Tarkov Bootcamp: Tips, Strategies, How To and Patch Notes
9 videos
Updated 10 months ago
Welcome to Bootcamp! You have come to the right place for Escape From Tarkov help. Have questions, leave a comment on any video on and I will help you out!
NEW Controversial Tarkov Version in Patch .14.6.0 - Escape From Tarkov
RG_GerkClanBreakdown of Patch .14.6.0 with the new edition of the game and a list of changes Background Music from Pestily and Lowave Records: https://open.spotify.com/album/5sHqeV... #Gaming #EscapeFromTarkov #Tarkov #EFT #Rumblegaming #Rumbletakeover35 views -
NEW PATCH NOTES 0.14.5 - BTR on Woods, New Report Methods, Ground Zero Changes - Escape From Tarkov
RG_GerkClanLatest patch notes have been released! Patch 0.14.5 for Escape From Tarkov brings new additions and tons quality of life improvements. Patch Notes: https://escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/286 #Gaming #EscapeFromTarkov #Tarkov #EFT #Rumble #Rumblegaming #Rumbletakeover39 views -
MICRO-TRANSACTION PATCH??? .14.1.0 PATCH NOTES - Escape from Tarkov
RG_GerkClanNew patch .14.1.0 is here with fixes and a very controversial addition, micro-transactions. Battlestate Games, the creators of Escape From Tarkov, have decided to add Micro-Transactions to the game in the form of access to the Co-op offline mode and additional stash space! Patch Notes: https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/178871-patch-notes-for-01410/ #EscapeFromTarkov #Tarkov #EFT #Gaming #Rumbletakeover72 views 2 comments -
PATCH .14.0.1 - PATCH NOTES - Escape from Tarkov
RG_GerkClanQuick rundown of Escape From Tarkov Patch .14.0.1 and the latest expected fixes. If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like, comment and follow my channel for more Escape From Tarkov gameplay and tips. #Gaming #EscapeFromTarkov #Tarkov #EFT #Rumbletakeover111 views -
Woods: Village Rat Spot - Tarkov Bootcamp Series | Escape From Tarkov
RG_GerkClanThe ultimate rat spot on Woods is located in the village, keep a lookout! #Gaming #EscapeFromTarkov #Videos #Tarkov #TarkovBootcamp #Rumbletakeover #GerkClan #FirstPersonShooters81 views -
Top Tip in Tarkov: Communication is Key - Escape From Tarkov
RG_GerkClanCommunication is important in Escape From Tarkov especially when playing with friends. Enjoy this short clip/highlight of the consequences of poor communication. #Gaming #EscapeFromTarkov #Videos #Tarkov #Rumbletakeover #Rumblegaming #communication65 views -
Tarkov Bootcamp: Tips and Resources for New Players | PMC Spawns | Escape From Tarkov
RG_GerkClanWelcome to the Tarkov Bootcamp Series!!! The purpose of this series is to provide you with the knowledge on starting out how to play Escape From Tarkov. If you would like to see more of these types of videos, please let me know in the comments. #Gaming #EscapeFromTarkov #TarkovBootcamp #Videos51 views -
Tarkov Bootcamp: Tips, Resources and How To for New Players | Grenade Mechanics | Escape From Tarkov
RG_GerkClanWelcome to the Tarkov Bootcamp Series!!! The purpose of this series is to provide you with the knowledge on starting out how to play Escape From Tarkov. If you would like to see more of these types of videos, please let me know in the comments. New Tarkov Bootcamp Videos released every Sunday #Gaming #EscapeFromTarkov #TarkovBootcamp #Videos47 views -
GPU spawn in Village on Woods - Escape From Tarkov
RG_GerkClanGPU spawn in Village on Woods #ESCAPEFROMTARKOV #tipsandtricks #tarkov #eft #gaming #fyp9 views