Understanding > Reacting: A Stoic Approach to Engagement in the Information War
Just HumanMedia on both sides of the info war are always trying to get you to react to their headlines, stories, and commentary. They use hyperbole, charged or loaded language, emotional spin, etc. to appeal to your "lizard brain" and our natural propensity to emotionally and physiologically react to information instead of carefully considering it before allowing an emotional response to manifest. In this clip, I reteach what I mean when I say that "Understanding > Reacting." It is a stoic approach to engaging in the information war, and it will serve you well if you can adopt it and practice it daily. This is a clip from Just Human #260: Fani Fires Her Boyfriend, Understanding > Reacting, PRA Jury Briefs in Docs Case- https://rumble.com/v4kb4rc-just-human-260-fani-fires-her-boyfriend-understanding-reacting-pra-jury-bri.html Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human5.9K views 12 comments -
Special Counsel Hur, the FBI, NARA, and the "Missing" 9 Boxes from the Penn Biden Center
Just HumanNARA says, "DOJ requested that NARA pick up the nine boxes that were at Mr. Moore’s office. NARA did so on November 9, 2022, and secured them in NARA’s John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, our nearest facility." https://www.grassley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/grassley_johnson_to_doj_fbi_special_counsel_-_hur_report.pdf The Hur Report says, "The day after the National Archives retrieved the classified documents, on November 4, 2022, the Archives notified officials in the National Security Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence of the discovery of "classified records related to President Biden's time as Vice President." A few days later, on November 9, the FBI opened an initial assessment to begin investigating the matter. https://www.justice.gov/storage/report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf Seems more likely than not that these are connected and Hur did not mention those nine boxes because they didn't go to him, they went to Weiss... or someone else... This is a clip from Just Human #249: The Hur Report - Part 5 https://rumble.com/v4de7uo-just-human-249-the-hur-report-part-5.html?playlist_id=watch-history Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human10.1K views 9 comments -
According to The Hur Report, Biden Kept Notes On Personal Discussions Between Himself and Obama
Just HumanAccording to The Hur Report, President Obama and Vice President Biden would have weekly lunches together. Biden described these lunches as "often personal in nature." They sometimes discussed their "wives"... Biden took notes about these meetings. This is a clip from Just Human #247: The Hur Report - Part 3 https://rumble.com/v4d0ezi-just-human-247-the-hur-report-part-3.html All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human6.4K views 4 comments -
Are Biden's Notecards and Notebooks More of a Liability for Him or for Obama and Others?
Just HumanThis is a clip from Just Human #246: The Hur Report - Part 2 https://rumble.com/v4cvihr-just-human-246-the-hur-report-part-2.html All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human8.88K views 7 comments -
The Hur Report Is DEVASTING to Biden and Gives a HUGE Assist to Trump
Just HumanThis is a clip from Just Human #245: The Hur Report - Part 1- https://rumble.com/v4c95l5-just-human-245-the-hur-report-part-1.html All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human11.1K views 10 comments -
The Hur Report - Executive Summary
Just HumanThis is a clip from Just Human #245: The Hur Report - Part 1- https://rumble.com/v4c95l5-just-human-245-the-hur-report-part-1.html All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human10.7K views 17 comments -
Former CIA Officer Joshua Adam Schulte Sentenced To 40 Years In Prison For Espionage And Child Porn
Just HumanThis is a clip from Just Human #244: Presidential Immunity/DC Case Headed to SCOTUS, Docs Case Unseal, Schulte Gets 40yrs- https://rumble.com/v4bup9x-just-human-244.html All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human9.14K views 11 comments -
DC Court of Appeals AFFIRMS Judge Chutkan's Order Denying Trump Presidential Immunity
Just HumanThis is a clip from Just Human #244: Presidential Immunity/DC Case Headed to SCOTUS, Docs Case Unseal, Schulte Gets 40yrs- https://rumble.com/v4bup9x-just-human-244.html All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human3.37K views 2 comments -
Judge Cannon Orders CIPA 4 Hearing, Stops Smith From Hiding Unclassified Info, Grants Trump a Win
Just HumanThis is a clip from Just Human #244: Presidential Immunity/DC Case Headed to SCOTUS, Docs Case Unseal, Schulte Gets 40yrs- https://rumble.com/v4bup9x-just-human-244.html All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human5.44K views 4 comments -
Continued Arguments For Interim Attorneys Fees in Seth Rich FOIA Case
Just HumanThis is a clip from Just Human #244: Presidential Immunity/DC Case Headed to SCOTUS, Docs Case Unseal, Schulte Gets 40yrs- https://rumble.com/v4bup9x-just-human-244.html All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human Follow my work: Telegram- https://t.me/realjust_human Truth Social- https://truthsocial.com/@justhuman X- https://twitter.com/realjusthuman Substack- https://justhuman.substack.com/ Support my work: Buy me a coffee- https://ko-fi.com/realjusthuman Just Human Merch- https://www.redwhitebourbon45.com/category/just-human Benson Honey Farms affiliate link- https://bensonhoneyfarms.com/?sca_ref=4394753.kkfBnmBW7U Bootleg Products affiliate link- https://bootlegproducts.com/ref/9/ Manly Cans affiliate link- https://www.manlycans.com/r?id=bn85pa All of my links in one spot- https://linktr.ee/just_human2.83K views