TheWarAgainstYouDOCUMENTARY: THE BRITISH EMPIRE IN COLOUR 1 OF 3 - Yeah, No. When an Occupying Force is Attacked by the People, they are Not Terrorists. THEY ARE FREEDOM FIGHTERS. That is True in India, Palestine or a ZOG Occupation in America... - A 2002 Documentary Series - Sadly this story begins after WW1. Completely skipping over some of the Greatest Atrocities Ever Committed. Committed by the British. Such as Highjacking the French Revolution. Funding Napoleon to Destroy and Subjugate Europe, especially Germany and Russia. The Opium/Slave Trade. The Boar War South Africa Slaughter with Concentration Camps filled with Women and Children that they Raped, Starved and Did Joseph Mengele Style Medical and Vaccine Experiments. Stealing the vast wealth of Africa through Diamond and Gold Mines. Skipping over the Fact that WW1 and the Bolshevik Revolution was all part of Britain's Plans for World Domination. - Keep in mind this is a Mainstream Narrative of History. Though it attempts to examine both sides, without a true understanding of the British Empires Deepest, Darkest Secrets, you will not have the Context to Read Between the Lines. - Use this as the foundation upon which you can dig deeper into what was the true driving force behind world events. And how the British Empire Transformed from Colonial Military Occupation to one of Banking, Corporate, Economic and Legal Enslavement. - The British Help Establish Jewish Communists in the Bolshevik Revolution and Mao in China. Then Britain Persecutes Rising Communist Nations in the 3rd World. See How This Works? - Establish the Drug Trade. Then Persecute Drug Users. Everything that happens is Not by Chance, but a well crafted plot that Leeds ever on towards Global Domination. * The British Empire in Colour is a major three part series that examines the history and experience of the British Empire, form the perspectives of both the rulers and the ruled. Using original colour archive film - much of which had never previously been seen - together with personal letters and diary extracts helping to capture the many complexities and contradictions of life in the British Empire. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/skruput/5.14K views 3 comments