the Aesir aryan nobles from Assyria, 🇳🇴 🇸🇾 part 1 🚣🏽♀️🛸
Free Humanitythe Aesir aryan nobles from Assyria, part 1 🚣🏽♀️🛸, history , mystery , Edda, germanic, nordic, mythology , truth , myth , legend , Aesir, Assyria, Semites builders of the world, Akkadia, Anatolia semetic, cultural heritage, link , genetic, evidence, Aryan , Nobles, from the middle east, arabic, semetic, sumeria, egypt, Syria, Iraq, Germany , north Europe, linguistics, culture, religion, omar samson , free humanity, not Gods but man , Odin, Thor, Loki, Freyer, Freya , ragnarok, giants, nephillim, man of old, man of renown, old world , pre flood , post flood , atlantis , tartaria, inner earth, asgard, niphelheim, muspelheim, more realms, multiverse, etc etc, dan , tribe of dan, dananites, semetic229 views -
Introduction: Prose Edda Part 1, Audiobook (personally voiced)
Free HumanityIntroduction: Prose Edda Part 1, Audiobook (personally voiced) Genesis 6:4 : The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the Elohim came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. Ragnarok, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Poetic Edda, History, Art156 views -
Introduction: Prose Edda Part 2, Audiobook (personally voiced)
Free HumanityIntroduction: Prose Edda Part 2, Audiobook (personally voiced) Story of Snorre, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Poetic Edda, History, Art97 views -
Prose Edda part 3: a story not of God's but Man
Free HumanitySnorri Edda part 3: a story not of God's but Man92 views -
The Prose Edda: Chapter 1-6 (English)
Free HumanityThe Snorri Edda: Chapter 1-6, Snorri Sturluson, (by Omar Samson), Free Humanity, Germanic wisdom of the ages, giants, man of renown, Poetry, Art, History, Norse, Germanic, heritage, nostalgia145 views 1 comment