The Olive Branch Petition
AmericasGodlyHeritageEven though the Revolutionary War had already begun, the Second Continental Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George III in a last ditch effort to negotiate a peaceful solution to the hostilities. See what happened next! No tea and crumpets were served during the making of this video.3 views -
The Declaration of Independence Part 1 - From An Abusive King To A Just One
AmericasGodlyHeritageThe Founding Fathers listed twenty-seven grievances against King George III. Then they rejected the abusive British government and looked to God as the ultimate example of just government. Note how the three branches of government keep turning up! They also held that certain truths were self-evident, including the concept that all people were created equal.9 views -
The Declaration of Independence Part 2 - Our Rights Come From God
AmericasGodlyHeritageThe Founding Fathers embedded in the Declaration of Independence that God have us the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness and that government is only through the consent of the governed. They also looked to God to protect these rights. Then they pledged to each other their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Many of the signers did indeed pay for their "treason" with their lives and fortunes, but they kept their honor.14 views