Tom Althouse: The Abuse of Admiralty Law
NewsTreasonAfter exploring our return to Common Law, let’s examine how abusive, intrusive, and utterly elusive the tenets of Admiralty Law have been, and are to this day. The manner in which “legalese” is used to manipulate the rule of law in favor of the wealthy people, and the Corporate entities against the common person, especially in liberal states and cities, is untenable. This week on RESPECT, we’ll sit down for a discussion with the real author of The Matrix, and how the powers that be in Hollywood, along with their corporate attorneys, stole the author’s intellectual property, and used their power and influence to ensure that the facts never see the light of day. Join me and my guest, Tom Althouse, this Sunday at 8pm EST, for an enthralling discussion on RESPECT. Affordable, High Quality PPO Insurance Plans | Mid Atlantic Business Alliance | ☎️ Call David For A Free Quote at (609) 577-8557 or 💻 Visit MidAtlanticBA.com/NewsTreason 🇺🇸 Defund The Cabal! Make the Switch to Support American-Made, Natural Products | 💻 www.17SWITCH.com 🪙 Protect your wealth by rolling your retirement account into a precious metals-backed IRA >> www.17METALS.com FIND US: www.LinkTree.com/NewsTreason30.7K views 48 comments -
Urgent Message to humanity part 1 & 2 by James Gilliland
ECETI STARGATE ~ OFFICIALGreeting, I am James Gilliland….. It is important to know where I am coming from. I am an , I have had two near death experiences, and have studied for over 40 years with Elders and Masters around the world. My understanding of God/Creator/Great Spirit and the multidimensional world we live in is a reflection of the wisdom gained on this journey. For 40 years masters, saints and sages have been appearing at ECETI. We have photographed Mother Mary who has been with me since the age of 5 when I was dying in the hospital saving my life. Other Ascended Masters such as Baba Ji, Quan Yin, Archangel Michael, White Eagle many others have actually been photographed in spirit form with beautiful messages and in many cases spontaneous healings occurred. There are other spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders also contacting those who rise to the occasion, those with an open mind, loving heart and pure intent. The Pleiadians, our ancient ancestors are returning and playing a pivotal role in the awakening and healing, the liberation of Humanity and the Earth. The Orion Council of Light after being victorious in the Orion wars are now assisting the planetary liberation along with Arcturians, Andromedians, and Sirians many of which are humanoid felines which in ancient history were known as the Pashat, Narshringa, Narrisa the protectors of humanity and the Gods. The scepter has been passed to the Pleiadians by other high councils due to the fact they have more genetics both human, plant and animal from previous terraforming on Earth. Their last colonies were Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu. It is as if God/ Creator/ Great Spirit and the beautiful many are pressing in on humanity and the Earth restoring Universal Law putting an end to draconian law, tyranny, those who have acted in self-serving ways at the expense of Humanity and the Earth. In other words, everything is being revealed, karma or action/reaction is being amplified and accelerated. Humanity and the Earth are ascending and no one can stop what is coming. We are either on the upward spiral, the ascension process living a spiritual life in harmony with nature and each other or the downward spiral lusting for wealth, power over others, dominance and control eventually leading to total collapse. The exponential increase in Solar Flares and CMES coronal mass ejections, the increase in the Schumann Resonance which has been off the scale, changes within the electromagnetic light spectrum with new added bands. The severe weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are all part of this process. Even the chaos as people gat due to enslavement, in justness and loss of freedom, is all part of this process. Everything that does not align with Universal Law is collapsing. The power is returning to the people. It is time to ask why you have not heard about this, who is keeping this information from you. Who is behind the controlled narrative and who is participating in it. Who would block free energy, anti/counter gravity, miraculous healing technology, contact with Spiritually and Technologically advanced off worlders who have transcended war, disease, poverty. Follow the money, know the source of the money, Satanic Lucerferian banksters and there you will have your answer. This is what is behind the censorship and the controlled narrative. This is coming to an end. We are all going to have to find the impeccable and moral integrity within, be in service to others, practice loving detachment, and align with Universal Law if we are going to make it through this shift. It is not rocket science, just be kind and loving.21.2K views 121 comments -
Sabrina Wallace - Where Are The Whitehats? (Jan 22, 2024)
MySabrinaWallaceArchiveSOLUTIONS ORIENTED PEOPLE Tony Pantallereco https://independz.podbean.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@HerbsPlusBeadWorks https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gS5E0SSRIbLH/ http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/ https://substack.com/@tonp https://librti.com/view-group-profile/independz-s-open-chat-group FireMedic 8 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/q2K1sr7KzBaC/ Power of the Pulse https://powerofthepulse.com/ https://rumble.com/c/PowerofthePulse Fiona For Health https://fionaforhealth.com/ Yannis https://solutions4mankind.com/ Cherie Henderson https://www.simplysynched.com Stephan D https://stephandubeau.substack.com/ Dr. David Nixon https://davidnixon.substack.com/ Karl C https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/ Kelly Bacher https://www.alternativeroots.ca/ https://www.facebook.com/alternativeroots?mibextid=LQQJ4d Sabina Wallace: https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f?view=content Deborah Taveres https://stopthecrime.net/ Lookoutfa Charlie https://www.youtube.com/@LookoutfaCharlie https://rumble.com/c/LookoutfaCharlie Celeste Solum https://rumble.com/user/CelesteSolum Todd Callendar https://vaxxchoice.com/ https://dradvocates.com/ Dr. Lee Vliet https://rumble.com/user/LeeVlietMD Dr. Ana Mihalca https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/ Hope & Tivon https://www.ftwproject.com/ https://rumble.com/c/c-1585583 Maria Zee https://zeeemedia.com/ https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee nonvaxer420 https://rumble.com/user/nonvaxer420 ---- Join the Anti-Nano Device Detox Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/12510689401698627.9K views 234 comments -
A Republic, Not A Democracy by Dan Smoot 1966 Apr 18
We The People - Constitutional ConventionsA Republic Not a Democracy from the Aptil 18, 1966 Dan Smoot Report Subscribe to get important Information https://constitutionalconventions.ca/contact/ - ensure you get confirmation - check spam or junk mail.We have the opportunity to MOVE in the direction if we all start to really use every platform with the solution share video forward email - lets in this FRAUD! Its your choice! Educate others who waste valuable time and their lives to STOP helping the UN AGENDA by posting memes , Trudeau must , go , Doctor vs Doctor, Convoys. These are all distractions to keep millions going NO WHERE!!! As you watch social media do you NOT see most of these accounts are fake to keep the useless distractions going on and on. Learn What Canada Really is !! https://constitutionalconventions.ca/ Contact info@constitutionalconventions.ca https://www.shelaw.ca/2023/10/16/for-immediate-release/ Contact Shelagh shelaghmcfarlane107@gmail.com Documents for Creston Deputation: https://www.theawarenessproject.ca/ Contact Neil from the website If we Truley want to end this FRAUD, we must coordinate posting the solution! STOP liking their distractions, send them a message to stop wasting time on CRAP! Help those who are lost and confused to join in and ending this corruption, the more crap they post the longer the pain will be inflicted , and murder,,, Subscribe to get important Information https://constitutionalconventions.ca/contact/ - ensure you get confirmation - check spam or junk mail. Zoom 5-10 EST daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 SwT80SwT8 Download POGG - https://www.shelaw.ca/2023/10/16/for-immediate-release/ -CASH REWARD- $5,000.00 for proof that the 'Office of the Mayor' is owned by the Province & not the people. Ending the PPP Fraud The Documentation is near finalization and we all look forward to ENDNING the FRAUD!!!! "The POGG Primer: Ending the PPP Fraud" revealed gross negligence & corruption done in every CITY HALL by the signatures of de facto Global (Strong) Mayors & CITY CAOs. "Defrauding the public" is a serious charge & one we don't ignore. This fraud can & will be corrected with a new oath/"contract" being drafted now. This is a re-publicing of assets & IMMEDIATE relief from the tyranny of the present financial system. That is valuable information to your Family and Friends. WE will have updates very soon and much more to release in the coming days. 2024 will be the end of the fraud when more have the information. So if your serious about ending hte FRAUD - you must take the information and share the information and become the leader /mentor/ organizer to ensure your community ends this FRAUD! All the best in the New Year to everyone Changing the System from the Bottom Up - 3 Part Series (Part 3) We have the opportunity to MOVE in the direction if we all start to really use every platform with the solution Its your choice! Educate others who Educate others who waste valuable time and their lives to STOP helping the UN AGENDA by posting memes , Trudeau must , go , Doctor vs Doctor, Convoys. These are all distractions to keep millions going NO WHERE!!! As you watch social media do you NOT see most of these accounts are fake to keep the useless distractions going on and on. If we Truley want to end this FRAUD, we must coordinate posting the solution! STOP liking their distractions, send them a message to stop wasting time on CRAP! Help those who are lost and confused to join in and ending this corruption, the more crap they post the longer the pain will be inflicted , and murder,,, Please start to educate the solution,, things to think about -- Subscribe to get important Information https://constitutionalconventions.ca/contact/ - ensure you get confirmation - check spam or junk mail. Zoom 5-10 EST daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 SwT80SwT8 Download POGG - https://www.shelaw.ca/2023/10/16/for-immediate-release/2.71K views 4 comments -
Katt Williams Flashback: "All These Big D*ck Deviants, Is ALL Catching Hell in 2024!"
TheLibertyDaily*** The Liberty Daily benefits when you shop using the following links and Code: TLD _ The Liberty Daily Recommends ONE Honest, America-First Precious Metals Company - Our Gold Guy! https://ourgoldguy.com/tld/ _ MY PILLOW PROMO CODE “TLD” https://www.mypillow.com/tld _ SURVIVE! Long-term storage beef, 25-year shelf life, on sale with promo code "TLD15" - https://wholecowstld.com _ Buy a 3-Month Food Supply and receive gifts worth $200! http://bit.ly/3E5HEYo _ Sign up for The Liberty Daily Gold https://thelibertydaily.com/gold/ _ Get all your conservative swag at The Liberty Daily Store: https://shop.thelibertydaily.com/ _ Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheLibertyDaily Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourLibertyNews Find us at: https://thelibertydaily.com7.83K views 14 comments -
BREAKING! Exposing The Vaccine Agenda. Cancer & Covid Cure REVEALED In This Podcast!?
NinoscornerDr. Ardis deserves a Nobel Peace Prize in my humble opinion. Dr. Ardis gives his very well researched expertise backed by official data on how Covid 19 was accomplished.He reveals the conotoxins and poisons inside ALL the current vaccines. The only truthful answer behind this sinister substance that was added to our water and vaccines is that there is massive depopulation operation and agenda being conducted on a global scale. The symptoms and deaths were simply due to venom within the tap water and vaccines. What stops the "covid virus" and vaccine injuries dead in its tracks? NICOTINE. Yup...Now you know exactly why the agenda against NICOTINE has gone into overdrive. The VENOM attacks NICOTINE RECEPTOR SITES.. So...It might be time to light up a stogie or a cigarette and watch this podcast in its entirety.. THIS WILL ROCK YOUR WORLD. PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES! Get Dr. Ardis book on AMAZON Moving Beyond The Covid19 Lies487K views 2.22K comments -
Advanced Technologies of the New Earth + VISUALS. Jared Rand
SSolutions for FreedomJared Rand speaking about the Advanced Technologies of the New Earth. Solutions for Freedom - Health Solutions and Advanced Technologies https://weareonelightforall.net/time-for-change-calls Animations and images added.35.5K views 92 comments