Ted Gunderson FBI Whistleblower Poisoned w/ Arsenic, Killed By The 'Illuminati' (Original Post 12.12.14)
Truths UnlimitedTed Gunderson was an Ex-FBI Chief whistleblower. He exposed satanism in the CIA, drug running, chemtrails,the Illuminati, mkultra mind control. He was killed by the Illuminati to shut him up. RIP --- Transcript (auto-generated) 0:10 is the CIA an army of individuals who have a license to Kill it's like murder Incorporated right oh are you kidding the CIA makes the mafia look like a Sunday school class I mean our this is the problem with what's actually happening in Afghanistan they look the CIA has done in this country what they've done to us it's unbelievable look at the terrorist acts that have occurred the CIA behind most if not all of them we had the Marine Barracks had Embassy in Kenya uh 0:48 we had PanAm 103 uh we had the USS Cole 0:53 uh we had Oklahoma City we had the World 0:56 Trade Center in 0:58 1993 our government was involved in some 1:01 of those I can't say all of them because 1:03 I don't know but I do have documentation 1:06 that there was government implication in 1:09 some of these we'll discuss them as we 1:10 go well Ted 1:12 um the people out there I mean you did 1:16 you know that the World Trade 1:20 Center uh went up when it was bombed 1:24 internally 1:26 uh that it all was put together by an 1:30 organization 1:31 called the 1:33 FBI is that this 199 83 yeah yes uh I 1:38 have a um and I'll show this on camera 1:41 um a newspaper article from The New York 1:44 Times and it was also an article in the 1:45 LA Times by the way and it's dated 1:47 October 28 1993 and it's a result of 1:51 testimony in the trial in the inant the 1:54 F informant in the trial a fellow named 1:56 Salam a 43-year-old former Egyptian uh 1:59 army officer 2:00 officer right he was the informant for 2:03 the FBI and he recorded his conversation 2:06 secretly with this so when it came time 2:10 for trial he said hey wait a minute 2:12 here's what really happened now he told 2:14 the FBI in advance that they were going 2:16 to bomb it he was assigned uh uh given 2:19 the assignment to put the bomb together 2:21 and he went to his 2:23 supervisor FBI supervisor and said we're 2:25 going to put a dummy bomb in here right 2:27 and the FBI supervisor said no we're 2:29 going to put real bomb oh wait a minute 2:31 let's name names John 2:34 antep was supervisor yeah he was the 2:37 supervisor for the FBI and he winds up 2:39 in the 2:40 some with having something to do with 2:42 with with the Kenya uh investigation so 2:46 here's a guy who's 2:48 involved in setting up the World Trade 2:51 Center for bom you know to be blown up 2:55 and it resulted in the deaths 2:58 of six individuals over a thousand 3:02 injured 3:04 U1 million dollar half million $500 3:08 million oh no uh a lot of millions of 3:11 dollars millions of dollars yeah and in 3:13 debt property damage now if Justice were 3:15 done the FBI agent would 3:18 be not only in jail but executed for 3:22 murder in the first degree and is the 3:26 chief 3:28 suspect in the attack upon the World 3:32 Trade Center on September 3:36 11th is not the chief 3:40 suspect the individuals or individual 3:45 agency that bombed the World Trade 3:48 Center in 3:49 1993 based on what happened in 1993 the 3:54 FBI not only knew in advance they were 3:56 going to bomb the World Trade Center 3:57 they fing ingredients for the bomb based 3:59 on 4:00 that I would say that the FBI is the 4:03 primary suspect but also I think we have 4:05 to consider the CIA and the reason you 4:08 have to consider the CIA is because when 4:11 you stack four airplanes 4:14 simultaneously with 19 4:17 skyjackers that is no small operation 4:20 that took years to plan number one and 4:24 hundreds of people had to know about it 4:27 in advance now our government NSA was 4:32 monitoring Bin Laden's phone calls in 4:34 February 4:36 1998 are you going to tell me for one 4:38 minute that we didn't know about this in 4:41 advance the CIA had to know about it the 4:44 FBI had to know about it the Massad had 4:47 to know about it MI5 British 4:49 intelligence had to know about 4:53 it the CIA knows about it the FBI knows 4:57 about it the 5:00 the commanderin-chief 5:03 the president would have to know about 5:06 it of course he does and that would mean 5:09 that that bush had prior knowledge and 5:11 that would implicate him in reality if 5:15 if if we wanted to face this thing as it 5:17 really 5:18 is in 5:20 Murder in the First Degree let me 5:23 explain let me explain to the audience 5:26 what's happened here okay back back in 5:29 the 80s 5:31 1980s uh the Department of Justice 5:34 proposed 5:36 legislation to fight 5:38 terrorism and this 5:41 legislation took away many of our 5:43 constitutional rights and civil 5:44 liberties one of the authors a female 5:47 attorney with the Department of Justice 5:48 publicly stated made this statement I've 5:50 got her name on my file someplace that 5:52 before this passes people will have to 5:54 be killed well so that was the reason I 5:58 feel for the 1993 World Trade Center 6:02 bombing unfortunately for them 6:05 fortunately for us the good guys there 6:08 were only six people killed not enough 6:10 to pass the legislation so what happened 6:13 is three years later no 932 years later 6:16 April 19th 1995 down comes Oklahoma City 6:21 uh mura building 168 people killed one 6:24 year later the anti-terrorism 6:26 legislation that takes away many of our 6:27 constitutional rights and civil lities 6:29 is passed and now with the uh Twin 6:34 Towers World Trade Center episode our 6:38 Congress is now proposing further 6:41 restrictions on our constitutional 6:43 rights and civil liberties these 6:45 explosions these terrorist Acts were an 6:48 excuse to pass anti-terrorism 6:50 legislation and then to implement and 6:53 then to imp yes and this is what's 6:56 happening in the world today and that's 6:58 why that that's why our intelligence 7:00 people are not only new about in advance 7:03 but probably involved there's no 7:05 question you cannot 7:07 possibly have an operation of this 7:11 magnitude without our people knowing 7:13 about it now our government the FBI when 7:17 when when you say our government and I 7:18 got to you know challenge it this isn't 7:20 our government it's the banksters 7:23 government because they control both 7:25 political the government the government 7:27 the government know 7:31 the what where why and when and 7:34 how and they I had a FBI supervisor brag 7:38 about this to somebody else and it got 7:40 back to me of every 7:43 Patriot and every 7:45 militia in the United States now if they 7:49 know that are you going to tell me that 7:52 they're not going to know about the 7:53 terrorists coming and 7:54 going by the way this operation based on 7:58 information that's come out since the 7:59 attack the terrorist attack was 8:02 planned in England London England the 8:06 training took place in Afghanistan and 8:09 in the United States and these 8:11 terrorists came in and took pilot 8:13 training 8:14 here and as I said earlier Bin Laden's 8:19 phone conversations were monitored 8:21 according to the press in February 8:25 1998 are you going to say they didn't 8:27 monitor them after that no no oh wait a 8:29 minute no the NSA 8:32 NSA employs probably 150,000 people I 8:38 don't know what their payroll is I mean 8:40 it's the number of personnel but they 8:42 have Taps on virtually everybody in 8:45 America this was part of the 8:47 anti-terrorism legislation that was 8:48 passed after Oklahoma City well that's 8:50 exactly what Adolf Hitler did when he 8:52 down the right side well what do you 8:58 think 9:01 [Music] 9:05 my 9:06 friend the late and great T Gunderson 9:09 former head of the FBI in La Dallas in 9:11 Memphis requested of me and of his 9:14 daughter that an autopsy was made of his 9:17 body and I thought well we had discussed 9:20 that during his life if anything were to 9:23 happen to him he wanted to find out what 9:26 made him die so for 6 seven weeks he 9:29 laid in Cold Storage waiting for an 9:31 autopsy I don't know if it's if it's 9:33 come out formally but uh it has been 9:35 done you said that with his 9:39 fingers becoming colored or purple is 9:43 that a sign of anything uh yes uh that's 9:47 one of the signs of arsenic 9:49 poisoning and uh several individuals in 9:52 the past have turned into a black mummy 9:56 as a result of acute arsenic poisoning 9:59 uh such as lenine and uh the John WL 10:03 Ruth 10:04 double uh but I had Ted under some type 10:07 of treatment for a number of years uh 10:11 with a certain special diet rich in 10:14 Sulfur rich foods to neutralize the 10:17 Arsenic and as a result his fingernails 10:21 which had been dark purple black had 10:24 cleared 10:25 up uh but he was very busy in fighting 10:31 the 10:32 enemy and uh he was receiving 30 phone 10:36 calls a day and as a result he did not 10:40 go down to seek the treatment of 10:42 alternative medical clinics which would 10:45 have subjected him to a process of 10:48 kelation and other therapies to 10:50 eliminate all the 10:51 Arsenic uh one of the common results of 10:55 arsenic poisoning is cancer of the 10:57 bladder how do you get get arsenic 11:00 poison well unless somebody wanted to 11:02 kill you well 11:06 uh it depends on it's can be 11:08 occupational a person working in mining 11:11 uh a person working in the chemical 11:13 industry I don't consider him gone he's 11:15 still here for what he's 11:17 done Ted Gunderson former head of the 11:20 FBI in Los Angeles Dallas and Memphis he 11:23 was opposed 11:24 to the installation of smart mes which 11:28 we referred to as murder meters and he's 11:31 opposed to the death dumps that have 11:33 been going on in this country in fact 11:35 here in cavina California if you take a 11:37 look at the sky there's the residue of 11:41 death 11:42 dumps that's correct nanop particulates 11:44 aluminum oxides sulfur hexif florides 11:48 strontium barium Etc he was concerned 11:51 that the FBI and uh the CIA and those 11:56 government agencies which control 11:59 this country and they're now trying to 12:01 control the world and establish a global 12:04 government are poisoning Us in the 12:06 background you'll be you'll hear a 12:08 machine they're taking off Smart Meters 12:11 in this neighborhood you know debor 12:13 Devar yes I do and very intelligent 12:16 Pleasant woman oh absolutely her husband 12:19 is out 12:20 there pulling these smart meters off and 12:23 putting on analog 12:25 meters Ted was opposed to all of this I 12:28 spoke at the um Eagle Forum in Long 12:32 Beach or the Long Beach Eagle Forum you 12:34 were there yes I was um they were a bit 12:37 upset because 12:39 I talked about the truth I asked I said 12:43 do you want to hear the truth you want 12:45 me to want me to go according to the 12:46 program I was speaking for Ted Gunderson 12:49 he couldn't make it he was in the 12:50 hospital I stepped up and stood in his 12:53 place I remember that and I appreciate 12:55 it the way you handled it you told the 12:58 truth 13:00 that's the important 13:01 thing does the truth upset people when 13:05 you talk about those things which they 13:07 feel incapable of 13:08 changing uh I believe so uh some people 13:13 are 13:15 U restricted to a certain Viewpoint and 13:19 they want to stress that Viewpoint and 13:21 they don't want to have brooken 13:23 interference with with that Viewpoint uh 13:26 however uh I like you yourself feel that 13:31 the truth should be told at the 13:33 opportune time and Ted would have 13:36 probably said I'm sure he would have 13:38 said the same thing as that you said 13:41 well I felt you know speaking for him 13:44 and knowing him as I did that 13:46 um he would address those things 13:49 regardless 13:50 of 13:53 whose cage he 13:56 rattled he felt that possibly 14:01 he would be poisoned somebody would try 14:02 to take him out he'd mentioned several 14:04 attempts on his life uh there's been a 14:07 couple on mine at least in far as 14:10 gunshots are concerned when he finally 14:12 passed and I felt that he probably would 14:14 but we had thumbs up we felt maybe we 14:17 could get through this was 14:19 at the hospital with him at the very end 14:23 he tried a lot of various 14:25 things he wanted to have an autopsy and 14:27 then when the autopsy 14:29 uh was done we don't know the exact 14:32 results of it but 14:34 uh did you see or do you know what was 14:38 happening to his body was he 14:41 turning yes uh shortly after uh death 14:45 within a matter of a couple of hours uh 14:48 he started to turn 14:50 black uh particularly in his face his 14:53 hands and his feet and this is a 14:56 characteristic uh sign of arsenic 14:59 poisoning uh at death as the cells 15:03 disintegrate the blood cells 15:05 disintegrate uh arsenic is released from 15:08 the body stores and all poisons are 15:11 stored in the fatty tissues of the body 15:15 and also are concentrated in the liver 15:17 which is the detoxifying organ of the of 15:20 our 15:21 bodies uh as the Arsenic is 15:24 released uh from 15:27 its from its 15:29 complex binding to the 15:31 tissues uh it combines with the 15:35 sulfur from the disintegrated cells to 15:39 form our sulfide which is a black a uh 15:44 has a black color so he had all 15:46 appearances of being poisoned by arsenic 15:48 poison correct correct which could lead 15:51 to cancer of the bladder well I strongly 15:56 feel that the Arsenic caused this cancer 15:59 of the bladder that is one of the common 16:01 side effects of uh he bladder removed as 16:04 you know correct and his it was replaced 16:08 with a portion of his 16:10 intestine and then within about four 16:12 months after they noted that there was a 16:16 spread of the tumor outside of the 16:18 bladder so Ted was most likely 16:21 poisoned yes oh very definitely was in 16:24 fact about seven or eight years ago I 16:27 had diagnosed him with ARs poisoning 16:29 because I had met him at a conference 16:30 and noted that his fingernails were 16:32 black uh particularly at the base dark 16:35 purple black and so I told him what to 16:38 do and uh was this due to his attack 16:41 upon the American Illuminati yes very 16:44 definitely and also his attacked upon 16:47 the CIA which is being controlled by the 16:49 Illuminati the CIA is the enforcement 16:51 arm of the CFR is it not correct that's 16:53 correct his investigations led to the 16:56 city investigation of the the McMartin 16:59 nursery school and he had also 17:00 investigated the captain McDonald case 17:04 where he was convicted of murdering his 17:06 wife and children which he did not but 17:09 Captain McDonald was attempting to uh uh 17:13 break up the drug ring at the military 17:15 base that was shipping cocaine bags of 17:20 cocaine in the body cavities of the dead 17:22 soldiers that would be out of Vietnam 17:25 yes yes very much so that would be 17:27 coming from the Golden Triangle Thea 17:30 operation correct so 17:34 he got the enity of the certain people 17:38 in the CIA and the military and others 17:42 who were using the drug traffic as a 17:45 means of uh generating funds in order to 17:49 Stir Up Revolutions and so on and so 17:52 forth so the CIA rather than stopping 17:56 drugs uh is import reporting them from 17:59 Afghanistan which is the largest heroin 18:02 uh producing area in the world today 18:05 correct correct very much so and they 18:07 use it for their black bag operations 18:09 many years ago Congress had uh refused 18:12 to give money to the CIA unless they 18:15 listed for what purposes that that they 18:17 were to be used and so the CIA started 18:20 getting involved in the drug uh rocket 18:23 so this is a a way of funding Black 18:26 Operations correct correct 18:29 in your 18:31 opinion was Ted Gunderson murdered by an 18:34 agency of this 18:35 government in your opinion what would be 18:37 your guess 18:40 my speculative guess would be that 18:44 yes and uh he explained to me that he 18:49 found arsenic dust in his apartment on 18:52 his table on his chairs and in the air 18:55 conditioning duct and also inside his Lo 18:58 locked the car on the steering wheel on 19:00 the seats so someone who has the ability 19:05 to enter secretly uh a car in an 19:08 apartment house and do all that without 19:11 leaving any 19:12 fingerprints uh 19:15 indicates someone high up in 19:20 the in the circles so to 19:27 speak 19:45 the 19:46 year 19:48 1995 we're doing a film on Reich do 95 19:52 uh two years before the World Trade 19:54 Center had been attacked we had a little 19:57 bit of private conversation about uh who 20:01 did the first World Trade Center 20:05 bombing the FBI had an informant in 20:09 among the terrorist group on the uh 20:12 World Trade Center car bomb in February 20:13 26 1993 and Salam a former Egyptian 20:18 officer 43 years old was commissioned by 20:21 the terorist he was one of the 20:23 terrorists to put the bomb 20:26 together uh for the bombing of the World 20:29 Trade 20:30 Center and he went to his FBI 20:33 superiors he said we're going to use a 20:35 dummy bomb aren't we and they said no 20:36 we're going to use a real bomb well Ted 20:38 wasn't this 20:39 guy a terrorist hired by the United 20:45 States government hired by the FBI in 20:47 fact did they not in fact give him 20:50 Monies to buy the bomb which went into 20:53 the World Trade Center he was uh an 20:56 informant for the FBI gu against the 20:59 terrorists and he wore a body mic and 21:02 their instructions when he met with the 21:04 terrorists and unknown to the FBI he 21:06 wore a body mic when he met with the 21:09 FBI and fortunately for him otherwise he 21:11 probably would have been prosecuted 21:12 himself this came out during the trial 21:15 and it appeared in the uh October 23 21:19 1993 uh New York Times this information 21:22 I'm telling you right now and so he was 21:25 told to put the bomb together by the 21:27 terrorists 21:28 uh the FBI told him no we're going to 21:30 use a real bomb we're not going to use a 21:31 dummy bomb and the FBI not only 21:33 furnished ingredients for the done new 21:35 and advance that they were going to bomb 21:37 the World Trade Center car bombing with 21:39 the car bomb they furnished the 21:41 ingredients for the 21:42 bomb well this is a sting operation 21:45 wasn't it it's a sting operation yes but 21:48 nevertheless the sting operations can go 21:49 down without using real bombs there were 21:51 six people uh died in that uh bombing I 21:55 think a thousand people were injured and 21:57 a half million dollar in damage half 21:59 billion dollars half billion half 22:01 billion dollars and there just 22:03 absolutely no excuse for this but uh 22:05 that's all part of the uh deploy by the 22:09 government this covert uh government 22:12 criminal Enterprise I call Rog 22:14 government criminal Enterprise uh it's 22:17 all part of the pl by them uh that after 22:19 that of course the uh the car bombing of 22:22 93 Oklahoma City Bombing and then 911 22:27 and then all these terrorist Acts were 22:29 designed in order to set up homeland 22:31 security pass the Patriot Act and take 22:34 away many of our constitutional rights 22:35 as civil liberties so Ted was most 22:37 likely 22:38 poisoned yes oh it very definitely was 22:42 in fact about seven or eight years ago I 22:44 had diagnosed him with arsenic poisoning 22:46 because I had met him at a conference and noted that his fingernails were black H particularly at the base dark purple SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EgPHsLEGuE6.52K views 10 comments