Borough Council, which can be legally presented as fact in support of the alleged contravention. • (C) There has been a procedural impropriety by the council. The council did not respond to the challenge made by Mr David Ward in a manner which would make any sense or would constitute a rebuttal to the challenge. Warrington Borough Council are advocating to Mr David Ward in their demand for payment without a bill presented, a direct contravention of the Bill’s of exchange Act 1882 and the Fraud Act 2006. • (D)The traffic Order which is alleged to have been contravened in relation to the vehicle concerned is invalid. The traffic order (that’s a new approach, can’t find a listing for that.) is illegal because there is no agreement between the parties which is legally presentable as fact and signed in wet ink. You have got to love that word legal, legally blind, legal consent. All presentable as fact complete with a signature in wet ink, and without the signature in wet ink on a legal document in the form of an agreement, then it is not legal or is illegal and therefore not lawful. You have to love the word legal. Need we continue? It is obvious at this point that there is no body at Warrington Borough Council that is capable of understanding the challenge made by Mr David Ward, or capable of responding, there for an Adjudicator becomes necessary. There is only one outcome to this tribunal, where the adjudicator is a recognised lawyer and is independent of the council. • A challenge has been made and has not been effectively rebutted by Warrington Borough Council. • The action of demanding payment without the presentation of a lawful legal Bill which is subject to The Bill’s of exchange Act of 1882 and signed in wet ink cannot be responded to in the manner expected by Warrington Borough Council, without a second transgression against the fraud act of 2006. • Regardless of the policies or legislation of Warrington Borough Council or HM Parliaments and Governments PLC, any commercial activity would constitute an act of fraud without the commercial agreements in place beforehand. • The continued activates where demands for payment are made without observing the bills of exchange act 1882 and a recognised bill is presented complete with wet ink signature is a continued procedural impropriety by the council and the members of Warrington Borough Council are culpable in law for their actions. There can only be one outcome to this tribunal which is acceptable under current legislation and that outcome will be found in favour of the appellant Mr David Ward and not in favour of continued transgressions against current legislation by Warrington Borough Council. In the document provided outlining procedure to make presentations in this tribunal process, there is a section concerning Costs in favour of the appellant, where a party has behaved wholly unreasonable. We have taken a considerable amount of time and energy responding to Warrington Borough Council when making representation and in preparation for this tribunal. It is not without reason that a consideration could be expected. This would also serve to enforce the decision made by the adjudicator in this tribunal. If the adjudicator is truly an independent and an honourable individual then a consideration is in order. Mr David Ward also notes that as this Tribunal is informal then it is also recognised as not legally binding regardless of the findings of the Adjudicator. We would also like a response in writing from the adjudicator to relay the outcome of this tribunal conveying the reasons for the adjudicator’s decisions. For and on behalf of Mr David Ward WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all natural and Unalienable Rights Reserved Mr David Ward reserves the right to use force to defend himself, his family and his family home, which is his unalienable right to do so. No assured value, No liability. Errors & Omissions Accepted. All Rights Reserved. WITHOUT RECOURSE – NON-ASSUMPSIT There are addition changes in international law that the adjudicator may not be aware of at this time. Please consider the following which also has some bearing on this tribunal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The results from the tribunal are as follows. Decision Cover Letter (Appellant) 1249270-1.pdf Clearly this is a tribunal and as such recognised due process which is legal and binding on both Parties. In addition to this there was the adjudicator’s decision. Adjudicator Decision 1249267.pdf “Appeal allowed on the ground that the council does not contest the appeal” “The council has decided not to contest this appeal” Warrington Borough Council cannot contest the appeal. There is a mandatory requirement for Warrington Borough council to present as physical evidence and factual foundation for the claim, which is the legally signed on and for the public record “Consent of the Governed” This is the legal authority that Warrington Borough council would have to present as physical evidence and foundation for there claim, for the claim to have any legal substance in presentable fact. He who makes the claim must also provide the foundation and the physical proof of that claim other wise the moon could be made from cream cheese just because Warrington Borough council claim this is so. Without this physical evidence then the claim is fraudulent. Hence a crime is committed by Warrington Borough council and that crime is fraud not a procedural impropriety or a mistake. Also, there is a second crime. This second crime is Malfeasance in a public office. A clear and intended action to extort funds where there is no legal authority to do so. “The adjudicator has therefore directed that the appeal is allowed without consideration of any evidence or the merits of the case” Clearly there are merits of the case which have been presented here. The appellant is not liable to pay. Case No WI 05257F Dated 30th day of May 2013. There is also confirmation of this fact from Warrington Borough council and signed in wet ink by an officer of the state Scott Clarke Dated 29th of May 2013. “Due to the unanticipated shortage of parking services staff. Warrington Borough Council has no alternative except to exercise our discretion and cancel the above Penalty Charge Notice” This is a very interesting choice of words which is obfuscatory in nature. Warrington Borough Council will never be able to provide staff which can provide the legal consent of the governed because for the past 800 years the governed have never once been so much as asked to provide the legal consent of the governed on and for the public record. Warrington Borough council or it’s parking services staff cannot provide something that does not exist and is of no physical substance for the foundation to the claim. “Warrington Borough Council has no alternative except to exercise our discretion” As there is no legal consent of the governed then Warrington Borough Council does not have any authority or discretion to exercise. This also applies to HM Parliaments and Government PLC, the parent company. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ramifications to this case authority are huge and not all apparent at first glance. Consider the following. A licence is a permission to undertake an action that would otherwise be illegal. HP Parliaments and Governments PLC clearly do not have the legal Authority to issue any form of licence without the legal and physically presentable signed in wet ink consent of the governed. Also. HM. Parliaments and Governments PLC do not have the legal authority to determine that an action is illegal without the legal and signed consent of the governed physically on and for the public record. There is no physical record of the fact. 63.5 million People have not signed the consent of the governed. 63.5 million People have never once been asked and have never once signed the consent of the governed and as the office of Parliament is only a four year office then there must be this signed legal document every four years on and for the public record. All forms of Tax, VAT, Duty, Council tax etc is illegal and constitutes fraud and malfeasance in a public office without this legal dependency being fulfilled. The enforcement of these Acts/Statutes, by the Police, the local authority, the Judiciary, and government licensed Bailiffs is also illegal and constitutes malfeasance without this legal authority to do so. It is a known fact and this has been documented by Chartered accountants that the populace pays all manner of tax to the tune of 85% in the £. Sometimes where fuel is concerned this is a much as 92% in the pound. The argument has been made that it is necessary to pay tax to pay for the cervices that we need such as police, ambulance and so on. Then it can also be argued that these people who provide these services should not pay any form of Tax. They should live a tax free life. This is not in evidence. In fact the contrary is true. It would also be accurate to argue that the 15% that the populace gets to keep actually pays for all the services inclusive. People provide services not government. This would be an accurate assessment of the available facts. There is no valid reason to pay tax at all and the cost of living would drop by 85% at a minimum. Do the math. All the public officials are also victims of this crime. Including the Police, Ambulance, Paramedic, Teachers and so on. In fact there is not an instance where there is not a victim of this crime. The ramifications span well beyond the content of this case authority undertaken by recognised due process at tribunal. Exhibit (C) The Material evidence of the FACTS 19th Day of January 2015 It is on and for the public record by way of published records at http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/wpcontent/uploads/JCO/Documents/Speeches/beatsonj040608.pdf That at the NOTTINGHAM TRENT UNIVERSITY 16 APRIL 2008 the HON. SIR JACK BEATSON FBA spoke the following words. (Supplement 1 Provided) “The 2003 changes and the new responsibilities given to the Lord Chief Justice necessitated a certain amount of reexamination of the relationship between the judiciary and the two stronger branches of the state --- the executive and the legislature.“ It is clear from the HON. SIR JACK BEATSON FBA spoke words that the office of the Judiciary is a sub office of the state. Therefore there will always be a conflict of interests between any private individual who is not a state company employee, AND there is and will always be a conflict of interests Where a Judge or a magistrate is acting in the office of the judiciary, where the office of the judiciary is a sub office of the state! What is a State? See (Supplement 2) from the London School of Economics “1) The state should not be viewed as a form of association that subsumes or subordinates all others. 2) The state is not an entity whose interests map closely onto the interests of the groups and individuals that fall under its authority, but has interests of its own. 3) The state is, to some extent at least, an alien power; though it is of human construction, it is not within human control. 4) The state is not there to secure peoples deepest interests, and it does not serve to unify them, reconcile them with one another, bring their competing interests into harmony, or realize any important good such as justice, freedom, or peace. While its power might be harnessed from time to time, that will serve the interests of some not the interests of all. 5) The state is thus an institution through which individuals and groups seek to exercise power (though it is not the only such institution); but it is also an institution that exercises power over individuals and groups. 6) The state is, ultimately, an abstraction, for it has no existence as a material object, is not confined to a particular space, and is not embodied in any person or collection of persons.” Also:- “The question now is: what does it mean to say that a state is a corporate entity? The state is a corporation in the way that a people or a public cannot be. “ A number of things are clear from this definition of state from the London School of Economics. 1. A state is a corporate entity by an act of registration. A legal embodiment by an act of registration. 2. A state has no obligations to anything other than the state and to the exclusion of anything or anybody else. 3. A state is nothing of material substance but only a construct of the mind. All that is created by the same process is equal in status and standing to anything else that is created by the same process. There is a peer relationship of equals that are separate legal embodiments. Consider the graphic representation for those that are feeble of mind. Legal embodiments by an act of registration are created as equals by default and have a peer relationship by default ( Principal Legal embodiment ) Any other legal person created by the same process It is quite clear from the graphical representation shown here and it should be quite obvious to even the most feeble mind that. When a Judge, any Judge or Magistrate is sat in there subordinate office to a principle legal embodiment then that Judge or Magistrate is not a fit and proper person to sit in Judgement of any other PRINCIPAL Legal embodiment. And has no authority | ( Principal Legal embodiment ) ( Principal Legal embodiment ) HM Parliaments & Governments PLC. = McDonalds = | | Office of the Executive = Office of the Executive | | CEO or Chief executive officer = CEO or Chief executive officer | | The legislature = Company policy | | Office of the Judiciary = Company policy enforcement | | Lord Chief Justice = Policy Enforcement Officer | | QC Judge = Any Company officer | Circuit Judge | District Judge | Magistrate If there is any disagreement to the above stated FACT. Then they should take this up with the Rt. Hon Lord Chief Justice Sir Jack Beatson FBA. The Facts Are the Facts. This is the material evidence of the FACTS. From the Supplement 2, Definition of State from the London School of economics. “The question now is: what does it mean to say that a state is a corporate entity? The state is a corporation in the way that a people or a public cannot be. “ A Corporation is a legal embodiment by an act of registration....... To be legal then there has to be a meeting of the minds and an agreement between two parties. Legal is by agreement. So by agreement:- 1. The state should not be viewed as a form of association that subsumes or subordinates all others. 2. The state is not an entity whose interests map closely onto the interests of the groups and individuals that fall under its authority, but has interests of its own. 3. The state is, to some extent at least, an alien power; though it is of human construction, it is not within human control. 4. The state is not there to secure peoples deepest interests, and it does not serve to unify them, reconcile them with one another, bring their competing interests into harmony, or realize any important good such as justice, freedom, or peace. While its power might be harnessed from time to time, that will serve the interests of some not the interests of all. 5. The state is thus an institution through which individuals and groups seek to exercise power (though it is not the only such institution); but it is also an institution that exercises power over individuals and groups. 6. The state is, ultimately, an abstraction, for it has no existence as a material object, is not confined to a particular space, and is not embodied in any person or collection of persons. If a carpenter were to register a chair he had made. There is the act of registration, then the certificate of registration where two parties have agreed that there is a chair... The point being that there is a chair and this chair is of material substance. A legal embodiment by an act of registration where there is nothing of material substance created, is nothing more than a figment of the mind that has agreed to create nothing of material substance. This very legal agreement is an act of fraud by deception. The state is, ultimately, an abstraction, for it has no existence as a material object, is not confined to a particular space, and is not embodied in any person or collection of persons. The State which is a legal embodiment is of no material substance. How is it possible that:- • A legal embodiment by an act of registration which is of no material substance by default, or • A State, which is of no material substance by default, or • A corporation, which is of no material substance by default How is it possible that something of no material substance in fact or which is a fiction of the mind can:- • Have a life of its own, or • Claimed to have Authority over another, or • Can be held responsible, or • Have a liability, or • holds property , or • Have any form of powers or • Be in any way or have any form of legitimacy in existence, or • Undertake an act of force. It is quite clear that, Chandran Kukathas, Department of Government and the London School of Economics, have had great difficulty defining what a state is. Why are we not surprised at this? It is not possible to define or give definition to or to legitimise something which is of no material substance and is a figment of the imagination. Fraud however has been clearly defined as a criminal act with full knowledge and intent to engage in criminal behaviour for the personal gain of oneself or another, to the expense of another party. To bring about by an act of force, support of this same fraud and criminal intent is also clearly recognised as act of terrorism. So it is quite clear and has been confirmed by the Rt. Hon Lord Chief Justice Sir Jack Beatson FBA, who has achieved the highest status within the office of the Judiciary as Lord Chief Justice that. This Land by the name of England and the (United Kingdom (Private corporation)) which extends to the common wealth is run definitively by terrorists who maintain their status by fraud and deception to the expense of others by acts of force where there is535 views 2 comments -
Canada the Illusion - Part 1
We The People - Constitutional ConventionsZoom 7 PM Alberta time daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 The Hudson Bay Company Charter is the true enemy and continues this present day hidden To comprehend how and why all the men and women have No Property will be educated in this important video. Please share so we may all become informed to rectify these injustice. Thank You Knowledge is Power - Dallas hills We will start here and go deep into the past to connect all the dots to where this all started. From their we will be able to end the illusion once and for all. Lets get started Pierre- Andre Pare believes that owning a house and owning a car are privileges in Quebec and that the State should be able to put an end to these.. "All is privilege conceded by the State: your car, your house, your profession, in short your life; and what the state gives (you), it can take back (from you) if you’re not a docile taxpayer." Pierre-André Paré, former Deputy Minister at the Quebec Department of Revenue before a commission of the National Assembly of Quebec. Published byLe Devoir, April 6, 1996.) [Council Order 863-96, July 10, 1996 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "The discretion of a judge is said to be the law of tyrants. It is always unknown. It is different in different men. It is casual and depends upon constitution, temper and passion. In the best, it is sometimes caprice. In the worst, it is every vice, folly and passion to which human nature is liable." Justice Charles Pratt, Lord Camden (1714-1794) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACT ONE (THE ROYAL CHARTER) Smoke and mirrors and Rupert's Land Act appears In 1670, King Charles II of England formed a charter for a corporation, called "The Governor and Company Of Adventurers of England Trading in the Hudson Bay". It would later be called the Hudson Bay Company or HBC. The charter comprised 40% of what is now the Canadian landmass, and included much of what is currently the U.S. states of Minnesota and North Dakota. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Charles II King of England, (Scotland, France, and Ireland and Defender of the Faith) The Royal Charter for incorporating The Hudson's Bay Company, A.D. 1670. King Charles II signed the Hudson Bay Charter over to his German cousin, Prince Rupert of the Rhine, and seventeen of Rupert's associates known collectively as "The Company of Adventurers". _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The deed was in the name of the monarch, fully and forever, for all heirs in perpetual succession. It can never be revoked. Rupert held the rights to "sole trade and commerce" of this enormous land. King Charles II called his cousin and the 17 associates the "true and absolute Lords and Proprietors" of what would now be referred to as Rupert's Land. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never mind the millions of people whose ancestor's, successors and heirs, already inhabited the land, the Native People, plus the Native settlers. (Being born in a specific location on the land, makes you Native to the land (the BNA Act and the Indian Act were created by the de-facto Canada corporation which has complete control over all the land- and all men and women. Chief and band councils were created by the Corporation of Canada within the Indian Act, which as you may Not Know? This video will give you information to do your own research. Educate yourself so we may take the steps to correct this serious injustice that effects us all. This Indian Act is a piece of Canadian legislation, which is why Native men and women are tenants and we can never own the land that was stolen from us through their deception. As it is now, The King and Queens and their heirs own all the land. ,all of whom would come to despise and loathe the ruthless Hudson Bay Company. The charter's partners ran into their forts and locked up with their cannons in order to stay protected from those on the outside, who hated this company. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Rupert's Land Charter controlled 100% of all resources of the land, the fur trade, forestry, minerals, the waterways, and everything else. It was a full-on monopoly, plus, they could make their own laws and enforce them. And all members of the HBC had to take oaths back to the King or Queen, as they still do today. No one knows what the actual deal was between King Charles and Prince Rupert, and we are only given a cryptic clue which sounds more like an inside joke. We are told that in exchange for the deed, the Hudson Bay Company owed the British Royals two beaver pelts and two elk heads yearly. One can imagine what one likes, but It might have meant that King Charles II was getting a cut of the profits. Symbolically, the two beaver pelts, and two elk heads might have been a way of saying this business" fleeces them, decapitates them, and mounts their heads like trophies". _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Hudson Bay Company ran like this for 200 years. From its first beginnings in North America, the HBC pulled a large Proportion of men and women into the web of capitalist economy. Being predominantly a trading company, the HBC was dependent on labour to fill its ships headed to European markets. Fur trappers were predominantly originals or Métis (but also French, Scottish and others), and worked for the HBC not as partners but as exploited workers. With 200 years of exploitation of resources they depleted everything in their path and financially were no longer a viable company on its own. After all the struggle and competition, it was obvious that the fur trade would soon come to an end. One of the main reasons of the end of the fur trade was that the beavers' and other animals' populations were decreasing due to the overwhelming harvesting depleting the population of a species more quickly than it can reproduce and recover. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Under severe economic pressure brought about by their fierce competition, the Hudson's Bay Company and North West Company. amalgamated in 1821, and King Charles II of England ordered Hudson's Bay Company to create colonies. The number of beavers and river otters killed during the fur trade was devastating for the animals' North American populations. The natural ecosystems that came to rely on the beavers for dams, river and water management and other vital needs were also ravaged, leading to ecological destruction, significant environmental change, and even drought in certain areas. Following this degradation, both the river otter and beaver populations in North America would continue to decline, which brought great hardship for the original and settlers. Originals, Metis and settlers population were devastated by the fur trade and many hardships and deaths occurred. Still to this day many are unaware that smallpox was used a biological warfare, that was deliberately introduced to exterminate millions. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Smallpox Used as a Biological Weapon Once introduced into North America, smallpox spread everywhere. Intentionally to kill people! Now here is some alarming information: Unknown in the New World, smallpox was introduced by the Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors. The poison decimated the local population and was instrumental in the fall of the empires of the Aztecs and the Incas. Similarly, on the eastern coast of North America, smallpox was planned as a biological weapon and led to a decline of millions of originals, Metis and settler native population. The devastating effects of smallpox also gave rise to one of the first examples of biological warfare. During the French-Indian War (1754–1767), Sir Jeffrey Amherst, the commander of the British forces in North America, suggested the deliberate use of smallpox to diminish the American Indian population hostile to the British. Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and vaccination. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov by S Riedel · 2005 · Cited by 1350 — Unknown in the New World, smallpox was introduced by the Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors. The poison decimated the local population This pattern still apparent today in 2025 with these profit corporation raping everything in their path. The charter granted the company control of the land, but made no specific demands. This allowed HBC to go about gaining control of the land as it pleased and had the company chosen to settle the land with people and farms, the history of North America could be quite different. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This pattern still apparent today in 2025 with these profit corporation raping everything in their path. The charter granted the company control of the land, but made no specific demands. This allowed HBC to go about gaining control of the land as it pleased and had the company chosen to settle the land with people and farms, the history of North America could be quite different. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The company allowed courts and all the trappings of a regular country, but it was actually a for-profit corporation, called the Hudson Bay Company. Everything came down to paying fees and penalties, using the corporate court system to uphold laws and make money. Everything was controlled by the HBC because they had the biggest guns and an arsenal of bio weapons including diseases and liquour. Anything the common men and women wanted to do, they had to go through the company, such as putting their canoes in the bay. You had to pay to travel the bay. Settlers could not trade with the Natives, and if they did, they were fined. Let the curtains close to prepare for the next act and let us reflect on what we have seen. What it was then— it is now. Canada actually operates under this perpetual charter but the royals, and the deceivers who work for them, make believe that elected officials are enacting laws. The same system is still in place. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The key to the solution, or the way to contest this back then—as it is now —is to refute any law that is repugnant to Natural Law. The kings and queens have sworn an oath on the 1611 King James Bible to be "defenders of the faith" so whatever contracts they have entered into they must not be repugnant. But if they are, and everyone still agrees to uphold them, the royals are exonerated. What was meant to be checks and balances on the laws, had been ignored. The Kings and Queens did whatever they wanted through threats or violence! Nothing has changed still to this day. If men and women don't object, they agree, and the Hudson Bay Company got away with it for 250 years, i.e. from 1670 till 1920 supposedly. We will dive in a littler deeper and see what we may discover! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How do MONARCHS maintain and justify their power of illusion? The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God. The king was in charge because God had chosen him. They also think they as a king are above the law. For those who defied the king including lords were punished and lost their land and title. Some kings would execute lords and mount their heads on pikes to show the power of the king. The king threatened lords and nobles into serving him using federal authority and power as a threat to make them follow him. Pretty much what is happening today in the Canada corporation as the heirs maintain the Charter of Hudson Bay Corporation! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An absolute monarchy is a form of dictatorship government in which an all-powerful king or queen rules a state. This form of government was popular in Europe toward the end of the medieval period all the way up to twenty first century. Rulers in an absolute monarchy had total control over their corporations. Most believed they had the divine right to rule, meaning that God created the monarchy they ruled over and they alone were God’s representative on Earth. These monarchs ruled for life and power was passed down through bloodlines, meaning their children ruled after them, creating a dynasty. Causes of Absolutism Before the time of the all-powerful monarchs, Europe had decentralized governments. Planned and created by Kings - Invasions by Vikings and other “barbarian” groups were orchestrated in stealth. They created fear amongst the population. This created a perfect environment for these all-powerful leaders to rise. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Effects of Absolutism Once absolute monarchs gained power, they began to consolidate, or reinforce, their power within their borders. They would set up large royal courts, which were an extended royal household, including all those who regularly attend to the monarch and the royal family. Monarchs did this in order to appear more powerful and to control the nobility. They also regulated religion to control the spread of ideas. If monarchs could control what the people were hearing, they could keep their power. Large bureaucracies were also created in order to control the economy. They use this today continually with their propaganda of wars to keep the people in perpetual fear. Fear is an effective force to control society. It is used to divide people in a society and validate racist/bigoted/homophobic/etc ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As we move forward in time as to how these monarchs work their stealth, strategy and finance both sides of every war. They are cunning and scrupulous manipulators. Also they are above the law. Same as today in Two thousand and twenty-five. In the 1860’s, the monarchs back in England said to themselves, these HBC people have a country where they can do whatever they want an make as much money as they want, and all they give us in return is a nebulous gift. King Charles was looking at options to get out of the contract he had made; it was a contract that he had signed, and he took an oath on the 1611 King James Bible to uphold his contracts. This was no way for royals to do business.......poof! The deceivers were at work building a new illusion. The New HBC and the New Nation to 1860 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The New HBC and the New Nation to 1860 ACT TWO (THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICA ACT) A body is sawed in two and then put back together again with the BNA Act of 1867. In 1866 - 1867 the then ruling monarch, Queen Victoria, had a plan to get the charter back from the Hudson Bay Company. She joined the provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick with Upper Canada and Lower Canada, added a railroad and formed a dominion called British North America by passing an act. This act was called the British North America Act (BNA Act). The 1867 BNA Act formed a British dominion, called British North America. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACT THREE (REPATRIATION OF THE RUPERT’S LAND ACT) And now, men and woman, the two parts of the body will be rejoined into one! Recapitulation: there were two corporate entities running side by side, the dominion, British North America (Canada) and the Hudson Bay Company. Next, we will see the Queen use her magic pen and her weapons of force to ensure she gets what she wants. Queen Victoria demanded the Hudson Bay Charter back. By making a "country" called British North America, the queen forced the HBC to be admitted into the newly formed country. Now the HBC Charter was given back to Her Majesty, for the price of 12 million pounds. Victoria got her piece of paper but the men and women of the land had to pay for it, as usual. Some things never change. 31 July 1868, HBC had to surrender their charter to the queen, and her majesty's successors and heirs in perpetuity. The Deed of Surrender or Rupert's Land and North-Western Territory Order is an 1870 British order in council that transferred ownership of Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory from the United Kingdom to the newly created Dominion of Canada. The Deed ended just over 200 years of Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) control over Rupert's Land and began western Canadian expansion. Often confused with the Rupert's Land Act 1868, the deed is different as the act only expressed that the United Kingdom and Canada permitted the transfer, but did not settle on the details of exchange with HBC, which were outlined in the Deed of Surrender. Rupert's Land Act, 1868, 31-32 Vict., c. 105(U.K.) ACT FOUR (STATUTE LAW REVISION ACT) On June 9th 1893, queen Victoria pulls a rabbit out of her hat and un-enacts the BNA Act, 26 years after she had formed it. The rabbit (or the country now called Canada) which Queen Victoria pulled out of her hat 26 years ago hopped away! The BNA Act disappeared! The dominion of British North America was removed by the queen with her Statute Law Revision Act of 1893, but no one knew what she had done. Even today, no one knows, except insiders. Statute Law Revision Act, 1893 - Enactment No.3 Let the curtains fall so we can have an intermission and reflect on what it means that there is no Act, no Parliament, no Constitution, no de jure laws. The queen, Elizabeth II, did NOT sign the laws into being in British Columbia, or any other Province or Territory in Canada Corporation. Many have discovered that the Lieutenant Governor, who represents the queen, also does NOT sign the laws into being. Zip! Nothing! Its all a grand illusion. _____________________________________________________ The Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia is the viceregal representative of the Canadian monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. This vice was created in 1871, and has served the crown ever since. The Lieutenant Governor from 2001 -2007, was Iona Campagnolo. She was very wise and she made a statement in one of her speeches, where she removed herself from liability. She admitted that she did not sign any laws, and neither did the queen whom she represented. Why? Because the laws are repugnant to Natural Law Here is what Iona Campagnolo, Lieutenant Governor said: “As Head of State, I have the same mandate as Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen of Canada; that is to say, apart from a single reserve power to sustain democratic governance . . . NONE! Thus Her Majesty is our head of State, while the Governor General is the de=facto Head of State, and neither is in command of Provincial or Territorial jurisdiction! A Head of State however is the CEO of the Province and is required to sign all state documents in the name of the People to render them into law.” But neither Iona Campagnolo, nor the queen sign them! Abracadabra! There are NO de jure laws in B.C or any of the provinces in the Corporation called Canada. Now the curtains suddenly malfunction and come crashing down on the deceivers, sending them scurrying and the stage hands scrambling to get things righted. When your in court, challenging the legal "name game" (the strawman/legal fictitious name, manifested by the issuance of the state’s birth certificate after the child’s physical birth), the judges will roll their his eyes in many cases. When you start reading the words by Iona Campagnolo, that related to the fact that she did not sign the laws and neither did the queen. Judges panic: Lawyers may be confused " don't even understand what this is all about!" The judges know your challenging the jurisdiction of the court." The words of Iona Campagnolo and pondered, "How can someone admit they have no power and then sign the documents into law?" Judges, Mayors, MP’s, MLA’s, Police all assumed she was signing them. Many have found out later that she was not; a clerk of the court was signing them. That is Iona Campagnolo was a very smart, no nonsense lady, who was exonerating herself from the whole scam and any liability. What she said in her speech was, "I am supposed to be signing these documents into law, but I am not, and therefore there is no law." Why did the queen not signing the laws? Because, they are repugnant to Natural Law. The queen’s representative, Iona Campagnolo was not signing them either. So, tax laws are not tax laws, they only exist inside the Hudson Bay Charter jurisdiction. The minute you step into Natural Law jurisdiction, or a higher ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jurisdiction, they don’t apply. The full liability would land on the Queen and Lieutenant Governor in Commerce Law jurisdiction. The curtains have been secured and the deceivers Show has been restored soon to the next act! Act Five Repatriation of the Constitution A New Deceiver Called Pierre Trudeau was on the stage and ready to maintain the fraud or lie for his master the Queen, Elizabeth II of England. Trudeau, the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, revived the BNA Act, in an effort to continue the deception that de-facto Canada status as a country with a (legitimate) parliament and a Constitution was a de-jure, and the ability to make its own laws de-jure and govern itself. Which was all smoke and mirrors as you will learn the facts To solve their problem was, he had to call the act by a different name, because the BNA Act had been repealed by Queen Victoria and that made it impossible to revivify. There was no mechanism to restore the BNA Act, because the BNA Act created the parliament and the parliament had been virtually dissolved, so they couldn’t even pass an act to create themselves! The Queen’s deceivers had the more powerful legalize or weasel words. Trudeau was ordered to name the BNA Act to the Constitution Act of 1982, adding in a Charter and Bill of Rights and freedoms. Which you will all learn were smoke and mirror as they actually removed your unalienable rights. Here are Facts of the Charter of Rights and Freedom you may not yet know or comprehend . Charter of so called rights are privileges and can be removed Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada Corporation are FALSE! So when you refer to them as rights you are DECEIVING YOURSELF and others, TEACHING THEM FALSE information. THE Charter of rights has never been ratified and is not in play: Section 58 & 59 & 23.1 a Section 23.1a refers to language laws in Quebec, if authorized into law this would give parents legal rights to educate their children in the language of their choice. Must be satisfied first to be ratified. Has never been satisfied by Quebec. Section 58 & 59 must be repealed and replaced. This proved that the so called charter of rights has never been ratified and that we sovereigns have no rights its proven right here. Something you should all ponder and wonder why the leaders and politicians do not tell you the truth. Part 7 sections 58 Section 58: commencement Subject to section 59, this act shall come into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation issued by the queen or the governor general under the great seal of Canada (This is the section that introduces a subject that needs to be satisfied, Satisfied meaning discharge of an obligation) Section 59: commencement of paragraph 23(1) (a) in respect of Quebec (1) Paragraph 23(1(a) shall come into force in respect of Quebec on a day to be fixed by proclamation issued by the queen or the governor general under the great seal of Canada (This is the introduction of the subject and refers you to the specific section that needs to be satisfied) (2) Authorization of Quebec A proclamation under subsection 1 shall be issued only where authorized by the legislative assembly or government of Quebec (This means that Subsection 1 can only be satisfied by the sitting government of Quebec) (3) Repeal of this section This section may be repealed on the day paragraph 23(1)(a) comes into force in respect of Quebec and this act amended and renumbered, consequentially upon the repeal of this section by proclamation issued by the queen or the governor general under the great seal of Canada (This is the section that says that once all the subjects have been satisfied, section 59 will be repealed and a new proclamation will be made to bring the charter into force) Section 23(1) Citizens of Canada (a)Whose first language learned and still understood is that of the English or French linguistic minority population of the province in which they reside ... have the right to have their children receive primary and secondary school instruction in that language in that province (This is the section that says that if your first language is English, the province must provide you with primary and secondary education in English) Part 1 Section 32 Application of Charter (1) This charter applies (a) To the parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (This section covers parliament and government employees) (b) To the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province (This section covers parliament and government employees provincially) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exemption (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), section 15 shall not have effect until three years after this section comes into force (This section states that section 15 (Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law) needs three years of charter ratification before it can come into play) Section 24 Enforcement of Guaranteed Rights and Freedoms (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances (This section means that anyone who is covered in the application section has a right to seek justice) Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute (2) Where, in proceedings under subsection (1), a court concludes that evidence was obtained in a manner that infringed or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed by this charter, the evidence shall be excluded if it is established that, having regard to all these circumstances, the admission of it in the proceedings would bring the administration of justice into disrepute. (This section protects anyone covered in the application section from having their rights infringed upon during an investigation and/or trial) Act Six Queen Elizabeth's Proclamation With the help from Trudeau the Constitution Act, the queen pulled, and is still pulling, a string of scarves from her sleeve. Scarves and more scarves many miles long as the queen smiles confidently. This is perhaps the most clever trick of all . . . . Proclamation of April 17, 1982, Of particular interest is this sentence from the queen's proclamation: "Now Know You that We, by and with the advice Our Privy Council for Canada, do by this Our Proclamation, declare that the Constitution Act, 1982 shall, subject to section 59 thereof, come into force on the seventeenth day of April in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-two." Here is enlarged copy of the Proclamation 1982 If you Notice at the Top Queen Elizabeth Signature and then as well as the Minister of Justice, Jean Chrétien. As you clearly identify from the Document. This is where it gets very interesting – Queen Elizabeth never signed at the bottom of this Document. We are all contract signed with our signature/s or autograph at the end of a contract, indicating that the parties have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in the document. Signing at the top means you have removed yourself from liability. With your wet ink signature or autograph at the end of the entire contract verifies you have read and agree to all the terms in the contract. Furthermore all parties must sign with the same instrument. When signing a document or agreement, putting your initials on all pages before the last page where your full name and signature is requested is a common practice. Initialing each page serves as a way to indicate that you have reviewed and agreed to the contents of the entire document. It helps to prevent any unauthorized modifications or substitutions of pages after you have signed the document. By initialing each page, you are essentially confirming your acceptance of the terms and conditions stated throughout the document. We are told to sign at the end, where the signature blocks are usually placed. Magicians use a variety of techniques, including psychology, misdirection, and sleight of hand, to create the illusion Now this brings us back to what Iona Victoria Campagnolo had said in her speech The Lieutenant Governor from 2001 -2007, was Iona Campagnolo. She was very wise and she made a statement in one of her speeches, where she removed herself from liability. She admitted that she did Not sign any laws, and neither did the queen whom she represented. Why? We have done some research on this as Dallas Hills as brought this to our attention over the last fifteen years. Dallas has also published videos on this important research. and produced numerous videos on the fact Queen Elizabeth never signed the Constitutional Act of 1982. Dallas Hills also has questioned Queen Victoria signing of this so important document that supposedly created the dominion called Canada. How could this be factual when their is NO SIGNITURE on the BNA Act, So in fact this is just more evidence that the entire de-facto government has never had any authority to govern let alone make any policies. Now with this evidence their is much confusion about Queen Victoria's role in signing the BNA Act of 1867. The British North America Act received Royal Assent on March 29, 1867, but it was not signed by Queen Victoria herself. It states that when the Governor General assents to a Bill in the Queen's Name, he sends an authentic copy of the Act, implying that the Governor General, not the Queen, signs the Act. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ And seem to suggest that Queen Victoria was involved in the process, but they don't explicitly state that she signed the Act. It's worth noting that provides the text of the Act, but it doesn't mention Queen Victoria's signature. So, to summarize, while Queen Victoria played a role in the process, there's no conclusive evidence to suggest that she personally signed the BNA Act of 1867. Now in regards to Queen Elizabeth this is all we have been able to find as an explanation. The Canada Act 1982, which was signed by Queen Elizabeth II at the top, but not at the bottom. This is an interesting exception to the typical convention of signing at the end of a document. In this case, the Queen's signature at the top of the document is known as a "broad seal," which is a formal way of authenticating a document in accordance with royal protocol. The broad seal is usually affixed to the top of the document, and it signifies the Queen's approval and authorization of the contents. So, while it might seem unusual to us, the Queen's signature at the top of the Canada Act 1982 is a deliberate choice that follows traditional royal protocol. If men and women accept this a a legal contract then they have been deceived again. The operative words here are “subject to section 59” of the Constitution Act. Now section 59 defers to section 23(of the Constitution Act), and what is 23? It is the language issue. So, the people of Quebec would have to agree that in their province, children may be educated in any language that their parents desire. In Quebec, this is never going to fly. They will not sign off on a language issue and the Queen knew it. So section 59/23 is the condition for which the Constitution Act of 1982 will come into force and effect" And that did not happen. The Queen’s magic words are the strongest of all. So, there the Constitution Act. To add more facts the Meech Lake Accord of 1987 and the Charlottetown Accord of 1992. Both failed. Pierre Trudeau came out of retirement to oppose the Accord.as it would weaken federal power. Simple facts is there has been no ratification No matter what anyone says about Canada’s Constitution Act, it is sitting in limbo subject to section 59. Section 59 says, when 23 is satisfied, there has to be another Proclamation and this section has to be not only repealed, but disappeared. All that Trudeau did, does not come into effect, until section 59 has been satisfied, so that takes us back to the Hudson Bay Charter. And the one who owns the Hudson Bay Charter is Queen Elizabeth II, or someone in her family. When she mentions the word "Canada" in her proclamation, The Queen is not talking about a country, she is talking about the Hudson Bay Corporation or charter. Who ever owns the Royal Charter corporation, owns all of the resources, licensing fees, fines, and taxes extorted from the men and women of Canada. “Now Know You Constitution Act, 1982 shall, subject to section 59 thereof, come into force on the seventeenth day of April in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-two.” The 1982 Constitution with its Bill of Rights never came into force. That is why, when you go into court and try to assert your freedom rights by way of the Constitution, they love it. They know that the constitution does not exist and you just gave them jurisdiction. The monarchs perceived that if this magic trick were exposed, it might prove too inflammatory. So, the royal magicians have been trying to change the name and connotations of the BNA/Constitution Act going all the way back to 1867. They want to pretend like the 1867 BNA Act was never there! And this new Constitution Act in 1982 has always been here, but it has not. Another interesting part of the Queen’s Proclamation is this: “Of All Which Our Loving Subjects and all other whom these Presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.” Queen Elizabet is talking to two sets of people here, “my subjects” and “all others” who are not my subjects. You are free to not be my subject. You, who are outside my subjects, and still want to interact with this document, “whom these Presents may concern”, you must govern yourselves accordingly. This document tells where Canada actually is. Until section 59 is satisfied, there are No laws, No government, No acts, No parliament, and No legislature. All there is, is whatever they can get with their Hudson Bay Charter. This show is complete! We always had the lawful unalienable Right for Self-determination. We can create our own Contract, Charter, Constitution that removes a de-facto system and replace with a de-jure system. THE ILLUSION vs JURISDICTIONS Please share so we may end this fraud!908 views 1 comment -
23 Signs of MK Ultra Mind Control Programming - Satanic Ritual Abuse
Free Your Mind Videos23 Signs of MK Ultra Mind Control & Satanic Ritual Abuse Rachel Caruso (Youtube Channel) 🔹 WHAT IS MK ULTRA? 🔹 WHAT ARE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF IT? THIS VIDEO IS MADE FOR YOU. This information is relevant for EVERYONE because the planet's hierarchy-- The Deep State / Cabal / Illuminati / Freemasonry -- is formed by MK Ultra, then they control the world with more MK Ultra. Each of our lives, from the broad to the intimate level, is formed by this extreme mind control and slavery. It is the fullest manifestation of Satan and his worshipers. It hides behind smiles and gloss-- remember, the amount of false light in a person is a measure of evil. We are in a time of AWAKENING, which contains many components and levels. Understanding the presence, function and consequences of MK Ultra on an individual and collective level is critical if we want real change. Thus from my personal awakening from multigenerational MK Ultra and continuously being surrounded by programmed people, discovering it in hidden corners of society (i.e. all relocated refugees are MK Ultra slaves) as well as helping to deprogram many victims, I've compiled 25 signs of this abuse. ➡ 23 named in the video - scroll down to read 2 more. MK Ultra is such a vast topic, I focus on signs here and only provide a brief summary of what it is. Please conduct further research on it, who the perpetrators are and why it's used. ❕❕ This information is so critical to circulate because the main component of the abuse is that the victim does not know it has happened to them! ❕❕ Helpful information of signs and symptoms has not been available before. It's been left obscured, vague and any signs provided are unreliable. In answer to this problem, this video really isolates MK Ultra to name symptoms that victims who are even fully asleep to it can spot and identify for themselves. That alone is a powerful step to starting the deprogramming process! 💗 Each of you deserves the chance to explore this topic and how it impacts you. 💗 ❣ I take the time to safely guide you into this information so that it can be received in a POSITIVE way and HELP any victims listening, rather than trigger their programming. If you follow along with the video and stay heart centered, my recommendation is it's safe to explore this information. Symptoms are not listed in any order, except for the first one. ❣ If at any time you feel upset, scared or otherwise triggered, pause to feel your heartbeat and connect to the unconditional love your heart is sending you every moment. Feel the unconditional love from the Creator in your heart. 🔹 24th SIGN - You have memories from 3rd person perspective-- you see yourself in your memories from the outside. These are memories of times you were dissociated, out of your body. Dissociation in this way only takes place because of trauma. If you have multiple 3rd person memories, it's a sign dissociation is prevalent in your life. As explained in the video, MK is based on dissociation. 🔹 25th SIGN - You feel like you're performing during sex. In other words, performance is inherent in sex for you. This is indicative of regular sexual abuse and being exploited for sex (sex slavery). You have been groomed to behave like a sexual object, with the belief you have been made for the purpose of sexually pleasing others. This symptom can also be a memory of times you were sexually exploited-- forced to perform. As explained in the video, sexual abuse is heavily used in MK and many victims are used as sex slaves (i.e. Monarch Program) Original link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6jqHo68NDY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to other channels: Telegram Channel: "Blocked & Banned" https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned => Group chat added where everyone can comment! Free You Mind Documentaries https://rumble.com/c/c-1330192 Christian Teachings And Documentaries https://rumble.com/c/c-1328393 Sound The Trumpet Ministries: https://rumble.com/c/c-1123613 Bitchute Channel https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ThkAWbd3XR2T/ Praise & Worship Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7xzU1qn2yxn9jzjol54j_w5.12K views 11 comments -
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If I was still in, I’d Issue Them to Every Man & Woman Under My Command!” ~COLONEL Charles "Chuck" Sellers Ret. Deputy Commander, US Army-DELTA FORCE . ⏬JOIN TEAM BUDDHA!⏬ A Global Enterprise of AWAKENED, SOVEREIGN SOULS Sharing Affordable, Natural Stem Cell Patches to Help Transform Lives to Generate Healing Miracles for all Mankind! 👉👉 http://www.CatchTheLifeWave.com/partner (Mon-Fri phone Support & Zooms, Grab 30% OFF with Subscribe & Save, plus a 💯% money-back GUARANTEE) _________________________________ Resource Links for Divine Lions & Lionesses On the Front Lines Donate a ♥️Prayer or even $5.00 to Decorated HERO, Norman Traversy at http://www.GiveSendGo.com/werisetheyfall Reclaim Your Straw Man with Susan (Full Course + Audio) at http://www.GiveSendGo.com/GCFGB To File a Medical Murder Whistleblower Account for Free at https://FormerFedsGroup.org _________________________________ SUBSCRIBE & WATCH SHOWS http://www.ShopTheBuddha.com/rumble . NEW SOCIALS http://www.ShopTheBuddha.com/fb http://www.ShopTheBuddha.com/truth http://www.ShopTheBuddha.com/twitter . PODCASTS http://www.ShopTheBuddha.com/apple http://www.ShopTheBuddha.com/amazon http://www.ShopTheBuddha.com/iheartradio . 🔷Thank you for all of the support! We invite you to show some love on "THE SOVEREIGN SOUL Show” in the comments then share with friends, peers & family. — Disclaimer — Our #GoldcoPartner has 1,000+ 5⭐️Star Reviews! Nothing stated is substitution for medical, financial, parenting, weightlifting, tying your shoes, levitation or bathing advice. These are opinions of completely Sovereign Souls who proudly send out love to our brothers and sisters across the Universe. Those on the side of God and Light, uniting as an Amassing ‘Shall Not Be InFringed’ Majority 🙌 This show is for Entertainment purposes only. God Wins. Oh, and Yes....You watch, listen, and laugh at your own risk. Final note btw…Save The Children.10.6K views 7 comments -
45-47 means EVERYTHING is a Strategic Plan by Derek Johnson / RattleTrap1776 - Nov. 10, 2024
RattleTrap1776This is my Official and ONLY Rumble account: @RattleTrap1776 The DASH Mattered... well, didn't it? But the DASH did not end on November 5. The beginning of 45, all of 45, all of the Dash, and all of 47, and end of 47 is and will be a Strategic and Special Operation. Laws and Orders invoked cannot be argued. You cannot "claim" to "support" President Trump, the Military, and Constitution, but know NOTHING about Military Laws, Orders, Regulations, Customs, and Publications, as well as our Military Foundation, Revolutionary War, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. Every day that goes by, the Unequivocal Proof President Trump is a Wartime President as shown with 45---47 on his ball cap (that came out April 2023), just keeps getting more and more visual... But look at the fools who'll thumbs down and still hate on this... they are the swamp and incompetent people who do not need to be anywhere remotely close to Laws, Orders, Policies, or careers that entail those. The haters NEVER show via LAWS and ORDERS how it's NOT happening. No, what do they do? They use LIES and MISINFORMATION, the same thing President Trump and others in this Operation experience. Which more than shows you Patriots who to stay away from as they replicate the SWAMP. The Dash Matters. That's why my book is #1 Best Seller on Amazon and Self-Published right now showing how he, the Generals, Leaders, the secret Military, and World Leaders pulled this off. "The Midnight Rider Rides Again" is the #1 seller in its category available here: If you want it signed, I'm Self-Published and you can get it here (takes around 1-2 weeks turn around due to shortages and the process): https://rattletrap1776.myshopify.com/products/the-midnight-rider-rides-again And on Amazon; available in Print and Kindle (International as well): https://www.amazon.com/Midnight-Rider-Rides-Again/dp/B0CSTFD8ZD/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2828RZJK120P7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gXykyPlnCaBhkzr1He7b7wZd5wKRIVKsjniFOb2nVE5Awl1bd4S-9wqCCaK_n5JKnjCUjlTZ_OJ4Kp9UMMhsm5iVn6s0R0tHP5klRWKVt7c.jLzkyygJbyMiJtYy2mUGcJc7o_LUuiq7lhHShBxDm5k&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+midnight+rider+rides+again+derek+johnson&qid=1709528640&sprefix=the+midnight+ri%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1 NEW BOOK; Also a #1 Seller on Amazon: The Royal Flush of Country Music: https://rattletrap1776.myshopify.com/products/the-royal-flush-of-country-music Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Royal-Flush-Country-Music-ebook/dp/B0D4YHQFG3/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TqPwC4ewHVVapwzyTM4uYBKpyQ55Fi7m80MBYOH_ORzIAVaA4tYTAJb8bumDXcr-j8WUyWz-quXr_xFqtyjvUWQ1NuDFIzx_aWwRopLGYEY4EHgfzDNXLjSi1uDxYL5lOIRj9nQJKrJnWSSbi4iYJeTrIdLJEJXeV6ctkMZpWaxi9lfFsQO9tCKVDqTR47NDC05I4Qn1B5rllid0HpQQgycgDLGRy2pJj9C8C0iP5JE.ch77-bGfg2MdWnO91LdxOoZd2FvLP7V0iFbI0VzYCGI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+royal+flush+of+country+music&qid=1716679237&sr=8-1 NEW CD Boxset (Country Music): https://rattletrap1776.myshopify.com/products/thats-the-cowboy-derek-johnson-boxset This is my ONLY Rumble account: @RattleTrap1776 There's a page using my name Derek Johnson with 41,000 plus followers that's FAKE. And they're making $3,000 per month due to ripping my videos and using my name. They better hope I don't pursue them with a Lawyer. They're taking away from people getting to the #1 Book and my Official Pages. MY ONLY Links: https://linktr.ee/1776nation Facebooks: www.facebook.com/the1776nation www.facebook.com/rattletrap1776 www.facebook.com/derekjohnsoncountry Telegram: t.me/rattletrap1776 t.me/rattletrapnation TruthSocial: @derekjohnson Twitter: @rattletrap1776 Instagram: @derekjohnsoncountry Snapchat: iamderekjohnson Websites: www.rattletrap1776.com www.thedocuments.info www.derekjohnsoncountry.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DerekJohnsonCountry Stream my music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4LpnkCX90qkKLc45KKssMz Get my music on Apple: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/derek-johnson/140886029670.2K views 302 comments -
Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic🚩🚩🚩PLEASE LIKE 👍 SHARE ↪ SUBSCRIBE ✅ 🔵 SAVE 15% ON PSYCHIC PROTECTION WORKSHOP: https://www.beyondmystic.academy/offers/hZxZDoAz/checkout?coupon_code=PSYCHIC15 🚩🚩The WOO Beginning Conference Tickets are now on sale! Act quickly - Limited Spaces : https://www.beyondmystic.net/conference 💜 REGISTER TO THE DOWSING WORKSHOP PENDULUM 101 WITH ASHALA BY USING THE PROMO CODE PENDULUM10 & SAVE 10%: https://www.beyondmystic.academy/offers/HX3UtxLf/checkout?coupon_code=PENDULUM10 🥈 Get your Beyond Mystic Silver Bars: https://www.beyondmystic.net/silverbar/ 🕯️ Order your TAROT CANDLES from Carla: https://ascensionorgonites.com/ 😴💤 GET YOUR PURSE SLEEP HERE: https://purebulk.com/products/clif-highs-pure-sleep?sca_ref=445978.DjYCu0LeRf ⚽️ GET YOUR C60 HERE! https://go.shopc60.com/69PDQW/J8P3N/ ✅ Let's connect: https://twitter.com/Coco_Pierre_ https://twitter.com/Beyond_Mystic https://www.instagram.com/_beyondmystic/ https://www.facebook.com/BeyondMystic https://www.bitchute.com/channel/141K views 1.19K comments -
2024-10-25_Cutting through Gordian Knots with Mathew Crawford, Cynthia Chung and Matt Ehret
MattEhretOctober 25, 2024 In this comprehensive roundtable, Mathew Crawford, Cynthia Chung and Matt Ehret share notes and discoveries pertaining to the subtle forces shaping our world. Subscribe to Mathew Crawford’s Rounding the Earth here: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/RoundingTheEarth Support the Rising Tide Foundation in the following ways: 1) Make a donation https://risingtidefoundation.net/support-the-work/ 2) Subscribe to Matt and Cynthia's Substack https://matthewehret.substack.com/ https://cynthiachung.substack.com/ 3) Buy some books! https://canadianpatriot.org/untold-history-of-canada-books/ Watch the Docu-series “Escaping Calypso’s Island” here: https://risingtidefoundation.net/escaping-calypsos-island/ Watch the Docu-series “The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs” here: https://canadianpatriot.org/2023/11/01/the-hidden-hand-behind-ufos-episode-1-lifting-the-esoteric-veil/ and follow us on https://risingtidefoundation.net/ and https://t.me/risingtidefoundation4.4K views 20 comments -
Warriors Of Wellness-Will this Patented Light tech help Regenerate our Organs & Heal in 15 seconds?
THE SOVEREIGN SOUL Show“My 23 Years of Pain was GONE" ~ Katy B Reiki Master, Shaman . 🏆POWERFUL🏆 X39 Patches naturally ACTIVATE Your STEM CELLS! Developed for Navy 🔱SEALs, Acts like a Med Bed backed by an Iron-Clad, 90-day, 💯% money-back GUARANTEE! ⏬Wear Your Wellness Daily!⏬ Grab 30% OFF with Subscribe & Save Order X39 now 👉 👉 http://www.CatchTheLifeWave.com . “If I was still in, I’d issue these to every man & woman under my Command” ~COL Chuck Sellers (R), Deputy Commander U.S. Army DELTA FORCE . "If IT BUILT YOU, then it WILL HEAL YOU TOO (Your Stem Cells)!" ~ Dr. Pamela Lewin, MD of 40 Yrs . “My Decades of Pain was Gone in a Few Days…” ~Sgt Jim T, USMC (R), Vietnam Combat Veteran . In America, You can Pay with your HSA! ⏬Wear Your Wellness Daily!⏬ Grab 30% OFF with Subscribe & Save Order X39 now 👉 👉 http://www.CatchTheLifeWave.com “Her 8 Years of Pain was GONE in 15 Minutes!" ~Lisa Schermerhorn, Int’l Author . 89 Clinical Case Studies and 150+ Patents thus far on Natural, wearable med bed tech originally developed for Navy SEALS creates Healing Miracles for Kids with Autism, Down syndrome, Pets and Adults with the Worst Illnesses the world is seeing now… ACTIVATE Your STEM CELLS! Developed for Navy 🔱SEALs, Acts like a Med Bed backed by an Iron-Clad, 90-day, 💯% money-back GUARANTEE! ⏬Wear Your Wellness Daily!⏬ Order X39 now 👉 👉 http://www.CatchTheLifeWave.com ***From a Walker to Doing Yard Work in 3 Days!*** "With X39/49 and SP6 I've lost 4 pounds…and pulling trees...it's GIVEN ME MY LIFE BACK!" ~Kris H, retired K9 Police Officer . ⏬Click below to shop all CatchTheLifeWave products⏬ 👉 http://www.CatchTheLifeWave.com/all . "Chemical Warfare and Surgical Strikes is no way to heal the body" ~Gregory Mascari (The Obi Wan Kenobi of Wellness) . ⏬JOIN TEAM BUDDHA!⏬ A Global Enterprise of AWAKENED, SOVEREIGN SOULS Sharing Affordable, Natural Stem Cell Patches to Help Transform Lives! (Includes Phone/Chat/Zoom Support & 100% Iron-clad money-back GUARANTEE) 👉👉 http://www.CatchTheLifeWave.com/partner7.75K views 12 comments -
Derek Johnson Situation Update 10.23.24: "WWG1WGA - MAGA Win over [DS] Propaganda Pushers"
Derek Johnson📢📢: Join us in Telegram: https://t.me/DerekJohnsonOfficialUS Derek Johnson Situation Update 10.23.24: "WWG1WGA - MAGA Win over [DS] Propaganda Pushers"18.2K views 82 comments