The Commandments of Life
Zazari ProjectReverse engineering the principles of life lead to more inadequate definitions of life in today's paradigm. Exploring why it fails unmasks the true qualities of life we must consider to understand life, disease, and ourselves. #principlesoflife #definitionoflife #medicalcomplexity #whysciencefails ##philosophicalinquiry #theoreticalframeworkofdisease #eplaininglife #biologicaltheory #newparadigm35 views 1 comment -
Life Is Only Mostly Dead
Zazari ProjectDigging into definitions of life lead to complexity and new hope for rescuing life from a purely objective view of it. #definitionoflife #diseasecomplexity #defininglife22 views -
Why Life Scares Us
Zazari ProjectExploration of a newer definition of life uncovers fear and a tendency to deaden living characteristics. When we don't understand life, we can't understand disease. #fearofdisease #scienceoffear #definitionoflife #newdefinitionoflife #creativemedicine8 views -
Know Life, No Disease
Zazari ProjectWe can't understand disease without understanding life. Today's paradigm deals with that problem by avoiding it. Advances in understanding depend on resolving the interplay between life and disease.28 views 1 comment -
Undefining Life
Zazari ProjectDefinitions of life fail to define life because life isn't as objective as science says it should be. #defininglife #definitionoflife #whatislife #biology10124 views 1 comment