Gregg Pimental Raising Awareness for Military with PTS
Mama Bear TalkGregg is former Military and ex Cop now Bounty Hunter who is raising awareness for our military veterans with PTS (use to have D). Come find out why they took the D off of PTSD and find out what you can do to help veterans in your area. Gregg Pimental - 559-821-3924 GPERCOVERY@yahoo.com Text or Call 988 good places to volunteer- V.A. Wounded Warrior Foundation, Towers 2 Tunnel Feel Led to donate? It costs a lot to save the world. Hosting servers, traveling, time away from jobs, and most importantly lawsuits against those hurting our children. If God calls you to donate you we thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity! https://iowamamabears.com/donate For our Blueprint on how you too can be a Mama Bear and fight against medical tyranny check out our website at... https://iowamamabears.com Check out some of our amazing sponsors and use promo codes for great discounts! Dr Ardis Amazing Natural Remedies https://thedrardisshow.com/shop-all/ Promo Code: MAMABEARS10 Priscilla CEO of Graith Care Health Care Advocate http://www.graithcare.com Amy Elohim- Herbal Remedies http://www.restored-identity.com Promo Code - MAMABEARS Inesa Ponomarivaite https://www.nesashemp.com For tickets to the next Clay Clark event and use Promo Code MamaBears for a discount. https://www.thrivetimeshow.com/reawaken-america-tour/ Promo Code: MAMABEARS My Pillow https://www.mypillow.com/ Promo Code: mamabears Todd Make Honey Great Again https://www.makehoneygreatagain.com/ promocode: MAMABEARS Do you need prayer? Pastor Marty Grisham http://www.loudmouthprayer.com351 views