Nordstream Bomb was not 0.000125 kt TNT equivalent but 2.5kt TNT equivalent. It was a "mini2-nuke.
NNorthernLightConventionPresentation by independent Professor in Physics, PhD in Theoretical Physics and Material Sciences Benjamin Brown TRAILER TO THE PRESENTATION: https://rumble.com/v2w8to0-trailer-to-nordstream-bomb-was-not-125kg-but-2.500.000kg.-it-was-a-mini-nuk.html Hans-Benjamin Braun orcid-ID : 0000-0003-3486-4125 DOB ; CITIZENSHIP 16/5/62 ; Swiss LANGUAGES German (native), English (excellent), French (fluent) EDUCATION 1991 Ph.D., (Dr. sc. nat. ETH), Theoretical Physics, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland ¨ 1986 Diploma (M. Sc.), Physics & Mathematics, Earth Sciences University of Basel, Switzerland 1981 Matura Type B (Classics with Latin), Gymnasium Oberwil, Baselland, Switzerland PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 4/2022 - 12/2022 Research Associate at University of Bern (BNF supported), Switzerland 9/2021 - 3/2022 Visiting Scientist, ETH Zurich, Switzerland ¨ 3/2020 - 8/2021 Research Associate at University of Bern, Switzerland 8/2018 - 2/2020 Guest Professor & Visiting Scientist at ETH Zurich, Switzerland ¨ 6/2016 - 3/2019 Professor in Theoretical Physics, UCD 6/2016 - 8/2018 Director of Research, School of Physics, UCD 1/2014 - 12/2014 IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer 9/2007 - 5/2016 Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics, UCD 9/2006 - 9/2008 Director, Theoretical Physics Programme, UCD 9/2004 - 9/2007 Lecturer in Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics, University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland 4/2003 - 9/2004 Visiting Lecturer, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland ¨ 9/2002 - 3/2003 Visiting Scientist, Institut Laue-Langevin Grenoble, France & TUM Munich, Germany 5/2001 - 6/2001 Visiting Scientist, Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences, NYU, New York 9/1996 - 12/1996 Visiting scientist and invited participant in the workshop on “Quantum Computing and Quantum Coherence”, ITP, UC Santa Barbara 7/1996 - 8/2002 Senior Research Scientist, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland 3/1994 - 6/1996 NSERC-International Fellow (National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada), Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. 3/1993 - 12/1993 Research Scientist at the Center for Magnetic Recording Research (UCSD), UC San Diego 1/1992 - 2/1994 Research Scientist at the Department of Physics, UC San Diego (UCSD) 7/1987 - 12/1991 Research Assistant in Theoretical Physics at ETH-Zurich (Switzerland) ¨ SERVICE • Review Editor, Frontiers in Physics, (since August 2021) • Member Editorial Board, Nature Scientific Reports, (since January 2015) • Member Governing Board, School of Theoretical Physics Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies (DIAS), 2015-2020 • Member International Expert Panel, Evaluation SPP 2137 on Skyrmionics, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bad Honnef, Germany, January 17 - January 19, 2018 • Panel Member, Swedish Research Council, 2016 • ERC Advanced and Consolidator Grant Reviewer • Member, Physics Panel, Research Frontiers Programme, Science Foundation Ireland, 2006 • Member Internal Review Committee for SFI Grant Proposals, UCD Dublin 2010, 2012 • Member, Fulbright Fellowship Selection Committee, Ireland, 2006 • Co-Editor Conference Proceedings Joint European Magnetic Symposia, JEMS 2008, (with R.W. Chantrell and R. Sessoli) ; J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 322, (2010) • Conference and Workshop Organization ◦ Member Program Committee and Local Committee, 2017 Intermag Conference Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 24-28 April, 2017 ◦ Member Program Committee, 9th International Conference on Small Particle Magnetism, NIST Gaithersburg, 13-17 June, 2016 ◦ Member Program Committee, 13th Joint International MMM-Intermag Conference, San Diego, California, 11-15 January, 2016 ◦ Member Organizing Committee, Joint European Magnetic Symposia (Largest European Conference in Magnetism) JEMS 2008, Dublin 2008 ◦ Member Organizing Committee, 14th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, ICSFS-14, Dublin 2008 ◦ Co-Organizer of PSI Summer School on Neutron Scattering ; 1998, 1999 • External examiner on Professorships, Habilitations and PhD-theses ◦ External Referee, promotion to Professor & Assoc. Professor, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 2016 ◦ International Expert, Habilitation Dr. J.-V. Kim, Universite de Paris Sud, Orsay, June 2018 ◦ Referee, Habilitiation Dr. A. Vindigni, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, November 30, 2017 ◦ External Examiner, PhD Theses at : Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 2017 ; Goteborg University, Sweden, 2014 ; ¨ ETH Zurich, Switzerland 2010 ; Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne, Switzerland 2001 ◦ External examiner of Physics degree programme : Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 2000, 2001 STUDENTS & POSTDOCS PhD : current : P. Theiler (ETH/IBM ; co-supervision) former : N. Grisewood (PhD 2016), L. English (PhD 2016), J. Eves (PhD 2012), E. Mengotti (PhD 2011 ; now ABB), J. F. Loffler (PhD 1999 ; now ETH) ; ¨ MSc : B. O’Conchuir (now IBM) [JFL, EM received PhD Medals for PhD-Theses at ETH, PSI, resp.] PostDocs : R.V. Hugli, G. Duff, N. Grisewood, A. Bill ¨ REFEREEING • European Science Foundation (ERC Advanced & Consol.) • Nature • US National Science Foundation • Nature Physics • EPSRC(UK) • Nature Nanotechnology • Swedish Research Council • Nature Materials • NSERC of Canada • Nature Communications • Science Foundation of Ireland • Nature Scientific Reports • Swiss National Science Foundation • Phys. Rev. Lett. • CNRS France • Phys. Rev. B • FONDECYT (Chilean Nat. Science and Tech. Comm.) • J. Appl.Phys. • Oxford University Press • J. Magn. Mag. Mat. • Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) • J. Phys. • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) • Nano Letters AWARDS & FELLOWSHIPS • Proc. Natl. Ac. Sc. (PNAS) IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer Award, 2014 Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation for Advanced Researchers, 1995-96 International Fellowship of the National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, 1994-96 Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation for Advanced Researchers, 1993 Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation for Young Researchers, 1992 GRANTS (MAINLY SOLE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR) EQUIPMENT GRANT 1. Higher Education Authority of Ireland Equipment Fund for Quantum Design MPMS SQUID System Value : € 650,000 in (2007) ; Role : Principal Investigator (100%) PAST GRANTS 1. SFI Principal Investigator Award (11/PI/1048) Value : € 956,138 over 6 years (2012-2018) ; Role : Principal Investigator (100%) “Physics behind next generation magnetic storage technologies” 2. IRCSET Postgraduate Research Fellowship (L. English) Value : € 72,009 over 3 years (2014-2016) ; Role : Principal Investigator (100%) “Exchange bias and chirality in thin films and nanostructures” 3. SFI Research Frontier Programme (08/RFP/PHY1532) Value : € 190,127 over 3+1 years (2008-2012) ; Role : Principal Investigator (100%) “Magnetic ordering and frustration phenomena in 2D nanodot arrays - how small can MRAMs be ?” 4. SFI Principal Investigator Award (05/IN1/I853) Value : € 487’482 over 4+1 years (2006-2011) ; Role : Principal Investigator (100%) “Thermal and quantum effects in heterogeneous nanoscale spintronic systems” 5. IRCSET Postgraduate Research Fellowship (N. Grisewood) Value : € 72,009 over 3 years (2008-2011) ; Role : Principal Investigator (100%) “Chirality in ferromagnetic nanostructures” 6. IRCSET Postgraduate Research Fellowship (J.Eves) Value : € 72,009 over 3 years (2007-2010) Role : Principal Investigator (100%) “Spin currents in nanoscale ferromagnets” 7. SFI Research Frontier Programme Value : € 160,000 over 3 years (2005-2008) Role : Principal Investigator (100%) “Spin currents in strongly correlated electron systems” 8. Various Seed Funding Grants (< € 10,000 each) Value : € 27,000 (2005-2006) Role : Principal Investigator (100%) COMPETITIVELY AWARDED NEUTRON BEAMTIME Over the past 10 years, I secured as a main proposer more than 180 days of neutron beamtime (mostly triple-axis spectrometer) at ILL Grenoble and SINQ Switzerland, effectively valued at 10 k per day. PATENTS L.J. Heyderman, T. Jung, E. Mengotti, A. Bisig, A. Fraile Rodriguez, F. Nolting, T. Schrefl, H.B. Braun, Method and system for coding and readout of information in a microscopic cluster comprising coupled functional islands; US. Patent No. : US 8,085,578 B2 (patent granted Dec 27, 2011) L.J. Heyderman, E. Mengotti, D. Zanin, R. Chopdekar, G. Duff, R. Hugli, H.B. Braun, ¨ Method of studying chirality controlled artificial kagome spin ice building blocks; US Patent No. 8,450,047 B2 (patent granted May 28, 2013) SELECTED TALKS • “Topology in Magnetism — skyrmions, hedgehogs and emergent electromagnetism” (Invited Seminar) University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Jan 17, 2020 • “Dynamical skyrmions, and emergent electromagnetism” (Invited Seminar) University of York, United Kingdom, Jan 15, 2020 • “Topology in Magnetism — skyrmions, hedgehogs and emergent electromagnetism in nanostructures” (Colloquium), Universitat Greifswald, Germany, Dec 12, 2019 ¨ • “Skyrmions, hedgehogs and emergent electromagnetism in magnets” (Plenary) International Workshop on Topology in Magnetism : Theory meets Experiments La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oct 22-24, 2019 • Static and dynamical skyrmions (Invited) International Workshop on Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials, TOPO 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, June 17-21, 2019 • ”Static and dynamical skyrmions and emergent electromagnetism of monopoles” (Semi-plenary talk) The Korean Magnetics Society Summer Conference, June 23, 2019 • ”Topology and magnetism” (Extended Lecture) The Korean Magnetics Society Summer Conference, June 22, 2019 • ”Topological textures in magnetism” (Invited talk) Julich-Z ¨ urich workshop, Engelberg, Switzerland, Sept 2018 ¨ • ”Dynamics of topological spin textures” (Invited talk) SIAM Conference of Mathematics in Materials, Portland, Oregon, July 2018 • Invited Lecture Series of 4 lectures at IEEE International Summer School in Magnetism, Quito (Ecuador), June 2018 • Invited presentation at “Tag der Physik” (Open Day), TU Munich, Germany, July 5, 2017 • ”Stability of static and dynamic skyrmions” (Invited seminar) Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, June 1, 2017 • ”Topological classification of magnetization configurations” (Invited double lecture) 48th IFF Spring School : “Topological Matter - Topological insulators, Skyrmions and Majoranas Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany, March 28, 2017 ¨ • ”Topological magnets : from dynamical skyrmions to quantum vortices” (Invited seminar) Seminar, Dept of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, March 17, 2017 • ”Dynamic and static stabilisation of skyrmions and the emergence of chirality in magnets” (Invited) TRR80 Colloquium, TU Munich, Garching, Germany, February 9, 2017 • ”Topology in magnetism” (Keynote lecture) Latin American Workshop on Magnetism (XI LAW3M), Playa del Carmen, Mexico, November 14, 2016 • ”Topology, thermal fluctuations & quantum effects in nanomagnetism” (Invited) Western Digital Co. (WD), San Jose (US), November 10, 2016 • ”Quantum spintronics in quantum spin chains” (Invited) Spin transport through quantum materials, Mainz, 21 - 23 September, 2016 • ”Topological Effects in Nanomagnetism” (Invited Lecture Series - 6 lectures) ; [2nd lecture series by F. Otto (MPI Leipzig)] Topological Patterns and Dynamics in Magnetic Elements and in Condensed Matter International Workshop & Seminar, MPI Dresden, Dresden, 27 June - 2 July, 2016 • ”Stability of magnetic skyrmions” (Invited) Topological Patterns and Dynamics in Magnetic Elements and in Condensed Matter, International Workshop & Seminar, MPI Dresden, Dresden, 3- 8 July, 2016 • ”Stability of magnetic skyrmions” SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Material Science, Philadelphia, 8-12 May, 2016 • ”Nanomagnetism and Topology - from magnetic data storage to skyrmions” (Invited) Physics Colloquium, Peter Grunberg Institute, FZ J ¨ ulich, 30 October, 2015 ¨ • ”Nanomagnetism and Topology - from magnetic data storage to skyrmions” (Invited) Physics Colloquium, University of Duisburg-Essen, 18 June, 2015 • ”Nanomagnetism and Topology” (Plenary) Workshop on Nanomagnetism, Reykjavik, Iceland, 5 April 2015 • other invited IEEE Distinguished Lecturer presentations in 2014 in : UC Berkeley, MIT, ETH Zurich, Boston Univ, Univ. Tokyo, Osaka Univ, Univ Paris Orsay, Univ Nancy, CEA Grenoble, French-Irish Workshop UCD Dublin, Aalto Univ. Helsinki, Shinshu Univ. Nagano, Nagoya Univ., Tongji Univ. Shanghai, Univ of Hongkong, Seagate Minneapolis, Univ of Minnesota Minneapolis, Western Digital San Jose, HGST San Jose, UC San Diego, UC Santa Cruz, NIST Gaithersburg, NIST Boulder, Northeastern Univ Boston, Univ. Colorado Boulder, CSU Fort Collins, Oregon State Univ, Univ of Washington Seattle, SFU Vancouver, Univ Colorado, Colorado Springs, Univ of Zaragoza, Trinity Coll Dublin, IOP Ireland Spring Meeting, Univ of Barcelona, Univ of Alabama, • ”Nanomagnetism and Topology” (Keynote, 2nd keynote by A. Fert) Annual Spanish IEEE Meeting, IMDEA, Autonoma University of Madrid, 20 November 2014 • ”Topology and Quantum Magnetism” (Invited) Workshop on Low Dimensional Quantum Systems Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), 10 November 2014 • ”Topological Effects in Nanomagnetism : from superparamagnetism to chiral quantum solitons” (Invited Colloquium) Special Condensed Matter Colloquium, Argonne National Laboratories, USA, 2 October 2014 • ”Topological Effects in Nanomagnetism : from superparamagnetism to chiral quantum solitons”, (Invited Lecture/ Opening lecture) IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School , Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8 August 2014 • ”Topological Effects in Nanomagnetism” (Keynote lecture) Meeting IEEE Magnetics Society Taiwan, National Tsing Hua University, 23 June 2014 • ”Topological Effects in Nanomagnetism” (Keynote lecture) Meeting 50 year IEEE Magnetics Society Japan, Tohoku University, Sendai Japan, 13 June 2014 • ”Topological Effects in Nanomagnetism” (Keynote lecture) Workshop on Vortices and Skyrmions, Gothenburg, Sweden, 6 June 2014 • ”Nanomagnetism and Topology” (Invited Colloquium) Physics Colloquium, Leeds University, UK, 28 May 2014 • ”Magnetization dynamics in nanoscale magnets : from superparamagnetism to chiral quantum solitons” (Invited Talk), MIT-NEU-Harvard workshop on nanomagnetism, Boston, USA, 4 April 2014 • ”Topological Effects in Nanomagnetism”, (Invited Talk), Invited Symposium on ”Unconventional Spin Structures”, Spring Meeting DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft), Dresden, Germany, 30 March - 4 April 2014 • ”Magnetization dynamics in nanowires and dipolar arrays of nanoislands ”, (Invited Talk), 8th International Conference of Fine Particle Magnetism (ICFPM) Perpignan, France, 24-27 June 2013 • ”Topological excitations in nanoscale magnetism”, (Invited Lecture), Archimedes Center for Modeling, Analysis and Computation (ACMAC) Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 8-13 April 2013 • ”Dipolar interaction in spin systems : emergent monopoles, avalanches and quantum phase transitions”, (Invited Colloquium), Colloquium on Solid State Physics, Technical University Munich Garching, Germany, November 2012 • ”Berry’s phase and magnetism”, (Invited Tutorial Lecture Series), Invited seminar, Technical University Munich, Garching, Germany, November 2012 • ”Nanomagnetism and Topology”, (Invited Lecture), TRR80 Summer School on ‘Functionality of Correlated Materials’ , Chiemsee, Germany, September 2012 • ”Disorder and avalanches in artificial spin ice”, (Invited Talk), International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, November, 2011. • ”Emergence of Magnetic Monopoles in artificial kagome spin ice”, (Invited Talk), International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November, 2010. • ”Nanomagnetism — Dynamics, Damping, Decoherence, Disorder”, (Invited Plenary Talk), International Workshop on Spin Dynamics,Duisburg, Germany, October, 2010. • ”Nanomagnetism — Nucleation, Solitons and Chirality”, (Invited Plenary Talk), International Workshop on Single Cluster Physics and Damping Effects in Nanomagnetism, Perpignan, France, December, 2009. • ”More than antiparallel — quantum effects in magnetism”, (Invited Talk), Symposium in honour of Walter Baltensperger, ETHZ, Grafenort, Switzerland, June, 2007. TEACHING EXPERIENCE • Spin textures in magnetism Lecture Series (4 lectures), IEEE Summer School, Quito, Ecuador, June 2018 • Topology and Magnetism, Lecture Series (6 lectures), IFF Julich Spring School, Topological Matter - ¨ Topological Insulators, Skyrmions and Majoranas, Spring 2017 • Topology and Magnetism Lecture Series (2 lectures), Max Planck Institute for Complex Systems, Dresden, June 2016 • Field Theoretic Methods in Condensed Matter (5 credits) University College Dublin, Spring 2007, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017 • Classical Mechanics and Relativity (5 credits) University College Dublin, Autumn 2009, Autumn 2010, Autumn 2011, Autumn 2012 • Frontiers in Physics (1st year physics course ; 5 credits) University College Dublin, Spring 2011 • Projects in Theoretical Physics (4th year project coordinator ; 10 credits) University College Dublin, Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017 • Advanced Quantum Mechanics, University College Dublin, (5 credits) Spring 2005, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017 • Physics for Engineering (Statistical Physics ; 5 credits)) University College Dublin, Autumn 2007 • Solid State Physics and Lasers (5 credits) University College Dublin, Autumn 2006 • Condensed Matter Theory (5 credits) University College Dublin, Spring 2006 • Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing (5 credits) University College Dublin, Autumn 2005 • Physics 1B (premed) course, University of California at San Diego, 1993 • Teaching Assistant at ETH Zurich in Theoretical Physics (1988-91) : Solid State Theory (1 year course), ¨ Quantum Mechanics (1 year course), Statistical Mechanics (1 semester), Analytical Mechanics (1 semester). • Additional teaching related tasks : 9/2006 - 9/2008 Director, Theoretical Physics Programme. University College Dublin (UCD) 9/2010 - 9/2011 First Year Physics Coordinator, University College Dublin (UCD) 9/2008 - 12/2016 Fourth Year Theoretical Physics Project Coordinator (UCD) PUBLICATIONS preprints : ∗H.B. Braun, B. Roessli, M. Bohm, P. Steffens, R.V. H ¨ ugli, and K.W. Kr ¨ amer, ¨ Quantum phase transitions in a vdW magnet R.V. Hugli, G. Duff and H.B. Braun, Monopole motion in disordered artificial spin ice, preprint, May 2022. published : D. Wang, H.B. Braun, and Y. Zhou, Dynamical mass generation for ferromagnetic skyrmions in two dimensions, Journal Mag. Magn. Mat. (2022). C. Wessler, B. Roessli, K.W. Kramer, U. Stuhr, A. Wildes, ¨ H.B. Braun, and M. Kenzelmann Dipolar spin waves and tunable band gap at the Dirac points in the 2D magnet ErBr3, Comm. Phys. 5 Art No : 185 (2022). C. Wessler, B. Roessli, K.W. Kramer, L. Keller, B. Delley, D. Cheptiakov, ¨ H.B. Braun, and M. Kenzelmann Observation of plaquette fluctuations in the spin-1/2 honeycomb lattice, npj Quantum Materials 5 :85 (2020). (IF 8). H.B. Braun, M. Charilaou, and J.F. Loffler, ¨ Skyrmion lines, monopoles and emergent electromagnetism in nanowires, in “Magnetic Nano and Microwires” ed. M. Vazquez (Elsevier), (2020). • featured as cover illustration of the Book −→ Yu Li, L. Pierobon, M. Charilaou, H.B. Braun, N. R. Walet, J. F. Loffler, J. J. Miles, C. ¨ Moutafis, Tuneable terahertz oscillation arising from Bloch-point dynamics in chiral magnets, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033006 (2020). X. Xing, Y. Zhou, and H.B. Braun, Skyrmion Tubes as Magnonic Waveguides, (arXiv :1901.00253), Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 034051 (2020). ∗M. Charilaou, H.B. Braun, and J. F. Loffler, ¨ Monopole-induced emergent electric fields in ferromagnetic nanowires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 097202 (2018). (IF 9) H.B. Braun, Introductory Chapter, in ”Topology in Magnetism”, eds : J. Zang, V. Cros and A. Hoffmann, ISBN 978-3-319-97334-0, Springer, 40 pages, Oct. 2018. H.B. Braun, Topology of static and dynamical spin textures : skyrmions, vortices and hedgehogs, 25 pages, in “Topological Matter — Topological Insulators, Skyrmions, and Majoranas”, Forschungszentrum Julich GmBH (ISBN 978-3-95806-202-3), 2017. ¨ Y. Liu, N. Lei, W. Zhao, W. Liu, A. Ruotolo, H.B. Braun, and Y. Zhou, Chopping skyrmions from magnetic chiral domains with uniaxial stress in magnetic nanowire, Appl. Phys. Lett 111, 022406 (2017). Y. Zhou, E. Iacocca, A. Awad, R. K. Dumas, F. C. Zhang, H.B. Braun, and J. Åkerman, Dynamically stabilized magnetic skyrmions, Nature Communications (2015) [doi : 10.1038/NCOMMS9193] ; [ISI Highly Cited Publication]. (IF 12) F. Ma, Y. Zhou, H.B. Braun, W.S. Lew, A skyrmion based dynamic magnonic crystal, Nano Lett. 15 4029-4036 (2015). (IF 12) H.B. Braun Magnetic Monopoles — Quenching the Fire in Spin Ice, News and Views, Nature Physics 10, 88 (2014). H.B. Braun, R.V. Hugli, L.J. Heyderman, “Nordpol ohne Sudpol”, Spektrum der Wissenschaft (German Version of ‘Scientific American’), p. 48-57, February 2014. also reprinted in ”Spektrum Spezial — Exotische Materialien”, January-March 2014. R.V. Chopdekar, G. Duff, R.V. Hugli, E. Mengotti, D.A. Zanin, L.J. Heyderman, and H.B. Braun, “Controlling vortex chirality in patterned hexagonal magnetic nanostructures”, New Journal of Physics 15, 125033 (2013). H.B. Braun, R.V. Hugli, L.J. Heyderman, ‘Des aimants qui perdent le nord”, Pour La Science (French Version of ‘Scientific American’), Dossier ‘Les paradoxes de la matiere’, p. 34- 41, April-June 2013. ` (special issue including contributions by A. Geim, J. Pendry (Imperial Coll.) & H. Atwater (Caltech)) ∗H.B. Braun, “Topological effects in nanomagnetism : from superparamagnetism to chiral quantum solitons”, Advances in Physics 61, 1-116, (2012) [downloaded ∼ 5000 times] ; [ISI Highly Cited Publication]. (IF 31) R.V. Hugli, G. Duff, B. O’Conchuir, E. Mengotti, A. Fraile Rodr´ıguez, F. Nolting, L.J. Heyderman, and H.B. Braun, “Artificial kagome spin ice, dimensional reduction, avalanche control and emergent magnetic monopoles”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 370, 5768-5783 (2012). G. Fiedler, J. Fidler, J. Lee, T. Schrefl, R. L. Stamps, H.B. Braun, D. Suess, “Direct calculation of the attempt frequency of magnetic structures using the finite element method”, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 093917 (2012). N. Grisewood, J.L. Eves, T. Usher, and H.B. Braun, “Chiral magnetization configurations in magnetic nanostructures in the presence of Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interactions”, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07C706 (2012). R.V. Hugli, G. Duff, B. O’Conchuir, E. Mengotti, L.J. Heyderman, A. Fraile Rodr´ıguez, F. Nolting, and H.B. Braun, “Emergent magnetic monopoles, disorder and avalanches in artificial kagome spin ice (invited)”, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07E103 (2012). L.J. Heyderman, F. Nolting, H.B. Braun, “Nanomagnete erzeugen magnetische Monopole”, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, March (2011). (German Version of ‘Scientific American’) ∗E. Mengotti, L.J. Heyderman, A. Fraile Rodriguez, F. Nolting, R.V. Hugli, H.B. Braun, “Real-space observation of emergent magnetic monopoles and associated Dirac strings in artificial kagome spin ice”, Nature Physics 7, 68-74 (2011) [ISI Highly Cited Publication]. (IF 23) • featured as cover illustration of the January 2011 issue of Nature Physics −→ J.L. Eves, N. Grisewood, R.V. Hugli, H.B. Braun, “Breather states in magnetic domain wall racetrack memory samples”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater 322, 1381 (2010). E. Mengotti, L.J. Heyderman, A. Fraile Rodriguez, A. Bisig, L. Le Guyader, F. Nolting, H.B. Braun, “Dipolar energy states in clusters of perpendicular magnetic nanoislands”, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 113113 (2009). E. Mengotti, L.J. Heyderman, A. Fraile Rodriguez, A. Bisig, L. Le Guyader, F. Nolting, H.B. Braun, “Building blocks of an artificial Kagome spin ice : Photoemission electron microscopy of arrays of ferromagnetic islands”, Phys. Rev. B 78, 144402 (2008). • (highlighted in Nature Physics, 4, 832 (Nov 2008) as News and Views article : “Artificial spin ice : Increasingly frustrated” C.D. Pemmaraju, R. Hanafin, T. Archer, H.B. Braun, S. Sanvito, “Impurity-Ion pair induced high-Tc ferromagnetism in ZnO :Co”, Phys. Rev. B 78, 054428 (2008). • (selected as Editor’s digest) H.B. Braun, J. Kulda, B. Roessli, D. Visser, K. Kramer, H.U. Gudel, and P. Boni, “Chiral Quantum Excitations in the anisotropic antiferromagnet CsCoBr3”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 310, 1194 (2007). J.F. Loffler and H.B. Braun, “Magnetization response in bulk nanostructured magnets”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 449-451, 407 (2007). B. Binz, H.B. Braun, T.M. Rice, and M. Sigrist, “Magnetic Domain Formation in Itinerant Metamagnets”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 196406 (2006). (IF 9) H.B. Braun, “Scaling Behavior of Thermally Activated Magnetization Reversal in Nanomagnets”, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08F908 (2006). V.R. Shah, C. Schanzer, P. Boni, and H.B. Braun, “Interface and Magnetic Characterization of FeCoV/NiO/FeCoV Trilayers”, Physics of Metals and Metallography 101, S73-S77 (2006). V.R. Shah, C. Schanzer, P. Boni, and H.B. Braun, “Interface and Magnetic Characterization of FM/AF/FMTrilayers”, NATO ASI Series II 226, Kluwer, Academic Press 179-194 (2006). ∗H.B. Braun, J. Kulda, B. Roessli, D. Visser, K. Kramer, H.U. Gudel, and P. Boni, “Emergence of Soliton Chirality in a Quantum Antiferromagnet”, Nature Physics 1, 159-163 (2005). (IF 23) • see also accompanying News and Views article by B. Lake, Nature Physics 1, 143-144 (2005). J.F. Loffler, H.B. Braun, W. Wagner, G. Kostorz and A. Wiedenmann, “Magnetization processes in nanostructured metals and small-angle neutron scattering”, Phys. Rev. B 71, 134410 (2005). V.R. Shah, C. Schanzer, P. Boni, and H.B. Braun, “Thickness Dependence of Magnetization Reversal in FM/AF/FM Trilayers”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 286, 484 (2005). C. Schanzer, V.R. Shah, P. Boni, T. Gutberlet, M. Gupta and H.B. Braun “Magnetic Depth Profiling of Trilayers by Polarized Neutron Reflectivity”, Physica B 356, 46-50 (2005). H.B. Braun, J. Kulda, P. Boni, B. Roessli, D. Visser, K. Kramer & H.U. Gudel, “Observing chirality in quantum spin solitons”, Annual report, Scientific Highlights, Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) press, 2004. J. Kulda and H.B. Braun “Spin Chains with a chiral twist”, Highlights of ILL Research : Neutrons and Magnetic Materials Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) press, 2004. A. Bill and H.B. Braun “Magnetic Properties of Exchange Springs”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 272, 1266 (2004). H.B. Braun, “Solitons, Instantons and Mesoscopic Quantum Phenomena in Magnetism”, in Exploring the Quantum/Classical Frontier — Recent Advances in Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena, edited by J.R. Friedman and S. Han, Nova, New York, (2003), pp. 253-298. O. Zaharko, P.M. Oppeneer, H. Grimmer, H.Ch. Mertins, D. Abramsohn, F. Schafer, A. Bill, and H.B. Braun, “Exchange Coupling in Fe/NiO/Co Films Studied by Soft x-Ray Resonant Magnetic Reflectivity”, Phys Rev. B 66, 134406 (2002). J.F. Loffler, H.B. Braun, and W. Wagner, “Magnetic Correlations in Nanostructured Ferromagnets” (reply), Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 149702 (2001). (IF 9) J. F. Loffler, W. Wagner and H. B. Braun, “Magnetism of Nanostructured Ferromagnets — Experiments and Theoretical Model”, Scripta Mater. 44, 1425 (2001). J.F. Loffler, H.B. Braun, and W. Wagner, G. Kostorz and A. Wiedenmann, “Crossover in the Magnetic Properties of Nanostructured Metals”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 304-306, 1050 (2001). ∗ J.F. Loffler, H.B. Braun, and W. Wagner, “Magnetic Correlations in Nanostructured Ferromagnets”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1990 (2000). (IF 9) H.B. 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Trailer to "Nordstream bomb was not 0.000125kt TNT equivalent, but 2.5kt TNT equivalent. It was a "mini"-nuke.
NNorthernLightConventionTrailer to Presentation by independent Professor in Physics, PhD in Theoretical Physics and Material Sciences Benjamin Brown FULL PRESENTATION HERE: https://rumble.com/v2w8r6k-nordstream-bomb-was-not-125kg-but-2.500.000kg.-it-was-a-mini2-nuke..html16.2K views 2 comments