Star Ocean 3 スターオーシャン3ティルジエンドオブタイム Until the End of Time Universe Run
6 videos
Updated 1 year ago
New Playlist for my 2nd Run in the game under the Universe Difficulty
ZDC SOTtEoT スターオーシャン3ティルジエンドオブタイム Universe Run Part 6 Escape & Return, New Leveling Spot + Easy Blade Enhancement Leveling and Bonus Gauge Get
CiVicGamerThe Blade ENchancement Method is for those Over-Leveled or those who can be damaged by enemies in single to double digits.1 view -
ZDC Old & Updated SOTtEoT スターオーシャン3ティルジエンドオブタイム Universe Run Part 7 Over Leveled Blade Enhancement & Bonus Gauge Increase Tips + Story Activation and 1 Missable Term
CiVicGamerThis video has the over-leveled method on the easy Blade Enhancement method I stated before when enemies only damage you 0HP. -
ZDC SOTtEoT スターオーシャン3ティルジエンドオブタイム Universe Run Part 8 Unlocking Hauler Full Aggressive Wall Breaks and Steady Treasure Hunting Start
CiVicGamerTime for the Hauler Videos for those having problems with that segment. -
ZDC SOTtEoT スターオーシャン3ティルジエンドオブタイム Universe Run Part 9 Steady and RNG Whimsical Treasure Hunting Done & Path Through the Mines
CiVicGamerWill probably make one more video on the Hauler when I get the RIng Key Item. Anyway, since Whimsical is the only way it seems to the last Fairy Trease you will have to hope it goes in the right direction as you can't control where it's going even if it has great acceleration and declaration so it's alright to keep its speed at the highest and only lower it when it has made it's long jump (Longer than any Hauler I believe). -
ZDC SOTtEoT スターオーシャン3ティルジエンドオブタイム Universe Run Part 10 Easy But Annoying RNG Method to get Paralyze & Freeze All Victory Battle Trophies, Final Fayt Magic Learned + Bonus Bar Prep
CiVicGamerThe Earliest the better as you need fewer party members to do this trick and need only one character in battle as having 2 ko characters won't get you these 2 BTs. Also, a Max Level Blade Reactor/Blade of Fury Should work on the Paralyze one as the higher that Battle Skills' level the faster its execution happens. -
ZDC Updated SOTtEoT スターオーシャン3ティルジエンドオブタイム Universe Run Part 11 Pomello Bought, 2 Missable Terms and Proceeding with the Story
CiVicGamerBuying Pomello later in the game when you have enough money and will be grinding is a good way to store extra Money which I wish I had done before finishing my 1st Galaxy Run. PS2,PSTwo,PS,Two,Playstation,Play,Station,Direct,Recording,Star,Ocean,Three,Till,Until,The,End,Of,Time,Video,Game,ZD,Record,Recording,SO,Three,TtEoT,Square,Enix,Tri,Ace,Tri-Ace,TM,2003,2004,Thousand,Three,Inc,Inc.,CO,CO.,LTD,ST,スターオーシャン,ティルジエンドオブタイム,スターオーシャン3ティルジエンドオブタイム,720p,Seven,Twenty,Two,Sony,Upscale7 views