Calculus (Calc 1 & 2, AP, VCE, JEE, NEET, IB)
159 videos
Updated 25 days ago
This calculus playlist covers topics from Calc 1 & 2 that may be useful for the AP, VCE, JEE, NEET, IB exams, including Limits and Continuity, Differentiation (Definition, Properties, Composite, Implicit and Inverse Functions, Contextual/Analytical Applications,), Integration and Accumulation of Change, Differential Equations, Applications of Integration, Parametric Equations, Polar Coordinates and Vector-Valued Functions, and Infinite Sequences and Series.
Intro to Calculus, Change at an Instant, Limits - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis video provides an introduction to Calculus while briefly explaining how a limit can define the instantaneous rate of change from the average rate of change. This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.37 views 2 comments -
Definition of a Limit, Limit Notation - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis AP Calculus AB/BC video provides a loose definition for a limit. The epsilon-delta definition or the precise definition of a limit will be covered in future videos. This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus AB/BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.12 views -
Estimating Limits From Graphs - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis AP Calculus AB/BC video illustrates how limits can be estimated from graphs, and several examples of cases where the limit does not exist. This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus AB/BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.5 views -
Estimating Limits from Tables - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis AP Calculus AB/BC video illustrates how limits can be estimated numerically from tables. This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus AB/BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.4 views -
Determine Limits using their Algebraic Properties - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis AP Calculus AB/BC video illustrates how limits can be determined using their algebraic properties. Several theorems are introduced to simplify and evaluate limits of sums, differences, products, quotients and composite functions. This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus AB/BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.4 views -
Determine Limits using Algebraic Manipulation - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis AP Calculus AB/BC video illustrates several algebraic techniques to rearrange expressions into their equivalent forms to simplify the evaluation of their limits: factorisation, conjugates, reciprocals and composite functions. This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus AB/BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.6 views -
Selecting Procedures to Evaluate Limits, Tables, Graphs, Algebra - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis AP Calculus AB/BC video provides practice problems for selecting an appropriate procedure to evaluate limits. This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus AB/BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.4 views -
Determine Limits using the Squeeze Theorem - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis AP Calculus AB/BC video explains the squeeze theorem for evaluating limits. This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus AB/BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.3 views -
Connecting Multiple Representations of Limits - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis AP Calculus AB/BC video provides a practice problem for connecting multiple representations of limits. This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus AB/BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.6 views -
Types of Discontinuities, Removable, Jump, Essential - AP Calculus AB/BC
DrOfEngThis AP Calculus AB/BC video explains the different types of discontinuities in a funtion at a given x value: removable, removable (point), jump and essential (asymptote). This video is part of Unit 1 of AP Calculus AB/BC on Limits and Continuity. You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at drofeng@gmail.com for questions.4 views