👼What’s in the VITAMIN K SHOT that’s Given to NEWBORNs⁉️
Sacred Serenity Healing👶🏼 What is in the VITAMIN K SHOT they give to newborns?!! 🧐😱🤬 They have been poisoning our babies for decades 😠😒😡 https://t.me/hiddeninplainsight1224 views -
Why Are Newborns Getting the Hepatitis B Vaccine? The Shocking Truth
The Real Raw NewsHepatitis B vaccine is required for kids to attend public schools in 47 states. But here’s the kicker—Hepatitis B is mainly spread through needles or sexual contact. So, why on earth are we giving this vaccine to babies on their very first day of life? Why Are Newborns Getting the Hepatitis B Vaccine? The Shocking Truth Ask a doctor, and you'll likely get a vague, unsatisfying response. They might tell you it's to protect against a potential Hep B-infected needle on the playground. But guess what? There are ZERO documented cases of any child ever catching Hepatitis B from a playground needle. And here's another thing: Mothers are routinely tested for Hepatitis B during pregnancy. If the mother isn’t infected, there's no risk of the baby catching it. So why are we rushing to inject newborns with a vaccine they don’t need? What they also don’t tell you is that the Hepatitis B vaccine’s effectiveness fades by the time kids become teenagers. So really, what’s the point of giving a newborn this shot? It just doesn’t add up.2.4K views 7 comments