Forgotten relics and monuments in Antarctica discovered by German expeditions in the "eternal ice"
DUMBS and UNDERGROUND ⚔ The Invisible War ⚔That's why you can't go to Antarctica. German expeditions in the "eternal ice" brought to light many forgotten relics and monuments. - Alleged Eye Witness Testimony of the Antarctic Ice Wall --->>> https://rumble.com/v4pf2e3-alleged-eye-witness-testimony-of-the-antarctic-ice-wall.html - - VRIL AND THULE SOCIETY, ANTARCTICA, ADVANCED CIVILIZATIONS, HOLLOW EARTH, ET'S (RARE DOCUMENTARY) --->>> https://rumble.com/v3fniju-vril-and-thule-society-antarctica-advanced-civilizations-hollow-earth-ets.html - THEY HAVE LIED ABOUT THE SPINNING BALL & ABOUT EVERYTHING, BUT WHY? TO ENSLAVE US ALL --->>> https://rumble.com/v4ovpuf-they-have-lied-about-the-spinning-ball-and-about-everything-but-why-to-ensl.html - IMPORTANT NOTE: WE DONT OWN THE TRUTH, WE ARE DIGGING FOR THE TRUTH - ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, WE ARE UPLOADING ALL THESE VIDEOS TO GO DIGGING IN ALL RABBIT HOLES AS ONLY THE TRUTH CAN AND WIKL SET US FREE - STAY OPEN MINDED AND DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH - NOTE 2: THE EARTH IS WITHIN THE ICE WALL, AND THE PLANET > WORLD IS MUCH BIGGER THAN THEY HAVE TOLD US - REGARDING THE NEVER ENDING DISCUSSION and DISPUTE - IF THE EARTH [IS WITHIN THE ICE WALL FLAT WITH A DOME) or a SPINNING BALL SPEEDING IN THE UNIVERSE.. - Don't stress yourself too much!! - The truth will come out as only the truth can set us free.. - SO!!! no stress to fight or having dispute about the lies they have teached and told us all a long and showd us the truth in Movies (hidden plain sight). - 1 thing is 100% FACT: >>> THEY HAVE LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING TO KEEP US DUMB AND UNINFORMED... ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND DONT FORCE ANYONE TO BELIVE IN YOUR OPINION... - CONNECT THE DOTS and also watch - The Earth is within the Icewall and the World is bigger than told --->>> https://rumble.com/v4neqr2-the-earth-is-within-the-icewall-and-the-world-is-bigger-than-told.html - 🔥 ANTARCTICA - The IceWall and the FlatEarth hidden truth --->>> https://rumble.com/v1mukk7-antarctica-the-icewall-and-the-flatearth-hidden-truth.html - VIBES OF COSMOS >> 14 Topics - Episodes, in a Full Documentary video with narration. - Topics - Timer : 00:00 / 1. Moon, the Map of the Earth 12:14 / 2. Sun, Daylight, Moonlight 24:30 / 3. The Black Sun 31:58 / 4. Constellation Circle and Moon's Phases 43:16 / 5. Oceanografia, Craters, Stars 54:27 / 6. Planets and the 7 Ceilings 1:07:27 / 7. Moon's Rotation and the Axes of Phases 1:16:36 / 8. The Motion of the Sun and the Moon 1:26:56 / 9. Eclipses 1:36:12 / 10. Space, Elements and Atmospheric Ratings 1:44:09 / 11. Celestial Phenomena 2:04:36 / 12. Biogeochemical Cycles 2:13:45 / 13. Underground Water Cycle 2:21:59 /14. Climate Zones and Ground Epochs 2:29:30 / Outro ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1uzpiq--vibes-of-cosmos-.html - THE ORDER OF THE BLACK SUN AND THE OCCULT NAZI BROTHERHOOD, NWO, NAZIworldORDER --->>> https://rumble.com/v4dk6gx-the-order-of-the-black-sun-and-the-occult-nazi-brotherhood-nwo-naziworldord.html - BLACK SUN, the SWASTICA and the INNER EARTH EXPLAINED --->>> https://rumble.com/v1k8awz-black-sun-the-swastica-and-the-inner-earth-explained.html - WHO THEY ARE & WHY THEY LIE PART 1 THE SUN GOD CONNECTIONS -->> https://rumble.com/v1mm64m--who-they-are-and-why-they-lie-part-1-the-sun-god-connections-.html7.83K views 10 comments -
[MIRROR] Antarctica Breakaway Civilization > History & Timeline
The Fall Of The Cabal Series.Source https://rumble.com/v4fwmnc-mirror-antarctica-breakaway-civilization-history-and-timeline.html I am Banned on Fakebook, Twatter & Screwtube so please support me by SHARING FAR & WIDE! All of the hours of research & video editing work that I do is free. Please Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/weareone Join Me on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@AdrianReid The Fall Of The Cabal Series https://linktr.ee/weareqne Join me on Telegram https://t.me/WeAreOneAdeReid We Are One https://rumble.com/c/WEARE0NE8.92K views 3 comments