3 Maccabees
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Updated 9 months ago
3 Maccabees:
The Third Book of Maccabees, also called 3 Maccabees, is found in most Orthodox Bibles as a part of the Anagignoskomena. Catholics consider it to be an example of pseudepigrapha and do not regard it as canonical. Protestants likewise regard it as non-canonical, though some like the Moravian Brethren include it in their bibles as apocrypha. It is included in the Bible used by the Armenian Apostolic Church. The Apostolic Canons approved by the Eastern Council in Trullo in 692 but rejected by Pope Sergius I cited as canonical the first three books of Maccabees. Despite the title, the book has nothing to do with the Maccabees or their revolt against the Seleucid Empire, as described in 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees. Instead it tells the story of persecution of the Jews under Pharaoh Ptolemy IV Philopator, some decades before the Maccabee uprising.Wikipedia
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