Barry Trower and Mark Steele Discuss 5G as a Weapon. A Brief History of Microwave Weapons
TheWarAgainstYouBarry Trower and Mark Steele Discuss 5G as a Weapon. A Brief History of Microwave Weapons --- March 17, 2019 --- Barry Trower Provides Mark Steele Documented Evidence From Thousands of Published Studies About 5G as a Weapon --- How 5G encompasses the Sub Ghz range --- What's the Latest of 5G 2:43 What Is Sub Gigahertz 31:42 Measuring the Radiation Levels in People's Bedrooms 32:29 Jerry Flynn 50:37 Pulse Frequencies 53:57 Children Addicted to Phones 58:24 --- FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES --- Mirrored From: https://youtu.be/6BAs5w9OfQM4.7K views 3 comments